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Posts posted by Rattlesnake

  1. :lol:


    Keep reaching, guys. eventually, something you post will actually be relevant. What's next? An article about how his socks don't always match?


    Fight the good fight, fellas. :banana:


    It's funny how people have gotten so used to politicians (on both sides) immediately answering questions, with the standard party lines, and they believe that means that the individual is somehow correct or more competent. Because someone pauses to think and process, this means that their answers are less credible. :lol:


    Obama's 100 times more intelligent than all of the dolts on this board combined. :wacko:

  2. Yeah, they have treated Bush with kid gloves the last several years. :pointstosky: Focking unreal.


    The thing that makes this even more incredible is that the extreme left radical liberals folks like you put in office want to take this very freedom and you don't even realize it. Ever heard of the fairness doctrine??? The radical left WILL bring that back. They have been clamoring about it for a while now and yet folks said that was just fine with them by electing even more radical leftists. It is beyond belief.


    It's so funny that some people refer to Obama as an "extreme left radical liberal".

  3. I wish that hadn't happened. I was as thrilled as anyone to see Bush leave today, but I think that total silence would've been much more effective, and appropriate. That being said, this is obviously a very small sample of people who were there, caught up in the moment; it happens. I mean, it's not like they were chanting, "Kill him!!!!" :pointstosky:


    Bush abused the Constitution as much as any POTUS in history, will be remembered as one of the worst, and was arguably the most unpopular of all-time. Granted, they shouldn't have chanted that, but it's not like they were chanting curse words or anything like that. I don't disagree with the sentiment at all............good riddance.


    I have no problem with Cheney getting booed. If that makes me a bad American in some people's minds, that's fine.

  4. You know, every once in a while I'm reminded that I don't really live in the South. "The South" is a whole 'nother animimal. Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Mississippi, - Wow, they - there are stupid, bible thumping people everywhere, but when you sit back and ask yourself how the hell Benny Hinn and his ilk could POSSIBLY raise tens of millions of dollars and gather enormous crowds of bafoons to worship him and donate their welfare checks, you have to look no further than 'The South' to understand.


    The place is about 60 years behind everywhere else, education & reading levels are far below the national norm, - And apparently they've never heard of the First Amendment.


    Yeah, but they really do produce some fast and talented athletes, don't they?

  5. Dude, give it up. I never said if it was hot or not. Just pointing out the fact that eating a female box makes you sick, according to you. I have actually seen some pics of her, and it isn't even close to Bea Arthur. And stop with the pretending for just a moment. In the Geek picture thread, I am not the only one who said they would "Hit it". I realize it is cool to slam on S here and you were just jumping in on the fun. My first post that started this was just a focking jab/joke dude. I know you hate me and that's your right, but fock a duck man, chill out a little bit on this. It was just a joke at first and you kept on digging deeper. Big deal. And just because some tool thinks she is a guy doesn't make it so. I am going on the pretence that it is awoman since she has been posting for so long AND with the fact that she has posted numerous pics over the years that all appear to be the same girl among other reasons. Maybe I am fooled. I don't know. But this thing with making fun of S and calling her an old hag or whatever is the same thing as when folks say something like "Sux's focks cats" or "Gocolts lives in his mom's basement" or "TNG is fat" or........well you get the picture. It's obviously stuff that isn't true. GET IT. Something tells me you don't.


    Here's the rub...........even if she is a woman, ignorant skanks aren't sexy. You lose either way.

  6. Those that got something, anything, need to shut the fuck up. Allow the rest of us to wallow. :lol:


    Granted, our corporation is notoriously cheap and extremely conservative in every way possible, but we at least usually get a pen or something. Nothing this year. Meanwhile, our board is collecting $300 for every little special session they can figure out a way to schedule. I hope they choke on their food tomorrow.

  7. well for me, overall the speech was not very invigorating. it was serene and monotone.

    however, the highlight for me is that he acknowledged that there are problems with schools and that he wanted to give parents the option to be able to send their kids to private or charter schools if the public school in their area was not peforming well.

    imo, that is one of the best ways to end the cycle of poverty, through education.

    i hope if he becomes president he puts that into action somehow.


    i like mccain, he's just not a dynamic speaker, but his heart is good.

    he didn't even attack obama which i thought was cool too.


    So, if I have students that never do their homework and don't take school seriously at all, can I petition to have them either moved out of my classroom........or get them a new set of parents?


    Just following the logic.....

  8. Dam, do I have to do everything....


    Observations from the McCain speech.


    McCain handled the gate crashers smoothly, like a veteran comedian handling a drunk heckler. I was impressed.

    I liked his line about stopping pork barrel spending, and outing the abusers of the process.

    I was extremely pleased with the statement that the USA will stop sending money overseas to countries that hate us.

    His POW story actually gave me feeling an emotion that rarely surfaces. I almost choked up. Fock, I swear I'm not a softie.


    Which leads into the final analysis. I watched the Dem and Repub conventions. I saw a lot of speeches, some bad, some good. But to me, the sincerity factor trumps everything. Watching a candidate, and seeing if they are being honest. Obama = Fail. Biden = Fail. Palin = Fail. McCain = I actually believed he was telling the truth. I honestly think he will cut goverment spending. And that is so important right now. While Obama's economic plan seemed childish in understanding, McCain seems to get it. A vote for Obama is another 4 years of Bush: more spending, bigger government. Fock, I hate Bush for his lies.


    Unbelievably, I am pretty sure I am bailing out on the Libertarians, and try to get to the voting booth to give McCain a vote. I thought I would never do that. I have no idea how anybody can vote for Obama, but I guess this world is a diverse place.


    Two things that tell me all I need to know and remove any credibility that you may have had..........


    1 - a convention speech made up your mind about a candidate. Good God, man, they've only been campaigning for a year and a half. I've always wondered who these people are that can't make up their mind and then do so at the last minute, and how that's humanly possible. Nice to meet you.


    2 - you may not like Obama, and that's fine. But to align him with Bush is possibly the most ignorant thing I've read here, which is saying a lot.

  9. I sure hope so. Maybe the next time he comes here he can answer this simple Obama question I posed last night:




    I'm truly confused about that and need an Obama supporter to explain it to me.


    I didn't see this. Considering that I'm typically gone from 5:30-5:00 or 5:30 and that I'm also taking 2 graduate classes right now, one of them that puts me home at 11:00 on Wednesday nights, my schedule's a little bit crazy. Plus, I have three young children that I spend as much of my free time with as possible. If you'll notice, my time on here is almost always later in the evenings or early in the mornings, or very briefly on weekends. Checking in here isn't exactly first priority. Like I've said before, I have one of those jobs that requires me to, you know, work during the day. :rolleyes:


    About your questions, I don't really understand what you are asking. If I'm reading it right, it seems like you're implying that 40% of the population pays no federal income tax. I'll check in again at some point this weekend to see what your response is.


    Just so you know, since apparently you felt like I was ducking you ( :lol: ).......we have my daughter's 1st birthday party tonight with my wife's family, then another one with mine tomorrow, and then Sunday I plan on working on stuff for grad school for pretty much the entire day. So if I don't come back right away, don't get your panties in a bunch.

  10. It's because he's a hardcore Democrat who somehow claims he's objective and unbiased.


    Explain my disdain for the likes of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Dennis Kucinich to me, then. :rolleyes:


    Obama is the first person I've ever voted FOR in an election. In the past, I've either not voted, or voted against someone (like Bush). Just because I'm voting for a Democrat now doesn't mean I'm a card-carrier. The logic just doesn't fly, sorry.

  11. He seems to research the hell out of Obama and things of the sort, so I figure with the way he's obviously very enthusiastic about teaching, he probably knows his subject matter and prepares pretty well. I don't care for him politically or the way he acts around here, but that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't good at what he does. I'd rather have a young asshole that teaches me something than a nice old dude who's just waiting on death and retirement.


    Of course my politics stay out of the classroom. First of all, I teach Advanced Placement Psychology and Psychology. We talk about politics in the field, but not general politics. That would be pointless. Secondly, as far as questioning what I know about the subject, I majored in Psych (education) and am currently obtaining my Master's in Psych. I feel like I know the material. :rolleyes:


    As far as the asshole comments..... :lol: My kids and I get along great. We do really challenging/abstract stuff, but we also have a lot of fun. I treat them with respect, like the juniors/seniors that they are, and they reciprocate that.


    Some of you are real winners. Just because I vent about politics on a message board.......that means that I go into my classroom and act like that towards my students?!?!? You people are frigging strangers. This is a message board. It's fun to vent about shit, and half of the fun is to see the reactions. Good grief.

  12. I didn't hear much of McCains speach. I was in the car coming home from a night out with the family. I heard McCain say "we will help out the good teachers, and help bad teachers find another line of work"


    Something to that effect.


    Will you miss your summers off Rattlesnake? :P




    Well, as a former teacher-of-the-year and the person who has grown the largest elective study program/courses in our corporation, I think I'll be fine. I appreciate your concern, however. If you think it bothers me to have some people on an internet chat forum make statements like this, you'd be wrong. I worry about my students and the people I work with everyday, and I'm pretty certain that I'm in good standing with them. It does bother me that this is the general attitude towards education, however. This is what happens when you have a society that doesn't always require education to succeed, so it's not very surprising.


    McCain's problem, obviously, is that he wants to use student achievement to determine the status of teachers. There are far too many extraneous variables for this kind of system to be accurate, but McCain doesn't get that. Most people outside of education don't. Those who do typically don't mention it because that would be the same as admitting that our society doesn't know how to parent and that its values are in the toilet. Most people aren't ready to do that. Sure, there are bad teachers, no question. Many of them are of the older variety and they were only taught in traditional (lecture) style methods. Most people have no idea what teachers nowadays have to do in order to get licensed and then maintain it. For the record, for the 100th time, I think that's a good thing. You should have to be really good to be a teacher. If it were all about the money, leeches like some of you here would get into the business strictly for the cash and if you think that our scores are bad now.........holy crap. Take the real teachers out of the room, then watch what happens. Respectable salary is necessary and lacking, but I'd never want it to get too insane.


    We've had the teacher/education talk here before, so it's pointless for me to lay out this entire case again. Some get it, some don't. Some of you have complete contempt for educaton and don't understand the system, or the problems we face, at all. Plus, it's awfully easy to point the finger at teachers and blame us for the fact that your kids grew up without any educational leadership at home, so I'm sure that's comforting for many.

  13. Yet, he can't improvise the simplest of responses off script. But, he can put together hour long speeches. The guy has pudding for brains.




    Typical crap. Again, people may not like what he says and may disagree with his opinions/policies, but he's obviously an extremely intelligent person. In terms of him supposedly not being able to improvise......


    Simply because he doesn't give immediate black or white answers doesn't mean that he can't improvise. He's analytical. He doesn't always give immediate "yes or no" answers. However, since the majority of our electorate is not very analytical, that doesn't play well.


    Again, Obama's been fighting a ridiculous amount of uphill battles since day 1, with race actually being on the back burner. It's unreal that he's gotten so far.

  14. You are so wrong. What was the old scripted part? I'll wait.


    All of the traditional conservative talking points.......and they're effective because they appeal to tradition, particularly as it pertains to gender roles. That's why conservatives cling to these values and issues so much, and also why speeches like tonight's are so effective. It goes back to the frigging stone age.


    Is this really that hard to figure out? I guess it is. I mean, hell, the number of Americans with a Bachelor's is somewhere between 24-28%, depending on which research you look at.
