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Posts posted by Lionsjunkie

  1. On 9/11, I was working nearby. I saw it from my apartment and got on the subway heading into work to go rescue people. There was complete silence on the subway. When I got there, I carried 8 men on my shoulder to safety and then disappeared. I was waiting to give blood at the hospital but nobody came. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen, all these doctors and nurses waiting for patients that never showed. So, I went back to the burning building, pulled 4 more people out of it and then went home. I stopped at the grocery story and bought 8 cans of Spagettios for $0.10 with coupons. I then went home and called my uncle, Wilfred Brimley to make sure he was ok. Oh yeah, I was also a male model. :bench:




  2. I remember that part.


    Then Froto put the ring on his finger and disappeared. And Gandalf came back to life, and was more powerful as Gandalf The White. And how about the trick that Schmegel pulled when he lured poor Froto into the Spider nest?


    Great stories. :dunno:


    Almost fell outta my chair :overhead:


    :overhead: :overhead:

  3. 35 and clipped (married for 10 years). Got clipped about 5 years ago, so the wife could stop taking the pill. You have fun totting your little brats around Disneyland while my wife and I are getting sh!tfaced in Amsterdam or The Bahamas.


    Actually... I think the wife an I will head out to Palm Springs for the weekend. I'll play a little golf, while she enjoys the spa. I'd ask you to join, but I'm sure you're pretty busy being a human taxi and "saving for the annual family vacation".



    So wrong yet so funny :dunno:

  4. Mrs. DaveBG was NONE too pleased.


    Our homework from last week was to have a nice date nite on Sat...dinner, drinks, sex.


    We did and it was OK...a little awkward at times, but OK.


    So, this week the doc wanted to do some communication exercise where we're supposed to phrase things like an invitation and the other person responds in a polite manner.


    He asks one of us to start. Mrs. daveBG had nothing, so I gave it a whirl.


    I asked/called her out on why she couldn't have dressed all sexy for date nite. First, I started w/the lingere.


    Mrs. DaveBG: I was wearing nice underwear.


    DaveBG: Looked like the same beige padded bra you always wear & some new blue panties. May have been nice, but certainly not sexy.


    Then I got into her not wearing a sexy outfit.


    Mrs. DaveBG: I wore something nice.


    DaveBG: I didn't say you didn't wear something nice...I said you didn't wear something sexy.


    Mrs. DaveBG: What sexy outfit?


    DaveBG: EXACTLY!!! You don't have/wear any!


    Mrs. DaveBG: Why should I dress sexy?


    DaveBG: BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN AND I AM A MAN!!! If you were single in the city and going out on a hot date w/a guy you liked you'd do it, right?


    Mrs. DaveBG: <makes a face>


    DaveBG: You are a prude.


    Doc: I really don't think DaveBG is making an unreasonable request.


    DaveBG: Yeah, it's not like I asked you to break out the 6 inch stilettos and gimp mask.


    Doc: Yeah, that's for next time...jk :lol:


    Mrs. DaveBG: Why should I do it...you are so mean to me.


    Doc: Sorry, you can't answer his invitation w/a condition...that's not how this exercise works.


    DaveBG: :lol:


    Mrs. DaveBG: Why is it always about what I do wrong...things DaveBG doesn't like?


    DaveBG: You had an opportunity to bring up something that you don't like about me for this exercise, but you didn't want to, so I took the lead and we're talking about what I want to talk about. You had your chance.


    Doc: He's right. :clap:






  5. I've got a full time gig that pays well and allows me to take on outside assignments for which I bill my time at $250 - $300 per hour.



    Ahhhhh, so you're the pimp :Mr-T: :overhead:


    Seriously....where in S.FLorida...I'm in Ft. Myers heading to Lauderdale & Miami in the next few weeks for some concerts...I made need a hookup or a friend :wub:



  6. 51 years old.


    Played college and some pro hoops (CBA, summer pro, Europe...never made final cut in NBA) in the 70's. The game was rife with coke; it was everywhere. This was the era of the drug scandal in Phoenix and other locker rooms (78-about 84 was Ground Zero).


    I had never been one to turn down a good buzz. Smoked pot beginning around 12 yrs old, had done just about everything on the market by age 18. Don't know about today, but folks thought sending me to the pricey private academy (hoops ride...we had NO money) would be a good thing. Thing is, public school kids came to buy from rich private school kids.


    Anyway, used coke, or it used me, for about 12 years. How I spent my day, employment options, people I hung out with, who I screwed...every aspect of life...was coke centric. In retrospect, it controlled my life.


    Extricated myself from the situation by moving out of state, severing old ties, etc. Still casually engaged in other drugs, but none ever had quite the hold on me that coke did. Stayed away from it for years.


    Went to a party one night and it found me again. Almost instantly I was back in, knees deep. Snorting all day long while at work. Actually spent tens of thousands of $$$ remodeling my house, as every time I was almost done, I'd come up with another project that (1) I could work at all night long (2) that the wife would have no interest in and (3) that would give me hiding places and a way to work off the nervous energy. Oh, that plus I found I could drink amazing quantities of alcohol while snorting and not really get drunk.


    Put the brakes on again after 2-3 years and haven't touched it since. But if it showed up on y doorstep tonight, it'd be gone by morning.


    I loved it. I still love it. I loved the ritual of cutting lines, the rush of it entering my nose even before the buzz hit me.


    It's the focking devil. If you're one who can take it or leave it, kudos. But my guess is you can't. You seem to like the herbs way much.


    Some of us are wired to want this sh!t. Worst of all, some of us can do it and still function. That's the most dangerous. Makes us feel invincible, like we're in control. We're not.


    Never looked back on a drug-addled decision and said "Hey, that was a great idea".


    BTW, never went the glory hole route, but did some nasty things with an even nastier broad for coke. Stopped just short of letting it be filmed. Likely the only good move I made in those days.


    Good luck, moni. Hope you enjoy life to the fullest. Grab it by the balls, but remember, it's looking to grab you by yours at the same time.




    I worked the 4 PM to Midnight shift as a Dealer at a Casino....my nights started at 12:01, the second I got to my truck out came the tray from underneath my seat where I'd dice up 2-3 fatties to get the night rolling :shocking:


    On to the bar where I could/would drink like a fish and party like a rock star...everybody knew I had it, and usually had lots of it....many a nights would start winding down as the sun was rising when 2 buddies working the midnight shift would show up at 8:00 AM or so to start their "night"...I couldn't tell you how many times I went to work and dealt cards, often time to the high rollers on 2-3 hrs of terrible sleep...after being wired for so many hrs you just cant get a good nights sleep :lol:


    Definetly a fun 6-8 years :thumbsdown:

  7. Reading this thread makes me truly thankful that I have never done one illegal drug. Never even smoked pot.


    Reading this post makes me think you are straight and narrow....like Olive Oyl.




















    Of course built differently :lol:

  8. i deserve to at least be nominated for geek of the decade.

    i'm one of the few REAL women that still posts here and i'm the only black person.

    heck, there are probably only 3 people of color that are even members of this site.

    i've actually played fantasy football, some of you have not.

    umm...from day 1 i've been a fun yet controversial member...uh...the topics i bring up are usually interesting, like why do men like porn, is it hard not to cheat, a white guy said i had nice t!ts is that racist, come on, that was a good thread.

    sure, most of my threads kind of slant toward racial issues and i know you all are uncomfortable about that, but because of me, think of how informed you are about welfare, right?

    i let you in my personal life, you helped me dump a guy even though he was a doctor (he was cheating on me).

    you've seen my butt...come on, that wasn't such a bad pic i posted.

    think about the thread i posted about giving advice to my daughter upon going to college. it was great, thanks to you, she's not the campus slut, lol.

    if it weren't for me, why this place would've turned into stormfront. you remember how bad things had become around here.

    i give fashion advice and somewhat decent movie reviews, you remember peenie stars.

    i'm the only one around here that give cyber gifts for birthdays. i gave somebody a sports car and a yacht, don't forget that.

    what about the all the great arguments i've had with tng, cat fights, you guys can't overlook how much you love those.

    think about all of the aliases i've inspired you to make. if it weren't for me we wouldn't have strike and the fake peenie, remember that??

    oh and let's not forget that someone got good gifts from me on that santa swap thing.

    big deal phillybear is funny. he's the same kind of funny all the time, yawn.

    sure, wiffle is funny too, but so what? is he anything else? no!

    i am diverse.

    rusty is...rusty was a great geek, but he's fallen off. we only hear from once or twice a year. he hasn't persevered like me.

    what is newbie without obama?

    i should be geek of the decade!


    Since you delete every other thread and often bring race into threads I'd vote you in for the "Catfish Trophy"....you know, the bottom feeder that only your kind like to catch and eat :thumbsdown:

  9. The way I look at it is that it is the least-likely to do harm to you of the choices (other than booger) since billions of chicks and homos do it every day. I also stated that it wouldn't be straight from its applicator.


    I used a very scientific formula to come up with that amount. :music_guitarred:































