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Everything posted by Mrdirt73

  1. Jerry Sandusky Joe Paterno Steve-o Fidel Castro D!ck Clark Courtny Love Randy Quaid Michael J. Fox Teri Garr Macauley Culkin
  2. Mrdirt73

    Would You Pound On That Muffin?

    No, it's her meth head call girl cousin.
  3. Mrdirt73

    Which Matt do I start?

    Matt Ryan, or Matt Hasselbeck?
  4. Mrdirt73

    Trade help

    10 team keeper, no ppr, and 6 points for passing TD. Should I offer Matt Ryan, and Chris Johnson for Peyton Manning and Kevin Smith? Is this a good trade for me, and would the other owner consider it? He has Rivers as a back-up, and no good RB after Smith.
  5. Mrdirt73

    LOST Season Five Thread

    Asian baby at the beginning of episode one this season? That's the speculation I've been hearing alot.
  6. Mrdirt73

    LOST Season Five Thread

    That's what I gathered.
  7. Mrdirt73

    LOST Season Five Thread

    I knew I should have known that.
  8. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    Invite sent. Vikings hasn't logged in yet, so I couldn't invite him.
  9. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    No crew this week?
  10. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    anyone played long enough to know how long it takes for the round to reset? I was hoping to use most of my turns before my football draft tonight.
  11. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    New round starts tonight I believe.
  12. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    They work fine I guess, the only downsides I see are that their benefits only last for an hour, and I always seem to fail at one of the five everytime.
  13. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    So, what are the odds of this crashing with everyone jumping back in at the same time?
  14. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    I'm still getting the same message as above.
  15. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    Well, at least there's news.
  16. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

  17. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    That may have been me that you saw getting knocked down a peg last night.
  18. Mrdirt73

    Can we all agree that everyone here

    Probably the only band that I can't think of at least one bad song right off the bat.
  19. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    Send an invite, and I'll join the crew. ps I see that Gutterboy has a character.
  20. Mrdirt73

    Combat Grounds!

    He doesn't already?
  21. Mrdirt73

    Destroying a beehive

    12/23 NEVER FORGET
  22. Mrdirt73

    Were your classmates benching 300+

    I was benching 215 in the 8th grade, and still have the stretch marks on the shoulders that went with it.
  23. Mrdirt73

    This board is dramatically skewed towards Republican

    You willing to wager on that margin? How about when you are wrong you leave the board and never come back?
  24. Mrdirt73

    obama heckled by black students

    I didn't realize that the subprime mortgage problem was an attack on the AA community.