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Willis McGahee's Dentist

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Posts posted by Willis McGahee's Dentist

  1. 20 minutes ago, MDC said:

    The irony is that he didn’t deserve to get impeached last time but does this time.

    Democrats should want Trump to stick around for a while. The man is GOP kryptonite. 

    This.  McConnell knows this. Which is why he's leaning towards voting to remove.  If he goes that way, many others will follow.

    As a Republican, I'm not sure why you'd want Trump lingering in the background holding the "I'm running in 2024" thing over everyone's head.  It's going to keep the party from moving on and righting the ship.

    In 2018, the GOP held Congress, the White House, and the senate. Because of Trump, they lost all three.  Only president to ever lose popular vote twice. First president since WWII to leave office with less American jobs than when he entered.  He has been a disaster for the party.  Sure he has a rabid base and lots of yard signs and flags, but he's taken every bit of control away from the Republican Party.

    His impeachment, and subsequent inability to ever run for office again, gets the GOP out from under his control.  They can start to develop a nominee for 2024. And try to get congress and/or senate to swing back to the right.

    • Like 1

  2. Republicans should feel good overall about the results.  With Trump losing and so many GOP senators and congressmen winning, it was a very clear sign that these results were not anti-Republican, but anti-Trump.  The smart ones will now distance from him as far as possible. He is not going to go peacefully and will be more than happy to take the country down with him.  Any GOP lawmaker that wants his name associated with that is committing career(and reputation) suicide.   It's over. Insiders who have Trump's ear need to convince him to fake some humility and dignity for the good of the country. And their party.

  3. While you guys can argue back and forth, I think the bigger issue and the most blatant and undeniable issue Is wondering how our commander in chief Is going to work with Intelligence services that he has openly dismissed and derided.


    History has shown us time and time again That when The White House Ignores The smartest guys in the room Bad things happen.Same is true When the executive branch tries to bully The intelligence Community into providing Intel that agrees with their own preconceived narrative.


    To me, that is much more ominous And widespread than any one particular quibble.

    Just the very beginning of the nightmare that will be the Trump presidency. He thinks he knows more than anybody. Yet he's usually the dumbest guy in the room. He will end up firing anyone who doesn't agree with him. Buckle up and get ready for the ride. It's going to be a doozy.

  4. So bussing in people from a different state is acceptable to you? Because that's precisely what that guy talked about.


    How is that NOT the very definition of voter fraud?

    31 cases. Maybe that's one of them. I don't know. Again, who is doing this 'rigging'? If you're talking about an individual who shouldn't be voting, finding a way to vote, then I have no doubt that happens. It's the idea that the government is rigging the election that's pure horse sh!t.

  5. Hate to tell you this...but Scott Foval kinda sorted admitted that he and his ilk were rigging elections. I don't care whether three days worth of video was edited out. The dude, on camera, says what they do to rig elections.

    There have been 31 cases of known voter fraud in the last 20 years. Heard it on the radio this morning. Out of billions of votes. That's not rigging an election.

  6. If anyone had the ability to 'rig' an election, Donald Trump would have never won the GOP nomination. The people in charge of the party despise him. And if Hillary had the power to rig an election, why was she beaten by a relative unknown like Obama in 2008? No one ever brings actual logic into the equation when coming up with their fantasy scenarios. Trump is well known for not being able to accept defeat. He's already laid the groundwork for when and if he loses his Trump University case. The judge is Mexican. That is the Trump way. Just another example of how he has an elementary child's mentality. Like a spoiled child on a playground crying "He cheated" when he loses in dodgeball.

  7. John Edwards claimed the election was rigged in 04. So did every democrat I. The country in 2000. Trump is hardly treading on new ground here, despite what newbies dentist has to say. Read your history Orange Anus. That way you'll look less stupider

    LOL Yeah, the hanging chads thingy in Florida was not a good look for the country. But it was an individual circumstance that actually happened. Not some preemptive excuse for getting his ass kicked. Dumb as a box of rocks. No wonder you chose to just be a cop.

  8. Still waiting.......

    Keep playing stupid (although I realize you might not be playing). He's already preparing for the loss. That's why he's making up lies about it being rigged while never bringing an ounce of proof to the table. Why do you suppose he's trying so desperately to plant that seed in the tiny brains of his supporters? Only losing candidate in this country's history who, instead of accepting defeat, will blame it on a rigged system. He knows the intelligence of his base. He knows exactly what he's trying to promote. He's not quite dumb enough to come out and call for violence. He's going to let the dummies that support him make that choice on their own. Just like he didn't squarely take the blame when that dude punched the protester being escorted out of his rally. That was 100% Trump driven with his earlier comments. Please try to get a little smarter. It's exhausting owning you every time I visit this board.

  9. Who else would publish it? MSNBC? Yeah Maddow would dive right in.

    Maybe if Trump could keep his mouth shut for a week and disable his Twitter, he'd stop giving the media all the chum it needs to run a news telecast every night. Notice how Hillary just takes five day breaks all the time? Trump is her biggest ally right now. He basically campaigns for her every day. What other idiot would defend himself against sexual abuse by saying an accuser isn't hot enough for him to abuse? :clap: :clap: Hillary probably opens a Champaign bottle every time the moron tweets.
