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Willis McGahee's Dentist

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Posts posted by Willis McGahee's Dentist

  1. And the beauty of it is that all the little establishment soldiers continue to "toe the establishment line" even though it hurts them more than anyone else. Now here is the beauty of it - they don't even realize they are being hurt because the establishment keeps telling them they have their backs and everything is OK.


    And the rich continue to get richer.


    When you are the “party of the poor” it is to your benefit to keep the voting base poor.

    Well the party better do something about me. If I keep getting 5% raises every year, I'm going to have to become a Republican

  2. The difference is Hillary apologized that day. Trump and his supporters have been in full in spin mode trying to claim he meant 2nd amendment types would somehow retroactively vote Hillary out.


    The other difference is Trump's rich long history of saying dumb things precedes him here.

    That's ALWAYS the difference. Every politician stumbles and makes bad choices along the way. But, even if they don't realize it, they have a staff to keep them on track. there's always an apology. Or, at the very least, an explanation with an apology for those who misunderstood. Trump is so insecure that he feels that will be a sign of weakness. I believe this goes back to the tiny peenus thing. It's also why Republicans are tripping all over themselves to distance themselves from him.


    Ok, this will be the last time I say this because you are Newbie and you were one of my favorite posters on here so I'll stop giving you sh1t about it. You post exactly like him. You love Obama like Newbie. You hate Tiger like Newbie. You wish for professional atheletes that you hate to suffer devistating injuries like Newbie. You're the only poster who actually types out "lol" on a regular basis like Newbie. You've taken over the slap fights with Drobs and RP like Newbie. You've been a member here for 12 years and 2,500 of your 3,000 posts have come in the last few months since Newbie has been gone. All of that pretty much confirms it. But the fact you joined 4 days after Newbie 12 years just makes it a lock. It can't just be a coincidence. Like I've said before, it's sad for whatever reason that you have to live a lie and just pretend you're not him. I'm assuming that it's because Mike warned you about cooling it with your Newbie username or he would've banned you and you just can't help yourself. And it does make me happy that you're back here posting again. You should just go back to being Newbie and make this place friendlier, one post at a time again :thumbsup:

    And I could make a longer list of differences between newbie and I. Everything you posted is common. Most liberals like Obama. Millions and millions can't stand Tiger. Another poster made a list of differences in newbie and my opinions.

    I am now 100% convinced that troubadouche is RP. And it doesn't change my life one bit. And I don't mention it every time he posts. I didn't really know him under his rp handle and I don't really know him under his troubadouche handle. Zero difference to me. Believe I'm newbie. Believe I'm not. I'll sleep the same tonight.


    pwned :first: :clap: :doublethumbsup:

    Not sure you understand what owned means. So Dolphin fans only recognize Dolphins? Is that your point?


    Be honest, have you seeked counseling yet for your sad obsession?

    :sniff: :sniff: "Doc, I have this burning feeling that one fake membername on a football message board is really a different fake membername. And it consumes me. What if I'm right and the guy won't admit it?? Don't you see how horrible that is??Why won't anybody listen to me!!??!!" :sniff: :sniff:

  5. Jesus fock, the first four guys on that list died in a helicopter crash 5 months into Clinton's Presidency. You really think the Clintons took to sabotaging Marine Corps helicopters to kill people. That's really focking dumb, even for you. :doh:

    I'm going to have to dispute your last sentence. That's totally on par with his normal stupidity.
