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Everything posted by Boston_Diablo

  1. Boston_Diablo


    QB- Kerry... Jax D, not so hot... RB - Pierre / McGahee. Will see the bulk of time, end zone work... Fred J has looked great, but Lynch will take over WR - Driver for sure. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=352262
  2. Boston_Diablo

    Choice for Gates?

    Do it... Choice's time will be limited, while Gates will turn it around. He's never really had a bad season since his breakout one. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=352262
  3. Boston_Diablo


    Seneca... Has Cleveland even scored a TD yet this year? And I think Cincy will be riding high after last week's big win. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=352262
  4. Below is my team with projected Wk 3 starters in bold (have to start 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D): QB: P Rivers, B Rothlisberger RB: M Jones-Drew, R Brown, A Bradshaw, L Washington, M Bush WR: S Smith, B Marshall, A Gonzales (fantasy IR), K Walter, C Stuckey TE: C Cooley, J Carlson K: K Brown, L Tynes D: CHI, NO Now to the dilemas: WR: I am sending Marshall to the bench until further notice... Now who to start in his place? Stuckey against an awful Titans pass D? A returning Walter? Or do I take a flyer with Johnny Knox against Seattle and pick him up off the WW? D: I feel good with Chicago going against a Seneca Wallace-led SEA team, but NO, although giving up a lot of points, should be able to generate sacks/INTs against Buffalo. Any comments pro or against these would be greatly appreciated, and don't forget to leave a link. Thanks.
  5. Boston_Diablo

    Let's Start 'em and Sit 'em for Week 3!

    Majority wins!
  6. Boston_Diablo

    Let's Start 'em and Sit 'em for Week 3!

    Thanks everyone... And the plot thickens. Someone just dropped D Hester for Sims-Walker. Have picked him up and will start him... Anyone disagree?
  7. Boston_Diablo

    Do this trade?

    I like the idea... You have very little at RB, but sufficient to dip into your stash of WR to upgrade without losing much overall. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=351429
  8. Boston_Diablo

    Thinking of offering this trade

    With Johnson and Jackson you have a very good starting combo, although McGhee seems to be a low value to get for CJ... Anyone higher than you can target? At the end of the day though, I'd say to do it. WMcG seems to be in line for goal line, and they have a favorable schedule against the run http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=351429
  9. Boston_Diablo

    Which WR to start this weeK

    Go with Mason... Don't like Browns traveling to Baltimore, and Nate has Seneca Wallace throwing to him. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=351429
  10. Boston_Diablo

    Blockbuster - Moss, Brees, R.White, Slaton

    Let's look 1 by 1: Brees >> Cutler/Garrard G Olsen = H Miller R White + E Royal = R Moss + T Owens (I think Roddy and Moss will end up about the same, and although TO has more 'past' talent, I don't see Buf or Den doing much through the air) Caddy + Ward < Slanton + Davis... (Here you are basically giving up 2 for 1 due to the RBBC) Its borderline, but with the Brees bump, you can absorb the RB loss.... do it,, and thanks for your input.
  11. Boston_Diablo

    Which Two WRs Do I Start?

    Sims + Stuckey - Both are going up against pathetic pass D's http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=351429
  12. Boston_Diablo

    Good Luck Plaxico you got the shaft

    He definetely got made an example of by a judicial system with an axe to grind. He gets 2 yrs in JAIL for being stupid and shooting HIMSELF.... then Donte Stallworth KILLS someone while drunk, and he gets 30d in jail and two years house arrest. I am all for doing the crime / doing the time, but in both of these cases the punishment definetely does not fit the crime... So let that be lesson to you, if you are in the mood for a crime spree, make sure you do it in Florida.
  13. I'm up by 35 pts and still have Ronnie Brown (ugh), while my opponent has Peyton and Addai.... Here's hoping for 35-0 Dolphins whitewash!
  14. Boston_Diablo

    The Weekly 'What do you need Monday night?' thread....

    Glad to see I'm the only sucker counting the Dolphins
  15. Boston_Diablo

    Slaton or DMAC? Pick 2: Bryant, DeSean, Roy Williams?

    DMAC against the awful Chiefs, plus Boldin and Roy... Thanks for your hlp.
  16. Below is my team with projected Wk 2 starters in bold (have to start 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D): QB: P Rivers, B Rothlisberger RB: M Jones-Drew, R Brown, A Bradshaw, L Washington, M Bush WR: S Smith, B Marshall, A Gonzales (fantasy IR), K Walter, C Stuckey TE: C Cooley, J Carlson K: K Brown, L Tynes D: CHI, TB Now to the dilemas: - RB - R Brown: The Dolphins looked awful last week. Now they play Indy, who gave up almost 100 yd to MJD, at home. Roll with him once more or roll the dice with M Bush against KC, who got run over by the BAL running attack? - WR: B Marshall has the talent, but lacks practice and a QB. And you can say something similar about Smith too... take him/them or chance it with Stuckey against the Pats (tough match up) - TE: Used Carlson last week and scored... but I don't see him posting that stat line back to back, especially with Branch back. Cooley looks good against the Giants, and even better against the Lambs? Any comments pro or against these would be greatly appreciated, and don't forget to leave a link. Thanks.
  17. Drop him for Cadillac and Stuckey. I don't expect a great year from any Min WR, and Cadillac, until he eventually gets hurt, will get a big % of carries. As for Stuckey, he was connecting with Sanchez in the preseason, and it seems to have carried over to the regular season. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  18. Boston_Diablo

    Weekly craptastic WR2 & 3 WDIS

    I like Gage and Percy. Minn will find every way to have Percy involved, and as you point, Gage will see plenty of targets from Collins, especially when the Texans stack the box. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  19. Boston_Diablo

    Time to trade L Tomlinson?

    None. I don't see any of them approaching LT numbers, even depleted ones. Jones has perhaps the best shot, but I can't believe he'll lead the AFC in rushing and TDs again, especially with LWashington eating into his carries. Rice is talented, but that's a very full backfield and may not get the goal line. Is Sproles available in your WW? Maybe wait and see a bit... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  20. Boston_Diablo

    Flacco or Schaub? Your opinions, Week 2

    I like Flacco. The Texans looked awful last week and don't see the matchup any better this week. Baltimore brings, and I cant believe I'm saying this, a more balanced offense that should give Flacco better passing opportunities. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  21. Boston_Diablo

    Which of these WR3s should be my starters this week?

    Tough choices, but would go with Royal based on matchups. Don't like Hou (Walter) @ Ten or Cin (Henry) @ GB. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  22. Boston_Diablo

    Drop Felix Jones for Michael Bush

    Go for it. Felix might be a better player, but he will see a 2-1 ratio of carries with Barber, plus no goal line... while Bush will be closer to 1-1 with McFadden, and likely get the goal line. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350560
  23. Boston_Diablo

    Your disastrous starts of the day

    Steve Smith Ronnie Brown Anthony Gonzalez Kris Brown NO (FA pickup) Beat that!
  24. Boston_Diablo

    ***Official*** Jags vs Colts Thread

    A Gonzalez injured in play... any word from anyone watching?