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Everything posted by mahoney

  1. mahoney

    NFL Replay Booth

    Sho, maybe you can clarify: Does possession not count until both feet are on the ground? I'm sure that parts been clarified somewhere earlier but so much interpretation of the rule has been give these past couple of days, I cant keep anything straight...
  2. mahoney

    NFL Replay Booth

    http://landing.newsinc.com/shared/video.html?vcid=23823733&freewheel=91052&sitesection=kcpq This clip shows an angle that has both of Tate's hands on the ball when he hit the ground. Jennings definitely has the ball in the air first but Tate has both feet on the ground first (one foot for Jennings). So...just another view to muck thing up...
  3. mahoney

    NFL Replay Booth

    Although I believe it was an INT 100% at the time, some of the new pics and videos I've seen in the last day or so has cast much more doubt.
  4. mahoney

    bigger joke. Russell Wilson or Tim Tebow?

    ...but is it fair to judge him after 3 games. A rookie QB? He's asked to make smart decisions and limit mistakes (which he's doing). Some think this kid will only get better...I say he at least deserves a few more starts.
  5. mahoney

    bigger joke. Russell Wilson or Tim Tebow?

    ...but it doesnt read that. Officially...Imjustsayin.
  6. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    Dont forget the non-call pass interference Charles Woodsen committed on Evan Moore on that drive too which would have given Seattle 1st down I think somewhere near 20 yrd line. Agreed all bad officiating...
  7. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    It's crazy...for my friends and relatives who were at the game, that was probably the most exciting game they've witnessed/been a part of (MNF, Packers, Def and Victory). For us at home, with the benefit of replay and commentary, it was probably one of the worst games to have witnessed. I texted my buddy who was at the game that replay shows a GB int and he was like "really...what?!"
  8. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    For the record, as a Hawks fan, I don't agree with the call...the refs effed up. Like I posted earlier in this thread, it's too bad folks aren't talking about our DEF, terrorizing Rodgers and holding the Pack to 12 points. All things Hawks fans can be excited about even with a "loss". Instead, the poor officiating is the only thing being talked about...*sigh*
  9. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    Pete Carroll's comment of "good call" was also tongue-in-cheek in the post-game interview but ESPN is running it on the ticker on Sportscenter this morning...taking it out of context, making him look like an arrogant douche (more so than he already is).
  10. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    Sho...look up 1998 Vinny Testaverde Phantom TD that knocked Seattle out of playoff hunt and pretty much helped re-instate instant replay. Maybe this will help get the real officials back. However, you shouldn't be surprised with some Seahawk fans reactions...we've had our share of participation in badly officiated games (now including this one) and usually are on the other end of the stick.
  11. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    This is too bad. Before the game, I was hoping/wishing/thinking that our Hawks wouldn't be part of a controversial game with America's darlings-the Packers due to the refs. Well I'll be damned... Unfortunately, no one will talk about our DEF, the terrorizing of Rodgers, holding the Pack to 12 points etc...the stuff Hawks fans are excited about and can still find comfort in even if we "lost" the game. As Hawks fans can tell ya, we are normally on the other sides of these calls and I'm glad this wasn't a playoff game.
  12. mahoney

    Roger Goodell

    Well...folks will blame whoever they want since they don't know any better. Check out the internets right now...everyone's calling Golden Tate a cheater and calling Pete Carroll a classless douche for tweeting that he's proud of his players for not giving up on a hard fought game and thanking the 12th man. WTF? The refs botched this, the replay officials botched this and it's too bad too...besides the debacle of the final 8 seconds, the Hawks played their butts off.
  13. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    As a Hawks fan....damn. This is bad and maybe what the league needs to the real refs back.
  14. mahoney

    Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks

    Ugghhh...really!? Play-calling sux a$$...
  15. mahoney

    When does Seattle turn to Matt Flynn?

    A lot of us are still on this bandwagon...Russell cant control penalties and lack of protection.
  16. mahoney

    Did anyone have waiver problems on cbs?

    Yes, I am a commish for a CBS league and our waivers also did not run. I was up at 2am emailing my league mates of the issue and the inconvenience and apologizing as if I may have forgot to set for waivers to process this a.m. It looks like we'll have to wait one more night. Blah.
  17. mahoney

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    There was some video replay where play broke down, Russell is scrambling and Sidney, Braylon and Obomanu stopped running/didnt come back to help.
  18. I should still get the W but I dropped Ogletree and Alfred Morris a couple days before the season.
  19. mahoney

    Wison sucks

    I'm a Hawks fan who also watched every snap. Throughout the game, Wilson took a lot of hits and I remember saying "damn, they're blitzing the sh!t out of this kid". I thought he was courageous, stood in the pocket and despite some sailing balls (that you could argue were catchable: 1 to Rice, 2 to Edwards and 2 to Baldwin) played alright. I know fantasy and stat-wise may, it may not show. I think the play calling could have been tailored more to Russell's skill-set (I.e. WAS play calling for RG III). The play that resulted in the TD pass to Rice really showed his football IQ: looked like he changed the play at line, snapped the ball quickly realizing ARZ defense wasn't set and threw a TD. Gotta' consider everything here: an underdog rookie QB, first game, on the road, against a division rival with a pretty good DEF and he still gave you a chance to win in the final seconds.
  20. mahoney

    Waiver Wire settings

    BJ...what is your league doing since Thurs night games are starting so early this year?
  21. mahoney

    Russell Wilson.....

    ...but I believe only $10 million is guaranteed.
  22. mahoney

    Matt Flynn

    For the knock he gets for being short, Russell Wilson played behind one of the biggest o-lines in college and only had 2 balls batted down (Luck-2, RG III had 9, Tanehill had 19!?) http://www.thebiglead.com/index.php/2012/05/22/russell-wilson-and-short-quarterbacks-how-much-does-height-matter-at-qb/
  23. mahoney

    Week 3 Preseason (Thursday games)

    Another pick. I actually feel bad for Kolb...and I'm a Hawks fan