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Everything posted by eaglecrusherspart2

  1. eaglecrusherspart2


    As soon as skelton went down I knew that fitz will hit the bench on a few occasions. Now that kolb is 2-0 this will stretch out for a while. Sad
  2. eaglecrusherspart2

    What was your game winning or losing move this week?

    I kept Julio Jones this year when everyone at my draft chuckled.
  3. eaglecrusherspart2

    Name Something That Annoys You

    People that cut you off when you leave a car length or less in front of you. After they cut you off, they quickly apply the brakes.
  4. eaglecrusherspart2

    Just Watched the ESPN FF Show

    Did anyone catch the true or fart comment? Instead of true or false we got true or fart!
  5. eaglecrusherspart2

    Who to keep?

    Stafford and Charles without a doubt!
  6. eaglecrusherspart2

    Keep one

    PPR league. Fitz, Julio, Gronk. I also have sproles and demarco but this decision comes down to these 3. Thanks
  7. eaglecrusherspart2

    12 Geeks 1 Cup League

    Any spots left? I want in
  8. eaglecrusherspart2

    Fantasy football team names?

    Just the tip
  9. eaglecrusherspart2

    NJ man confesses to murder of Etan Patz

    NYPD detectives have arrested a South Jersey man who confessed, law enforcement sources say, to strangling six-year-old Etan Patz in 1979. Pedro Hernandez, 51, of Maple Shade, NJ, was taken up to New York and arrested on a murder charge, according to NY Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. On Wednesday, NYPD detectives also questioned Hernandez's ex-wife, current wife, daughter and former brother-in-law at the Camden County Prosecutor's office. Sources tell NBC10's Harry Hairston that Hernandez confessed years ago to his ex-wife and one other person that he had killed a little boy and disposed of his body. Patz disappeared in Manhattan 33 years ago on the Friday before Memorial Day. The little boy's parents had allowed him to walk alone, for the first time, from his home to the school bus stop in SoHo. Hernandez was working at a neighborhood bodega at the time of Patz's disappearance. Law enforcement sources tell NBC10's Harry Hairston that Hernandez told NYPD investigators that he lured Patz into the store with a soda, strangled him and then put his body in a trash dumpster. According to the New York Times: Relatives of Mr. Hernandez have been in touch with investigators in New York and provided “information they knew about him,” a law enforcement official said. The official declined to elaborate, but added that “family members pointed investigators in his direction.” Mr. Hernandez was apparently very emotional during the confession, the official said, adding that it was videotaped, which is standard practice in New Jersey. Sources confirm that Hernandez told investigators he has cancer. His former brother-in-law told Hairston that Hernandez had "been ill for quite some time." Hernandez moved to South Jersey shortly after the little boy's disappearance, according to the NYTimes report. NBC10's Deanna Durante was at the Hernandez apartment in Maple Shade this afternoon when his wife and daughter left with a handful of belongings, squeezing through a throng of reporters and photographers. Neighbors told Durante that Hernandez and his family were quiet and he kept his grass cut. Patz's disappearance touched off a massive search that has ebbed and flowed over the years. His case helped launch the movement for missing children that put kids' faces on milk cartons. Fan, follow and download: Get the latest from NBC10.com anytime, anywhere. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, our mobile site and NBC Philadelphia. Sign up for our breaking news newsletter. And, get breaking news delivered right to your mobile phone -- just text PHIBREAKING to 639710 to sign up. (Message and data rates may apply.) Photo Credit: Inside Edition
  10. eaglecrusherspart2

    NJ man confesses to murder of Etan Patz

    A lot of speculation going on....I've heard that this guy may be doing this to get treatment for cancer. Can you believe that? They are trying to link him to the handyman that was initially accused. With no hard evidence, they may have a hard time proving that this man actually did it. Sick world
  11. eaglecrusherspart2

    Waiting for the wife to go into labor ...

    My wife almost went into labor with our twins at 20 weeks where the survival rate would have been non existent. She thankfully made it to 39 weeks and had a c section. Good advice on the sleep. First 5 months had no sleep at all. Now they both sleep 10 hours a night. Good luck
  12. eaglecrusherspart2

    Russia is sending Troops to the US

    Long time reader but not a frequent poster on the site. Speaking of 9/11, has anyone seen the Kevin cosgrove video on you tube? Very disturbing so I won't post it here but I'm sure you will find it you want to watch something like that....constant reminder that our country will remain on high alert and hopefully never become complacent yet again....
  13. eaglecrusherspart2

    Colts To Let Manning Walk

    Don't count out the Eagles. You heard it here first.
  14. eaglecrusherspart2

    prop bets

    Me personally I like this one, will there be a score in the final two minutes of the first half. Its always close and good odds if you choose no. I also like, what color will the Gatorade dumped on the winning coach be? Yellow is the favorite.
  15. eaglecrusherspart2

    Question on forward progress

    Good question. Although I don't know the official rule between the end zones I do know that if he's on the one yard line that's a td....if I had to guess, the same rule will not apply if he's not touched.
  16. eaglecrusherspart2

    What happened to the Dallas Cowboys?

    This team has been far below expectations over the past 15 plus years.... Is it poor financial management? Their defense is terrible....Ware is the shining star but overall this team looks confused. Offense is good but Romo still has his reputation... Thoughts?
  17. eaglecrusherspart2

    Winners, sign in here!

    Eli/Rivers Mjd Sproles (waiver wire) Demarco Murray (waiver wire) Larry Fitzgerald Stevie Johnson Gronkowski Jason Hanson Packers Bench J Stewart Mark Ingram Laurent Robinson Torrey Smith Novak Broncos
  18. eaglecrusherspart2

    ***Official SNF Cowboys/Giants Thread***

    If the Dallas defense showed up in the first half this game would be a lot closer
  19. eaglecrusherspart2

    What Was Your Best Trade/Pickup Of The Year?

    I picked up sproles in week 2 Demarco Murray and Laurent Robinson were also good pick ups. My one not so shining moment was passing on Cam early on for Devery Henderson. I still thought Rivers would get it together. In the end I still won my league so I'm happy.
  20. eaglecrusherspart2

    Winners, sign in here!

    Congrats to all! Its been a tough stressful year for fantasy! Can't wait to hoist the trophy on draft day!
  21. eaglecrusherspart2

    What do you need on Monday night football?

    PPR up 17, I have sproles and Julio and he has brees....
  22. eaglecrusherspart2

    What do you need?

    Up 9 and I still have packers d, Julio and sproles. He has Brees. I really could've used that extra yd from rivers....would've been up 15....brees can easily put up 50 and knock me out.
  23. eaglecrusherspart2


    I just went into my lineup to take out Stevie Johnson for Laurent and got shut out due to timing. We will see what happens next!
  24. eaglecrusherspart2

    Flex Help

    Thanks for responding to mine. If healthy helu is the Guy with d Williams a close 2nd
  25. eaglecrusherspart2

    rivers or eli

    Eli against the jets Or Rivers at Detroit Leave your link and ill answer