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spork in the road

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Everything posted by spork in the road

  1. spork in the road

    What are the top posts in this boreds history?

    The thread about the chick from work who would turn tricks in the Best Buy parking lot. I think that was nafxaj. Rustor's thread about not being able to pay for a pizza with a check I liked the old guess the geek threads, there was some hilarity there
  2. spork in the road

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Vince Vaughn
  3. spork in the road

    I'm going to go ahead and throw a name out there.

    Jordon Sparks
  4. spork in the road

    have you guys seen this?

    It's funny because usually it's Ben who holds someone down and humps them against their will.
  5. spork in the road

    FU Four Seasons

    So I'm enjoying a tasty meal with a few cocktails with a bunch of my buddies at a fairly upscale restaurant. One of my buddies happens to be a lightweight and passes out at the table. Head down and short sleeve in the dinner plate. No big deal, I'm the one driving. I've had between 4 and five drinks over the course of three and half hours. I'm a little happy, but still good to drive. I escort my friend who is noticably stumbling and we make our way to the valet station. After some discussion a manager guy comes out and says "Sir, I'm sorry, but based on the alcohol intake at your table we cannot release your car to you tonight." I don't bother to argue, so I take a cab home. I get to the house and realize three things: 1) The valet still has my keys 2) Those keys include my house keys 3) My house is not accessible without keys One somewhat akward encounter with a neighbor later and I am finally inside my house, but pissed at my friend and the management at Four Seasons.
  6. spork in the road

    FU Four Seasons

    Wow lots of drama and assumptions from folks that weren't there. Frankly it wasn't too big a deal. I took a cab to get my car back this morning. I understand that the hotel folks need to watch out for people drinking and driving and it is better to err on the side of caution. I was just venting a little bit last night. My main complaint with the hotel management is the determination seemed to be mostly based on the condition of my friend who was out drinking before our dinner (I was not). Another guy who was a part of our dinner party left a few minutes ahead of me got his car with no problem. It's possible he seemed less affected than I did, but we drank the same amount and I am 7 inches taller and 80 pounds heavier than him, so I doubt it. If I really had a problem with their determination not to hand over the keys I would have argued my case last night. As for suing, that seems ridiculous. I wish they had a breathilyzer onsite. That way I could have proven that I wasn't intoxicated and they could have handed over the keys in good conscience or conversely they could have proven that I was more impaired than I thought and I would have taken a cab and thanked them for their good judgement.
  7. spork in the road

    Caption this girl in a bikini

    In certain parts of the keys, the manatees will jump right into your boat
  8. spork in the road

    The Wire v. The Sopranos

    Add Rome to this list. If you wanted a wild card, add Carnivale.
  9. spork in the road

    Favorite dog breeds?

    We have a black lab and a German Shepard and they are both awesome with our kids. I would get either of those breeds again, although we also like the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs.
  10. spork in the road

    Best And Worst Present You Ever Received

    Best: Xbox with GTA 3 from the wife Worst: A glass ruler from the in-laws that said "You rule"
  11. spork in the road

    So what'd ya get?

    Nothing so far . Waiting for the mother-in-law to arrive. Trying to hold back the 4 year old from the ocean of presents sitting under the tree.
  12. spork in the road

    No Heat

    My idiot college roommates and I spent a winter without paying for heat. It was Baltimore, but still it was brutally cold. I would sleep in long johns, sweat pants and a sweater with a million blankets. The trick was to keep the clothes you were wearing in the morning under the blankets with you. As I got older and earned more money I also learned the trick of paying for heat and keeping up with HVAC maintenance.
  13. spork in the road

    Sports Hernia...anyone ever had one?

    If it hurts when you run you probably need to keep running until it stops hurting.
  14. spork in the road

    secrets to a long lasting marriage

    True dat. Been together for 16 years. I'm a saver and she is a spender. Before we had separate accounts she would buy insane things like a $1,000 jacket that would drive me crazy. After separate accounts I don't care what she spends her money on.
  15. spork in the road

    mi computadora es muy enferma

    A mildly serious reply: When you notice the slowness open your task manager and look if agent.exe is using most of your CPU. If so you might have other software on your computer that is reaching out to the interweb for updates. This would happen every time you restart your computer.
  16. spork in the road

    How much would have to get paid to sit in prison for 10 years?

    I have a wife and kids and I might do it for free.
  17. spork in the road

    How To Spot A Sex Addicted School Teacher

    That website is priceless. It did seem a bit mean to Sux though: "Overall, this sad fate is emblematic of the overly complicated and independent mentality of certain types of women, a mentality that drives them to a dangerous mix of cities, cats and promiscuity. "
  18. spork in the road

    Debt Consolidation?

    Another scam involves the debt consolidation company convincing the debtor to send their monthly payments to the consolidation company instead of the bank or credit card company. The consolidation company then just pockets all the payments.
  19. spork in the road

    How much do you know about religion?

    Atheist here who scored 14/15. I know a lot about make-believe stuff.
  20. spork in the road

    Ex Air Force Officers claim Aliens Monitoring Nuke Sites.

    Just another reason we need immigration reform.
  21. spork in the road

    CBS issues DVR instructions for "$#*! My Dad Says"...

    Updated instructions: If you even considered Tivoing this piece of crap please shoot yourself or for Pete's sake go get neutered.
  22. spork in the road

    you're all time favorite song EVAAH

    Good god. I'm now in the position where I have to agree and thank GFIAP. I have been looking for that song forever, with a vague notion that it was Pink Flyod. Also like I'll be here a while - 311 Two of us - Beatles
  23. spork in the road

    Lost geek that I miss

    I think you mean Stop Talking Cheerleader.
  24. spork in the road

    Lost geek that I miss

    That bonky dude. What was his name, McBonken?