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spork in the road

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Everything posted by spork in the road

  1. spork in the road

    A Northerner's Perception of Southern Culture

    I think one of the reasons for the sense of community in the south is the fact that southern families are more likely to live in the same place generation after generation. In the northeast it's very common to go to high school in one city, go to college someplace else and finally settle in a third city. I grew up in the northeast and now live in northern virginia. Northern VA is not the south, but rural parts of VA are definitely the South.
  2. spork in the road

    Married Geeks

    29 dated for 4 years before getting married.
  3. spork in the road

    New Fall Network shows that you started watching?

    kidnapped - not bad, but I think the network is killing it soon vanished - me likey jerico - meh heros - meh so far but i'll watch episode 2 sunset - ok, but not appointment tv class - horrible, i won't be watching again
  4. spork in the road

    Who's got an MBA

    I'm in the last year of a part-time MBA program. The people who do best in my part-time program are the people who had a firm goal in mind before they started the first class. For example, a few people need an MBA to move up in their company. I'm in consulting so having a Master's will allow me to charge higher rates. An MBA is too expensive to figure it what you want to do while taking classes. Also the job placement services are typically lacking in part-time programs. Also try to figure out what you think you are going to get out of the progam (e.g. how much of a bump in salary). Then compare that to the amount of effort and money you are going to sink into getting an MBA. If I had to do it all over again I would seriously consider not doing the program. It's very expensive and time consuming and for part time programs the benefits are uncertain. As for making great contacts, that might work for Harvard but is a lot less valuable at second and thrid tier schools. There are plenty of people that are just wasting their money and I'm not so sure I'm not one of them. It's not all bad. I enjoy the classes and you definitely improve your presentation and writing skills.
  5. spork in the road

    On the road again...

    Given Willie's history the officer was forced to conclude the 1.5 pounds of weed were for personal consumption.
  6. spork in the road

    Best new TV show?

    Started watching Vanished when it came out a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't expecting much but it has been kickass so far.
  7. spork in the road

    check out this video

    From my rugby days I can add that it is extremely satisfying to hit a much smaller player especially when they aren't expecting it. I think a felony is a bit extreme but the guy should at least have to go to a tackling clinic. He needed to get lower, lead with the shoulder, wrap up and then drive the kid into dirt.
  8. spork in the road

    Croc Hunter Haiku

    Driving in circles His haid practically felled off now one less Earnheart sorry, that was something different: tempting fate daily croc hunter goes for a swim should he pull it out?
  9. spork in the road

    What should i do with an old monitor?

    Don't put in the garbage. Most computers stores will recycle it for you. I recently upgraded to a 19" LCD and got rid of my old CRT. It cost less than $10 to recycle it at Mocrocenter.
  10. spork in the road

    Did you ever notice the KIND of people who judge other people?

    As to the original question I hate those fockers with their ridiculous robes and making everyone call them your honor.
  11. spork in the road

    Taller people are smarter than midgets.....

    Another craptatic study that relies on correlations. Kids who get better parental care have better nutrition (so they end up taller) and probably have a richer cognitive environment (so they are smarter). Intelligence isn't necessarily directly related to height.
  12. spork in the road

    GEEK Grammar Police

    Wow, I suck, 4/10. Ironically I am considered one of the better writers at the IT firm I work for (dangling preposition).
  13. spork in the road

    Would ya?

    Just today?
  14. spork in the road

    Outrageous Chinese gov oppression

    No matter what your political leanings I think we can all agree this latest crackdown by the chinese government is reprehensible. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14482354/?GT1=8404
  15. spork in the road

    Dungeon girl defends captor

    Its called the Stockholm syndrome. Not too unexpected if her captor was her only human contact for almost ten years.
  16. spork in the road

    Outrageous Chinese gov oppression

    This choice of entertainment might be the type of traditional ancient Chinese wisdom we need to import back to the US.
  17. spork in the road

    Things you never did at college...but you wish you did?

    Probably too late for you, but I always regretted not doing the junior year abroad.
  18. spork in the road

    i woke up with my face swollen

    Usually being beaten with the ugly stick causes immediate swelling. I guess there was some delay in your case.
  19. spork in the road

    What's the way to dump a chick?

    Apparently it's not cool to break up with women on their b-days. If I was going to break up with you why would I remember your birthday?
  20. spork in the road

    How would you react to this?

    I can go one better. My stepmother-in-law demands that we all take showers in the outdoor shower so her cleaning lady won't have extra work. How about this: "I'll clean the shower myself so I don't have to live like an animal on my vacation".
  21. spork in the road

    My weekend sucked how was yours?

    It looks like you didn't have a second round draft pick.
  22. spork in the road

    If The Nazis Played In The Superbowl...

    Everyone would try to play strong safety because they thought it was cool to be in the SS.
  23. spork in the road

    Geek steel cage matches you would pay to see

    How could you miss Recliner Pilot vs. Torrid Joe?
  24. spork in the road

    Went to see Kenny Rogers in concert last night

    Did he attack the camera man?