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Everything posted by Mrsteak21

  1. Mrsteak21


    "Every player and every cog in the Swine Flu Hysteria Propaganda Machine, are as guilty as the Illuminated Club of Rome planners who were behind this covert population reduction agenda. Having failed, apparently, to poison us sufficiently with chemtrails for the past 11 years, they now turn to direct poisoning via inoculations. The Satanic underpinning of this Death ritual is clear when you recognize that they FIRST want to poison those human groups most responsible for carrying on and continuing life itself: pregnant women, little children, and healthcare workers!" Former Marine Drew Malone Raines, great grandnephew of Major General Smedley Butler, discovered in July of this year that a Navy ship headed out of San Diego in late April of 2009 for Phukette, Thailand, had an emergency crisis at sea and had to return to port. All 347 members of the ship's crew were inoculated with the Swine flu vaccine three days before departing on April 21, 2009. By May 1, 2009 (about two weeks), 341 crew members came down with flu symptoms and approximately 260 of them had what was described as "very serious" flu symptoms. Two people died. About 50 medical personnel from another Navy ship, were brought on board to attend to the medical emergency and the ship was returned to port where it was quarantined. The wife of one of those seamen who had gotten very ill and nearly died, had reported the story to a group of Navy wives who were regular listeners to Drew Raines, A Marine's Disquisition, internet radio show, and they, in turn, reported the story to Drew Raines. Subsequently, the wives of every seaman on that ship were visited by Navy Intelligence and other Navy brass and told to keep their mouths shut and say nothing of the episode to anyone as the incident was now classified and subject to "national security" classification." http://educate-yourself.org/cn/poisoningamerica05oct09.shtml "Cases of autism in the U.S. have now increased by over 2700 per cent since 1991, which is when vaccines for children doubled, and the number of immunizations is only increasing. Just one in 2,500 children were diagnosed with autism before 1991, whereas one in 91 children now have the disease, up from one in 150 just six years ago." http://www.prisonplanet.com/autism-explode...s-increase.html
  2. "As a passing shot, Iran has just announced it will not accept U.S. dollars in payment for its oil. The last nation to offer such a challenge, Iraq, was invaded only months later by President Bush II. Already, President Obama appears to be considering joint strikes against Iran to 'protect Israel and the world from an Iranian nuclear threat.' Of course, none of this will change the fundamental economic dislocation that is causing America's descent. In fact, war is one of the most expensive propositions a government may entertain. One thing is virtually certain: if the missiles start to fly, then gold is sure to soar." http://news.goldseek.com/JohnBrowne/1254981960.php
  3. Mrsteak21


    True - however it is very alarming. The root of the problem here in my opinion is that vaccines contain small amounts of poisonous materials (do a google search, mercury amoung the worst) and since about the 70's children have been subjected to more and more vaccines at very early ages. The amount of vaccines and shots infants and toddlers receive now is staggering compared to when i was born in the early 80's. I just feel that putting more poison into our bodies could be doing more harm than good. Obviously there are vaccines that are necessary (i.e. Polio) but there are a ton that kids never received and turned out fine.
  4. Mrsteak21


    So you are saying im paranoid because i dont just go along with the crowd and believe everything i hear on the nightly news? You are pretty pathetic buddy, just another sheep in the flock (yeah it says flock, look it up). Not everything is a conspiracy, but because better people than I look into and double check the facts on things they see and hear (without blindly believing) they have uncovered a lot of things that are blantant lies and/or coverups. I know it is a lot easier for some of you to put your blinders on and not worry about anything scary. It is probably more important to you where your next beer is coming from over the idea that the precious swine flu vaccine might be harmful. As for your questions: Cell phones causing brain cancer? Not sure, we will see in a decade or so. Obama not born in America? Also not sure, i dont know enough about it to make a decision either way.
  5. did you read the link or not - it gives you all your stupid mass media links.... but im sure it is easier to call me names ive thrown out multiple (in the hundreds) of links debunking the popular mechanics crap and other BS reports. ive proven multiple and multiple times that the planes couldnt have made those 360 degree turns, that kerosene cant melt steel, that thermite was found in the debris, the the owner of the WTC said in an interview that he pulled the building, that firefighters and cops said they heard multiple explosions, that the so called terrorists are still alive, that they couldnt even fly a plane at their flight training center, that full plane wreckage wasnt even found at the pentagon, the govt confiscates all of the video evidence, etc, etc, etc. but you guys still dont buy it..... http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up10pg just read the freaking link - take 15 minutes of your time and read starting at 9/11 and tell me that this isnt either a govt conspiracy or a partial govt coverup. just 15 minutes and it even gives you all of the precious links to the major media that you guys want. READ IT
  6. i think that you are nuts if you dont think the majority of the major media outlets are influenced/controlled by the govt. a lot of you folks believe in the mason, illuminati, bohemian grove types that control the govts of the world but yet cant understand that the govt had some sort of hand in 9/11 either intentionally or unintentionaly. here is a timeline with links from major media types like you requested (tip: start with the 9/11 date and read on down, you might learn something): http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up10pg
  7. 9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public There were many things, in hindsight, that were disturbing at Ground Zero. It was odd to me that I was dispatched to go to New York even before the second plane hit the South Tower, while the media was still reporting only that a “small plane” had collided with the North Tower — far too small of a catastrophe at that point to involve FEMA . FEMA was mobilized within minutes, whereas it took ten days for it to deploy to New Orleans to respond to Hurricane Katrina, even with abundant advance warning! It was odd to me that all cameras were so fiercely prohibited within the secured perimeter of Ground Zero, that the entire area was declared a crime scene and yet the “evidence” within that crime scene was so rapidly removed and destroyed. And then it was very odd to me when I learned that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved into position at their command center at Pier 92 on September 10th, one day before the attacks!" http://www.voltairenet.org/article160636.html Am i still crazy?
  8. Charlie Sheen's video message to President Obama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyKR2-A0KPU...player_embedded Watch this - you might learn something.
  9. Cause of destruction of WTC discovered David Scrimshaw Winter Haven Published: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 4:01 a.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 2:17 a.m. As disturbing as 9/11 was, the peer-reviewed paper of Dr. Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen is causing shockwaves around the world. In the paper, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2 (2009)," Dr. Harrit and eight other scientists from Denmark, the United States and Australia report the actual cause of the destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 in New York almost eight years ago. Nano-thermite, a mixture of aluminum and rust powder, reacts to intense heat of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, producing molten iron and an effective explosion. It can be used as rocket fuel and contains more energy than dynamite. Over 10 tons have been estimated to have been found in Manhattan near the site. While thermite can be bought by anyone for welding (which produces iron), the nano process is performed by and for military uses only. In an interview with Germany's gulli.com, Dr. Harrit was asked how the substance could have been placed in the towers. Mark Loizeaux, an expert on demolition and whose company was assigned the cleanup of Ground Zero, has claimed to know nothing about the existence of nano thermite. Dr. Harrit refused to speculate, calling instead for a criminal investigation. When asked if a copy of the paper had been sent to the FBI, he responded, "Yes. A copy has actually been sent to (the) FBI. I am not in a position to give a full account of the response, but as I recall, it was surprisingly receptive." http://www.newschief.com/article/20090812/...-WTC-discovered
  10. Mrsteak21

    H1N1 Vaccine

    Only an idiot would get the H1N1 shot: Doctors/Nurses/and Makers Of Vaccination Refuse To Take H1N1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4SmFxyust0 1) People is the 70's that took a very similar vaccine got sick and had neurological disorders, became paralyzed and some even died (more died from vaccine then from flu) 60 minutes video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDXam8AGbJ42) More people die from the common flu each year 3) this vaccine was rushed through the approval process without adequate testing - Baxter (one of the vaccine makers) shipped genetically engineered avain flu vaccines to 18 different countries - the only thing that stopped mass death was a Czech lab that first tested the vaccine on ferrets who all died. The WHO was notified and disaster was avoided. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Health-...how/4230882.cms 4) thimerosal aka mercury is an ingredient in the vaccine and has been linked to autism 5) US law passed that vaccine makers cannot be sued for damages - http://www.ktradionetwork.com/2009/07/24/m...e-cant-be-sued/
  11. Mrsteak21

    Is this the smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

    man you are a douche. i would post something and you guys didnt debunk anything, just posted links to the popular mechanics article and a bunch of your own opinions. I would come back with more factual info that would rip to shreads what you would post and then you would start calling me names (tinfoil comes to mind). This obama birth certificate deal is the same thing as 9/11 - the govt is covering up info and will not release the documentation that would put this to rest. Reminds me just like the video tapes the govt confiscated from nearby building and gas station cameras - they would not release them for months and when they finally did minutes of video tape was spliced down to about 10 frames that showed next to nothing. Believe what you will but you might want to question the govt and not blindly believe every bit of drivel you hear on the govt press release/nightly news.
  12. facts can be spun anyway you want - for example, you list these stats divided "by person" which is funny because China and India have the most people so it dilutes their total number.... also, you stats are from around the year 1998-2000 so these have changed much since then - think about how much china and india have grown since then (from no name economies to now joining the world powers)
  13. Hey and believe me - i think George Bush was a complete nut job that ruined civil liberties and freedom, while running up the deficit to pay for false wars....so yes, that is saying a lot of i think obama will be worse....
  14. Ding, DIng, Ding, we have a winner - this is exactly the point that liberals dont get. 3rd world countries that are now going through the industrial revolution (i.e. China, India, Brazil, parts of the middle east, etc) are the ones that are polluting the most. THe US, canada and europe are not polluting much in comparison due to better technologies and actual environmental laws, unlike in China and India where they can shoot raw sewage into rivers, hack down any trees they want, etc. If you want to fix the problem look at the countries that are producing the problem. The only thing this stupid law willl due is make everything more expensive. Unfreaking believable how dumb some of you guys are. Obama is nuts and out of control - mark my words: In a generation he will be viewed as a worse pres than bush by a longshot.
  15. Mrsteak21

    As Promised

    I am happy if i am either Ireland, germany or others........
  16. Mrsteak21

    Am I an alcoholic?

    if it makes you feel better i just drank an entire vodka diet on the crapper without a flinch. I will do it again tomorrow. Dont worry about it.
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1244157804...l?mod=yhoofront California has the Golden Gate Bridge, New York has the Empire State Building, Illinois has the Magnificent Mile. And North Dakota? It has a hefty budget surplus those states would envy. While many states scrounge for ways to repair budget deficits, North Dakota is cutting taxes and fretting over how much of its budget surplus to spend or save. View Full Image Zuma Press An oil field in North Dakota, which has been helped by higher prices. ."We all ought to move to North Dakota," joked Raymond C. Scheppach, executive director of the National Governors Association. The group said in a report Thursday that North Dakota and Wyoming remained the only two relative bright spots in a nation mired in recession. Both resource-rich states expect revenue collections to come in above their budgeted forecasts, while 38 states anticipate revenue shortfalls, according to the report on state finances, which was co-written by the National Association of State Budget Officers. Meanwhile, North Dakota expects to have a surplus of about $700 million in June 2011, the end of its next budget cycle. In the legislative session ended last month, North Dakota lawmakers shifted more of the responsibility for funding education to the state and required local governments to reduce property taxes proportionately, saving taxpayers $295 million. Individuals and businesses also received about $100 million in income-tax cuts. At the same time, lawmakers increased spending on K-12 and college education, health care, infrastructure and other programs. .The remote Plains state, with a population of just over 640,000, has benefited from spikes in oil and crop prices. While the rest of the U.S. economy was tumbling last year, energy and agricultural commodities stayed frothy before beginning a long slide in the summer. Lately, they have begun climbing again. Oil prices dropped below $40 a barrel in February as the global recession strengthened, but they have since jumped to nearly $70. Crop prices are off last year's peaks, but are still well above long-term averages. High prices help North Dakota in myriad ways. State revenues rise thanks to taxes on oil production and extraction. Energy-industry workers and farmers pay more in income taxes and spend more, boosting sales-tax receipts. Chiefly because of the commodities boom, North Dakota had the fastest-growing economy in the nation last year, as the state's gross domestic product increased 7.3%, the Commerce Department said Tuesday. The state also missed much of the bubble in housing prices and dubious lending practices that bedeviled much of the nation, so it isn't struggling as much with foreclosures. Republican Gov. John Hoeven likes to credit his administration's efforts to diversify the economy, including fostering "value-added" agriculture, such as food-processing plants, and alternative-energy production, from wind to ethanol and other biofuels. "Jobs and opportunities change, and we have to be developing these new industry areas," he said. Spinning wind turbines have become a more common sight on the state's rolling plains. North Dakota has 865 megawatts of wind power completed or under development, up from less than two megawatts four years ago. State and local officials have been traveling to Ohio and Michigan to recruit laid-off workers. North Dakota's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate -- 4.0% in April -- is the lowest in the U.S. Still, the state's economic strength posed difficult questions in the latest legislative session: Spend more now to help vulnerable groups like children and the elderly? Or save more as a hedge against future busts? Some lawmakers say their job actually becomes tougher in boom times. "When the bank account is flush, people just are very skeptical when we say, 'We don't have enough money to do this,' " said state Sen. Ray Holmberg, a Republican from Grand Forks. Legislators say they want to avoid the roller coaster of spending sprees followed by cutbacks. The state isn't immune to recession ripple effects: Heavy-equipment maker Bobcat Co., the state's biggest manufacturer, recently laid off nearly 250 workers at its plants in the state. Microsoft Corp. and American Express Co. also have announced layoffs or closures. Some argue that North Dakota could spend more of its surplus today without jeopardizing the future. State Sen. Tracy Potter, a Democrat from Bismarck, criticized the Republican-dominated legislature for failing to substantially expand children's health insurance during its recent session. "Things like that are not just poor choices, but really dumb," he said. The state plans to spend $8.85 billion over its next two-year budget cycle, almost 37% above its current $6.48 billion budget. "I think our expenditures cannot continue to go up at the same rate that they went up this year," said Pam Sharp, the state's budget director. Much of the spending is targeted at one-time outlays, she said. The state accepted about $600 million in federal stimulus money, a portion of which will be used to repair roads damaged in massive spring floods. Gov. Hoeven said he worries about the federal deficit. "I'm also concerned about some of the states, like California," he said. "At what point does their deficit problem become our collective problem?" Let me think here - the states that let capitalism go with little to zero regulation flourish, yet the high tax states (NY, CA, MASS, NJ, MN, etc) are bankrupt. Im pretty sure a 3rd grader could figure this one out..... GO OBAMA, wait, go free market!!!!
  18. Mrsteak21

    "It's Because We're Black"

    CAN SIZE???? I cant believe i am dropping to this level, but seriously drop a brother a line.....
  19. Mrsteak21

    Another heartwarming cop story

    really grasping at stuff here huh? cops were in the wrong plain and simple - might be some of that napoleon complex in over drive.
  20. Mrsteak21

    Pastor Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS

    Wow, good for you. I am happy that you learned about this story last month and that you go to the FBG website. I dont care if this guy is a child molesting, racist, obama hating punk. What i saw on the video was uncalled for. The guy asked for what he was being arrested for, the border guys didnt have anything and still tasered and assualted the guy. I feel that there are more and more ex military law enforcement officers that are abusing their power. A few that come to mind are the guy that knocked the dude off on the bicycle in boston, some of the arrests made during the RNC, overuse of the taser on multiple occasions, etc. I would say my biggest beef with this is breaking the window and then tasering him when he is just sitting there. A taser should not be freely used - it is not a non-lethal device it is a less-lethal device. Hundreds of people have died from tasers but cops use them like they are no big deal.
  21. Mrsteak21

    Pastor Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS

    i dont care if he is a doosh or not. the border patrol/cops had no reason to break his car windows, tase him and drag him out of his car and grind his face into the pavement. it doesnt matter if he likes obama or not. inexcusable
  22. Mrsteak21

    Your Gold Stock tip of the day

    First off Cramer is an idiot: Over the past two years, viewers holding Cramer's stocks would be up 12% while the Dow rose 22% and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index ($INX) gained 16%, according to a record of 1,300 of the CNBC star's "buy" recommendations compiled by YourMoneyWatch, a Web site run by a retired stock analyst and loyal Cramer-watcher. Second off he actually recommended gold back in july of last year when it was at $950-975 - the guy likes to recommend thing we they are high..... link: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...ersBadBets.aspx older article from MSN money, but if you put cramer is an idiot, cramer is a fraud, etc into google you will find a crap ton of people that track his picks....
  23. Mrsteak21

    RLLD...essplane sumthin to me

    ive been investing in silver and gold for about 3 years. some of what RLLD says is correct, some i disagree with. For example, i do not agree with the 1:1 ratio. The stock market and gold are two completely different things and are not as interdependent as he makes them sound. 99.9% of the time the market and gold are not at a 1:1 ratio, just because they happen to meet when we have depressions doesnt mean much or that it will happen this time. I could throw out a number and say that the market is more likely (and in equilibirum) to be at a 20:1 ratio to gold and would be more accurate on a percentage basis than the 1:1 ratio. Anyways here are my two cents: Gold is a safe haven investment. Unlike stocks you are actually owning something tangiable (if you have bullion coins/bars) that costs money to make. It has value, the stocks you own do not have value value if the company falls. I own 6 kruggerrands and 250 oz of silver at the moment. In the past i have owned more, sometimes less. The problem i am seeing with both gold and silver is that the demand for these metals are now solely coming from investors. For example, the vast majority of the historical gold market (80% or so) is for making jewelry, with India being the largest driver by far. As you can imagine, the jewerly market has dried up and investors have taken up the slack. THe problem with this is that eventually we will run out of safe haven investors and the price will drop until the global economy can become healthy again and people have money to buy jewelry. I have read that about 60% of the demand right now is from investors and that scares me quite a bit. That is much higher than the usual 20% and shows how much the jewerly demand has dried up. As for silver it is the same thing but just switch out "jewelry demand' for industrial/electronics demand. Industrial demand is way down and the investors are making up for the difference here as well. Eventually that will end and the price will drop. I am not planning on selling any gold or silver at the moment, nor am i planning to buy any. Gold in my opinion has the same likely hood to hit $600 an oz as $1500 an oz. Either way you will have a great hedge against inflation and something that will not rise or drop as much as the stock market. In general terms, gold should always be able to buy the same product - i.e. buy 1/20 of a mid priced car no matter if we are taking 1950, 1970 or 2030. This is a very good website on investing in metals - the analysts here are the best by far. The owner of the company (Jon Nadler) and long time metal trader writes reports each morning on what he sees in the market: Kitco - http://www.kitco.com/ - look on the front page for metal prices and Jon's articles (under contributed commentaries) Link to a history of Jon Nadler's daily articles - http://www.kitco.com/ind/index.html
  24. Mrsteak21

    Tent cities sprouting up all over the country

    im confused - the title to this thread says tent cities sprouting up all over the country, but the video link shows just one tent city in LA. I live in Minnesota and havent seen a tent city ever. I think this tent city thing might be exaggerated a little bit.