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Everything posted by Mrsteak21

  1. Mrsteak21

    9/11 coverup revisted

    Giant flames engulf every floor of 44-story building and it remains standing, yet limited fires across just 8 floors of WTC 7 brought down building within 7 seconds on 9/11. How can NIST’s “new phenomenon” explain this one? The core of NIST’s explanation, that an “extraordinary event” called “thermal expansion” was to blame for the sudden total collapse of WTC 7 is of course on the face of it a fraud when one considers the innumerable number of buildings that have suffered roaring fires across the majority of their floors and remained standing, whereas WTC 7 suffered limited fire damage across a handful of floors. The Beijing skyscraper fire provides yet more comparable evidence to illustrate the monolithic hoax that fire damage alone can cause buildings to collapse implosion style, adding more weight to the argument that both WTC 7 and the twin towers were destroyed by explosives that were seen and heard by dozens of eyewitnesses who were at ground zero. Take another example - the Windsor building in Madrid, a 32 story skyscraper which was a raging inferno for no less than 24 hours before fire crews were able to put out the flames. Despite the building being constructed of columns a fraction as thick as those used in the WTC twin towers, as well as a total lack of fireproofing, the building’s top section only partially collapsed while the integrity of the whole structure remained firmly intact. link with pictures: http://www.infowars.com/fire-consumes-wtc-...s-not-collapse/ More examples of how the NIST's/govt's explanation is a bunch of crap. It is hard to refute multiple same size buildings that were on fire for hours with total or near total destruction that do not fall. Especially when you factor in the WTC buildings were designed and reinforced for just this type of destruction.
  2. Mrsteak21

    9/11 coverup revisted

    The first link is a great comparison between WTC 5 & WTC 6 and WTC 7 - buildings 5 and 6 are closer to the twin towers and sustained more damage (pics included with map of WTC complex). Almost all floors in both 5 and 6 were in complete blaze for hours compared to a few floors on WTC 7. And of course buildings 5 and 6 still were standing when WTC 7 collapsed onto itself (2nd link is to a video from CBS news replaying the "controlled demo"). Pics included in the first link of the "aftermath" showing 5 and 6 still standing and 7 in shambles. Go ahead and google what was in WTC 7 to help explain. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/augus...6wtccomplex.htm http://plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collaps...e/wtc-7_cbs.mpg The video shows obvious demolitions, eyewitnesses (firefighters, first responders, cilivians) heard explosions, firefighters were pulled from 7 and barred from reentry with only a few floors on fire, and there are great pics showing the massive damage to 5 and 6 compared to 7. Figure it out for yourself, im just trying to hold your hands on the way.
  3. We tried and tried to get these idiots to listen to ron paul - nobody listened or cared. We are in the middle of a giant pile of crap and still nobody listens to the guy. Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, etc - the guys that really understand how the economy works dont even get the time of day. It is totally senseless and irrational. Its not fun to say i told you so, but it is getting pretty obvious now and will be even more obvious in a year or two. For all you morons that dismissed this guy as "crazy" during the primaries how about you pull your head out of your butt and start doing some freakin research on legit candidates instead of just spouting off what the evening news says. Heck, we will all have plenty of time to research once the unemployment rate hits 12-15%.
  4. alright, i do not contribute much to this bored, but i figure i should pass on this info to anyone that has or will have a home theater/gaming system. I did not want to spend big money on hdmi cables for the ps3 so i did some research and bought some 6 ft cables for $5.99 a piece off this internet site: http://www.eforcity.com/hdmi13.html I received them yesterday and they work great and feel pretty high quality. I dont see any reason to buy the expensive BS they sell at Best Buy.
  5. Mrsteak21


    myself and some others on this site called that by the end of the year there will be a recession (2 qtrs of negative GDP). So far we have one quarter down and one to go. Just come out now and say that you are wrong and that the US is in a recession. It is okay, everyone of us is wrong at one time or another. By the way you are still a neo-con nutcase.
  6. Mrsteak21


    Im not happy about it the recession, but im glad that i get to point out that RP is wrong once again. I did do an extensive search for the old thread, but low and behold it must be gone! Pretty conveinent to delete threads when you are wrong. By the way how about we see how negative the growth is this quarter?
  7. Mrsteak21


    Good one, steel melts at 2700 F. There have been multiple steel structure buildings that have burned hotter and longer than the WTC that still stood. Keep your head in the sand.
  8. Mrsteak21

    Iran has enough uranium to build a nuke

    Ding Ding Ding, we finally have a winner. Me 2006 and the rest of the neo con hypocrites cant understand why Iran (or any other country in the world) would want to have a nuke. Lets see here, America has bases all over the world, we also sanction, threaten and invade countries. In fact, we invaded two countries that are in right in Iran's backyard. Im pretty sure if lets say Russia invaded and occupied Canada and Peru and we didnt have any nukes but they do; im pretty sure we would be scrambling ASAP to get a nuke together. Im assuming Me 2006 can follow this analogy so im pretty sure he is starting to come around. America has no right to tell other countries what to do - if they want a nuke than that is fine. Once they get a intercontinental missle that can deliver that payload to our soil then we can decide to change course. Oh wait Russia, China and N. Korea (two of which are our extreme enemies) can already launch nukes that land in the US - why arent we threatening them? N. Korea is off the terrorist black list, China buys all of our T-Bills and makes cheap crap for us and Russia is too powerful. HMMMM Makes sense?
  9. First of all, Wikipedia is correct on everything... Second, if i remember right this country had multiple major parties when it started (thru the first 100-150 years or so) and i think the country was doing just fine. I guess it just isnt possible to have more than two choices.
  10. Im really excited as well. I see a Lesnar victory because of his advantages in wrestling ability, weight/size, and strength. I really like how well he dominated Herring. Couture is a crafty vet and he has fought bigger opponents (i.e. Tim Sylvia) and won, but I dont think anyone can prepare for brock's freakish combo of quickness/strength/size. I think this won will go 2-3 rounds will Lesnar getting a ground and pound victory. I really just dont see how Couture can stand in there and box or wrestle, he will need to get a really deep submission to have a chance. I read around on a lot of the MMA sites and it sounds like most of the UFC fighters think Brock will win, although they dont feel he should have got the title fight so soon.
  11. Im voting for Chuck Baldwin as well. And to respond to that idiot that posted above about you might as well yell the name out your window; it is morons like you that say a vote for someone other than the two party system is a waste compounds this whole problem of voting for the lesser of two evils. If the media gave candidates equal coverage and if people actually voted for the person that they agree on with the issues, we would be a lot better off as a country. I dont think that it was a coincidence that this country was a lot better off one hundred+ years ago when there were 3-5 major political parties.
  12. Mrsteak21

    Obama Supporters

    True, im voting for Chuck Baldwin if it matters. I dont like either candidate, they are both sell out, corrupt, big govt establishment friends and i think either way we are in a bad situation. My guy would have been Ron Paul but the media smeared him so much that "mainstream" i.e. the morons of america do not like him. He could put this country back on the right track, but if you believe in the bible we are heading to one world govt no matter what so you might as well enjoy the ride!
  13. Mrsteak21

    Obama Supporters

    There is no "side" you little elementary school loser. Nobody likes the the people listed in either list. Please grow up, it is not a for me against you situation. I cant believe you guys still think there is a difference between these two. They are each a wing on the same bird going the same direction. This country is heading for the crapper either way, it just depends on which fork in the road we take.
  14. Mrsteak21

    Obama Supporters

    Idiots vote for both candidates every year. Nice point douche bag.
  15. Mrsteak21

    Ron Paul on the bailouts

    1) Osama himself said that he attacked the US because of our meddling in the Middle East 2) The US (WTC, embassies, troops, etc) get attacked all the time. Yes, Great Britian or France or somebody else gets hit with a bomb now and again. 90% of the countries attacked are allied with the US. 3) I cant believe you think our presence in the Middle East is a net positive - please explain that one. 4) Most countries dont give us permission to build a base in their country - we force them to by changing our trade policies with them. ALso, i dont think Iraq gave us permission to build 8 bases. We just started a war for no reason and starting building.
  16. Here is a thought: all politicians are crooks?
  18. hey dude - china as a country is somewhere around the US around our industrial revolution. Im pretty sure that we were full of pollution and terrible drinking water then too. Plenty of lead paint as well. If they dont have an EPA, they will soon. You can stick your head in the ground but China is the country the will take the #1 superpower place from the US. Heck, they could financially ruin us (and most of the world) if they called in all their debts.
  19. Mrsteak21

    If our economy is doing sooooo bad....

    Yes, the chickens have come home to roost on these people - especially with unemployment inching closer to 6%. More people will be defaulting on mortgages, credit cards, etc. My point about the waiting lists is that no, not all teams have waiting lists. I think it is a supply and demand. If the team is good and/or in a big city, then there are still plenty of diehards that will scarifice anything for their beloved team.
  20. Mrsteak21

    Ron Paul on Mccain/Obama

    Shhhhh....dont tell Retard Pilot what a real republican is, he might learn something.
  21. Mrsteak21

    If our economy is doing sooooo bad....

    All I have to say is "wow, you are really dumb." Restaurant attendence is down overall - any moron can see this and if you dont ask me go ahead and ask 10 managers from places around you how business has been. Also, google.com is a great resource for information a little more detailed than "Why do I still see restaurants jam packed with lines out the door?" Movie attendance is down : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/02/movies/02year.html Netflix is a huge reason why attendence is down - they are cheaper and you can watch the movies at home. From netflix's press kit - Subscribers: 8.4 million in 2008, a 400% increase since the end of 2003 when Netflix had 1.5 million subscribers. only 1 in five with a car less than 5 years old? Are you freakin kidding me? so 20% of people with a car less than 5 years old is a lot to you? Once again, google.com is a great way to find out that US new car sales are also way down. As for Batman it was one of the highest expected sequels in a while. It came out in the summer when movie traffic is highest. Ticket prices are also a bit higher than when Titanic came out in 1997. This handy link i found adjusted all of the highest grossing movie for inflation - guess where the Dark Knight is? How about 29th overall. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/adjusted.htm Here is a bunch more great stuff from google.com - "Since the start of the calendar year, domestic movie revenue is down 4 percent. While this number seems small, it represents a large average difference year to year. Revenue includes other factors outside the realm of attendance, lower popcorn revenues or drink sales could drop sales. Though what is important is attendance which is down a staggering 7 percent year over year. " Link: http://www.investingblog.org/archives/268/...omic-indicator/ As for Boston, they have a ballpark that cannot hold a lot of people, but they are in a huge market. Simple supply and demand to me. They are also a good team with a lot of tradition. Also, not all of the NFL teams have waiting lists - according to Forbes.com in 2007 only 24 of the 32 teams had waiting lists. They ranged from under 1,000 to over 150,000. link: http://www.forbes.com/2007/09/07/nfl-footb...907tickets.html By the way, I also think that a lot of people have been relying on credit to continue to live the "good life." I believe a lot of these people are the ones you see with new cars, dining out, movie and sports tickets as well.
  22. Mrsteak21

    Moon landing conspiracies busted

    im just a guy that wants pure evidence that something did or didnt happen. I just really dont believe anything the media, govt or heck my friends tell me unless I see it/hear it/experience it. Thats all, if you think im a lunatic, then so be it.
  23. Mrsteak21

    Question for McCain Supporters...

    Wow how original - im surprised you didnt respond with some republican (not conservative) bullcrap you usually do. Also i never said bush pulled off 9/11 - George bush is an idiot and you are an idiot if you really think he controls this country.
  24. Mrsteak21

    Moon landing conspiracies busted

    that link helps, but still doesnt provide any pictures or solid evidence that the flag, etc is visible. If the hubble is the best we have and that only goes to 280 ft, then I guess we wont know for a while.
  25. Mrsteak21

    Moon landing conspiracies busted

    Im confused - nuclear bombs in the 40's, jet fighters in the late 70's and early 80's (not fly by wire), and cracking of the gentic code in the late 90's with advanced PC's. What is your point?