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Everything posted by whoisjgalt

  1. whoisjgalt

    Official 2006 Keeper Thread, post keepers here

    Steven Jackson, RB, STL Larry Johnson, RB, KC alsochadjohnsonforsale
  2. whoisjgalt

    Head count for 2006

    Assuming what we'd discussed previously holds, in. As to the first part, there's a fix or two available for that.
  3. whoisjgalt

    Draft Rule Change Vote ~ 2006

    I still like my suggestion the best - the worst team gets the first choice in rounds one through four if he has no keepers. That said, I'd rather go to two keepers than maintain the screwed up status quo.
  4. whoisjgalt

    Hey Geekettes, here's a question for you.

    Carrie was never the only girl geek. Perhaps you mean DI. If you really go back that far then it'd be the Skins Chick.
  5. whoisjgalt

    packers question rodgers future

    And yet ...
  6. whoisjgalt

    On the Clock! (the polls return!)

    The Steelers seemed to make a pretty big committment to FWP this past offseason. Knowing that Bettis was done, they made no move to grab a significant free agent RB nor did they draft one 'til very late. That's an important statement about FWP's value to them, IMO. I won a redraft title last year taking Dunn in a PPR league (of course he wasn't the only reason). But I didn't pick him 'til the early 5th. He's great value there and still good value in the 4th. I just see more from FWP this year.
  7. whoisjgalt

    On the Clock! (the polls return!)

    Dunn. Not so fast. Dunn's only caught 29 each of the last two seasons (with 16 starts each year). FWP had 18 last year in 15 games. Is that approximate ten point difference substantial enough to sway your opinion? It isn't for me.
  8. whoisjgalt

    Poll - Gay Marriage Ban

    Separate but equal?
  9. whoisjgalt

    J.Harrison, B.Calhoun, J.Norwood

    Also, Dunn makes huge money for the next three years and is already 31 while Jones makes not much for the next three years and is still only 23. Is a 33 year old Dunn really going to be worth $4m?
  10. whoisjgalt

    The Browns haven't given up on Lee Suggs.

    And there are teams (Raiders) without RB depth that could use a guy who does have talent.
  11. whoisjgalt

    Geeks who disappeared

    No, things aren't good. Look for Doyle Redland posts and you'll see the reasons. Not good at all.
  12. whoisjgalt

    On the Clock! Palmer Vs Fast Willie Parker

    I'd go Parker here. I love Palmer, but I love knowing I'm pretty much set at RB more.
  13. whoisjgalt

    I need 2 WRs for a dynasty league

    for this year: 1) Keyshawn -gap- 2-4) Smith or Moulds or Bruce for the long run: 1-3) Lloyd or Williams or Williamson 4) Jenkins are Roddy White & Reggie Williams & Mark Bradley gone? i'd add Roddy to that 1-3 mess and add Reggie & Bradley with Jenkins. also consider Chris Henry.
  14. whoisjgalt

    why does everyone use 1-12 12-1 draft

    Through 12 rounds and trusting the valuations provided here: Serpentine draft: the 1st pick has a 6.2% better value vs the draft position with the worst value (12th) (6354 vs 5982) This stupid draft: the 1st pick has a 12.4% better value vs the draft position with the worst value (10th) (6616 vs 5886)
  15. whoisjgalt

    Aaron Brooks

    Pet peeve of the day - if you choose to project him over 16 games then you also need to do the same for the others who missed some games (Bulger, McNabb, Warner to name a few off the top of my head).
  16. whoisjgalt

    On the Clock!

    SJax and if Faulk scares you then go Ronnie Brown - maybe Brown even if not.
  17. whoisjgalt

    Jones wants out of Chi-Town

    Jones has two years left on his deal at about $2¼M per year.
  18. whoisjgalt

    On the clock! (no poll version...old school?)

    Bledsoe easily. By the time redrafts are in full swing in August, Bledsoe might be overpriced and gone a couple rounds earlier. As it stands now, he's good value here and Brooks isn't. I'd be alright with Brooks as a #2 QB, but I be scared if I'm stuck with him as my number one.
  19. whoisjgalt

    Draft and Cut Date

    Cut two of the four I need: Eric Johnson Sebastian Janikowski
  20. whoisjgalt

    Why Is Boldin Fitz's Red Headed Stepbrother?

    0.1625 TD's per game = 0.975 extra points per game (6 per TD) for Fitz > Fitz has 161 catches in 32 games = 5.03 catches per game > Boldin has 259 catches in 40 games = 6.475 catches per game That's 1.44 extra points per game (PPR) for Boldin > Fitz has 2189 yards in 32 games = 68.41 yards per game > Boldin has 3402 yards in 40 games = 85.05 yards per game That's 1.66 extra points per game (point per ten yards) for Boldin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So in PPR it isn't really close, but it is when no PPR.
  21. whoisjgalt

    Why Is Boldin Fitz's Red Headed Stepbrother?

    Still, ... Boldin has 16 TD's in 40 career games or 0.4 TD's per game. Fitz has 18 TD's in 32 career games or 0.5625 TD's per game. That's not a small difference (40+% more TD's per game for Fitz).
  22. whoisjgalt

    Why Is Boldin Fitz's Red Headed Stepbrother?

    And Boldin did it in two fewer games.
  23. whoisjgalt

    Online Fantasy Leagues: Which one is the best?

    Can't say I agree here at all... had a league on this site the last 2 years... major scoring problems and FA pickup problems... trying to convince commish not to go back.... even though we got it for free last year... just too many problems Yahoo is good, especially since its free. Hard to complain, and offers lots of info for a free site. Also, you can be in 4 different leagues and get the live scoring on all of them... only have to pay once, so its worth the $10 or whatever it was... Fanball was good too the one year I used it. He pimps that site because he's involved with it. The one he was involved with previously was extremely bad too - netcommish or something like that.