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Everything posted by Ron_Artest

  1. Ron_Artest

    This economy is so bad

    NOT! Don't believe what Clownzo tells you.
  2. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    What kind of a man makes his wife work while he sits home posting lies all day online?
  3. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    HT arguing that women should stay home and raise kids when his own wife worked while he sent his kids to daycare
  4. Ron_Artest

    Supreme Court thinks 2020 election stolen

    Yeah I can't wait for Jerry to tell us how smarter and better he is than us while he spreads bigotry, hatred, ignorance and fear thinly veiled as intellectualism.
  5. Ron_Artest

    Supreme Court thinks 2020 election stolen

    Forget subverting democracy, the real existential threat to America is trannies!!! What a fool. Perfect puppet.
  6. Ron_Artest

    Supreme Court thinks 2020 election stolen

    We learned the past decade that all of these articles like that are fake, created by foreign entities looking to sow seeds of distrust in America. Anyone that believes this crap and thinks th election was stolen is a puppet, plain and simple. It couldn't be more obvious.
  7. Even trump admits outside court that he paid her off, despite his defense in court that he didn't.
  8. Ron_Artest

    Supreme Court thinks 2020 election stolen

    The plan all along was to use Jan 6 to stop the certification then have the SC steal the election for Trump.
  9. Ron_Artest

    Supreme Court thinks 2020 election stolen

    Bootlickers like you will believe anything father trump tells you.
  10. Cohen unflappable on cross today. Blanche is an amateur. Donald is dead to rights.
  11. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Masterclass on owning the cultists
  12. Ron_Artest

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

  13. Ron_Artest

    What is your net worth?

    It's almost worrisome now. Tony has gone beyond late guy hearted ribbing to obsession. He thinks about you 24/7.
  14. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Tony is such a a puzzy.
  15. Ron_Artest

    The state of the Presidential race

  16. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    It's all about taking the power back, white men feel threatened and want to control women, minorities, everyone. Power and control craved by the weak.
  17. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Of course we have a bunch of men telling women what makes them happy, and of course it's serving men.
  18. Ron_Artest

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

  19. This is why trump will never testify. He's too dumb. He can't keep up with all of his lies over the years. Constant lying, constant crimes, constant cover up. Throw in some dementia and he doesn't even know what is reality or truth anymore.
  20. Ron_Artest

    The state of the Presidential race

    You obviously don't know what evidence tampering means. There is nothing about evidence tampering in the article. There is no admission of evidence tampering.
  21. Ron_Artest

    The state of the Presidential race

    You didn't post anything. Someone else posted an article from the gateway pundit that was false. Here is the real article: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-seeks-records-about-evidence-handling-latest-bid-delay-documents-case-2024-05-07/ There is nothing about lawyers admitting that they tampered with evidence. I get tired of having to prove you wrong on basic FACTS. As I always say, I have no problem debating people on differences of opinion. But that assumes we're using the same FACTS, not that one of us (me) is using FACTS and some of us (you) are making up "FACTS." It's not possible to have intelligent discourse under those conditions.