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Day Old Doughnut

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Everything posted by Day Old Doughnut

  1. Day Old Doughnut

    Advice needed on league setup

    Yeah, I agree this league is a little odd to say the least, but like I said for $50 I'll try it for a year. I'm definitely picking up two quality QBs early for the simple points you made. I've been in weirder leagues than this one and I might get lucky and make some coin. Now that I've read the rules I made one glaring ommission. This looks like a TD only league. I don't care for TD only leagues.
  2. Day Old Doughnut

    Selling your house?

    I don't know why you have such an axe to grind against realtors. It might be a reasonable argument if you really knew what you were talking about, but let me give you just a little education on the inaccuracies of "what little we do" 1. I spend quite a bit of money and time advertising the houses I have listed. This includes, but not limited too, placing the houses in various magazines, newspapers, MLS, holding an open house every month that I have the house. With these open houses I typically have some sort of deserts, cookies, what have you, that I place in the entry way. 2. COUNTLESS times I have shown houses to potential clients that turn out to be dead ends due to them not having credit backing, changing their mind, what have you. This costs time, gas, and aggravation on my part when I spend numerous hours setting up gateway websites designed for their price criteria. 3. I put in at least 50 hours a week of traveling, emailing, marketing, phone calls, and general paperwork. During the Spring these hours typically increase. I can't recall the last time I put in less than 40 hours a week with sometimes nothing going on other than the "busy" work. These are just a few of the things I do and all of this has to be done whether or not I get paid or not. Some weeks are good and some are bad. I would pose the question to you how much actual "work" do you put in during the week? I've seen you post quite a bit on this board during the daytime which I'm assuming is during company time which in turn means your surfing the net on their dime. I think I'm pretty safe to assume that this is not the only place that you spend time during the day which means even less productivity on your part. Unfortunately, I don't have that same kind of luxury, but I have chosen to go this route and thus it's up to me to determine how much I get paid. So, before you comment on how "little we do" you might want to make sure you're not abusing the same monetary values you're placing on my profession. While my comments might pose a sense of bitterness, I can tell you that that's not my intent. THe general perception is that we do nothing and I've heard it for years, so I just chalk it up to general ignorance about what we do in the profession. I do think it's very hypocritical for people to comment how we go about doing our business on basically our dime when those same people abuse corporate policy and values on a daily basis. Food for thought...
  3. Day Old Doughnut


    Wow. Unbelieveable. I can't decide which type of thread is worse......an Internet message board cat fight or Strike's sending of gifts to various females on this board with no hopes of getting laid. Don't get me wrong...each is pathetic in it's own right, but I'm just having a hard time ranking one over the other.
  4. Day Old Doughnut

    Bush caught on tape talking to Tony Blair

    How dare Bush speak such awful vulgarity. And at a private luncheon to boot. Some of you have nothing else better to do apparently.
  5. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    Well, I hope it works out for you. I would highly suggest though that if after those 3 weeks they still haven't sold their house (deals fall through all of the time, so be prepared) I would remove the contingency. That really does strap the marketability of your house.
  6. Day Old Doughnut

    OK - Selling my house

    I would back out of the contingency as soon as possible. I have another buyer that is looking right now and he's wanting to place a contigency as well. We've looked at a dozen houses or so and have placed offers on I believe 5. Every single one of the sellers rejected the offer because of the contingency. It doesn't help that houses in their area have been taking on average 8 months to sell.
  7. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    Fair enough. I disagree with you from my standpoint on many points, but your opinion is valid. There are some realtors that do suggest to overprice a house, but for the most part, especially in my area, the simple economics of supply and demand come to play. For me personally, I never try to sell a house for more than what the market in the area brings. Having an overpriced house sitting on the MLS for 250 days hurts the value of the house towards the seller because buyers wonder why the house hasn't sold in half a year or more. It hurts my reputation because people think that I'm not doing my job, which I'm proud to say that I do put in a lot of hours every day. I don't want to undervalue a house, but I don't want to be so foolish to talk the sellers into asking for way more than what they can get. Word of mouth plays a HUGE part in my business and if I get a reputation of overvaluing houses then I lose clients. I think you have more of a problem with lenders than realtors for the most part. I could be wrong, but that's what I get from your comments. It does appear you think that realtors and lenders play the "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours". I will say that there are two or three lenders that I try to get my clients to use and for one major reason. The lending laws vary from state to state and these fly by night lending services on the Internet for the most part, suck. I strongly encourage my clients to use lenders within our area because they are familiar with the laws and regulations. I always ask my buyers what price range they're looking for and I don't persuade them to go outside that range unless they specifically ask. It's not my job to make sure they can afford payments a year or two down the road. My responsibility is to find them a house that meets the criteria they specify. Sorry for the long rant... Well, I'm guessing from your post above you're in the process of a divorce and are wanting to get rid of the house as soon as possible. Based on your posts, I'm guessing this was the first offer you had and you jumped on it without being patient. I had a client from another state that was wanting to move here and they really liked a house. The seller of the house was going through a nasty divorce and was wanting to sell in a hurry. My buyer wanted to place a contingency (which from the buyer standpoint is advantageous, but horrible from the seller's hence my previous comments) on the sale of their house in Georgia. Long story short the contingency lasted for quite a few months as the seller agreed to extend the contingency. The price was agreed upon at the beginning and then after several months the buyer wanted to change the offer amount because interest rates went up and they couldn't get the value of their house they wanted, yada yada yada. The seller wouldn't come down on the price, so the buyer backed out of the offer after the last contingency/option period expired. The seller was pretty upset because he felt he might have lost a lot of interest in his house because of the contingency. It was greed on both parts, but you can see what pitfalls can arise because of contingencies.
  8. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    Just curious what you have against realtors. I'm a realtor and let's say inquiring minds want to know.
  9. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    Yes, by all means buy the service plan. That has brought some good hillarity to this board as well.
  10. Day Old Doughnut

    Question regarding YouTube.

    Did you type in the search for No Talent Assclown. You should be able to find it then.
  11. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    I seriously doubt the percentage is that high, but if you want to go that route and be strapped to someone selling their house in order to buy your house then more power to you. Sounds like a serious act of desperation on your part, but that's your choice. Contingencies are dumb to get into because a lot of times that turns other potential buyers away. Again, you have that whopping supposed 33% working for ya, so by all means go with it. Where I'm living the selling season for houses is doing fairly well right now like it does every Summer. And you're welcome about my thoughts. I'm going off past experiences I've had, so take whatever you want from it. I know that contingencies are typically avoided and a last act in most cases. Apparently 1/3 of sellers in America.
  12. Day Old Doughnut


    If that were the case we'd see tj or whatever his name is still . I think that's his name and the main reason I remember is because he bellyached about that for so long it got really old and pathetic...
  13. Day Old Doughnut

    Hypothical Ethical Dilemma - House sale challenge

    I've some some pretty stupid things posted on this board, but this has to be a top 5er. As others have said, not only is it completely shiotty, but it makes absolutely no sense. Agreeing to a contingency was dumb to begin with...
  14. Day Old Doughnut

    strike to the wsop!

    Why do you sabotage every thread with these types of comments. I've posted very little, but with every thread that's generated by someone else you somehow turn it into a thread about you. Sad really because no one cares...... Anywho, way to go Strike. I have zero interest in poker, but it's on TV constantly and I hear about this WSOP all the time. Congrats...