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Everything posted by nicewolf64

  1. nicewolf64

    Mike Tomlin

    10 minutes left when you've taken over the game is too soon to be chasing points. bad coaching cost them that game.
  2. nicewolf64


    what is this IE that you speak of? Didnt everyone stop using IE years ago?
  3. nicewolf64

    * Clash's 4th Annual Fantasy Playoff Contest ***

    What about a Curtis type TD?
  4. nicewolf64

    * Clash's 4th Annual Fantasy Playoff Contest ***

    QB: Big Ben RB: Graham, MJD WR: Burress, Engram, Holmes TE: Boss K: Suisham Def: SD Coach: Turner
  5. nicewolf64

    Remember when New Years Day was full of bowl games?

    I believe that Walmart already purchased the rights to Xmas. But it would be funny if there was a Wally World Bowl...... Today may have been one of the worst bowl days ever.
  6. nicewolf64

    J. Walker

    Denver should show his butt the door.
  7. nicewolf64

    Schottenheimer In Baltimore

    maybe miami will hire him and demote cameron to OC.
  8. nicewolf64

    Happy New Year

  9. nicewolf64

    Gibbs is shot in the brain

    he's still out of his league, just living off the emotions late in the season.
  10. nicewolf64

    Kevin Curtis fumble recovery for touchdown

    i'm not sure how many threads were started last week when the same thing happened. everyone has an opinion of it, but ultimately it comes down to your league rules. I lost 12 points because my league wasnt set up right.
  11. nicewolf64

    Troy Williamson

    wasnt it reported that he caught something like 10000 passes during the off season? were they all 2 yard tosses? I really had bought in that he'd be better this year.
  12. nicewolf64

    Converting from a snake to an auction draft

    agreed. start from scratch. if you really wanted to let people have a chance to keep their players, you could go with a 10% discount for those already on your team.
  13. nicewolf64

    Kevin Curtis fumble recovery for touchdown

    deja vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  14. nicewolf64

    Bengals Defense

    they returned a Beck fumble for a TD
  15. nicewolf64

    What affects the integrity of the NFL more?

    my vote is for officiating that is left to the discretion of the refs. adaopt the college method and let the players win/loss the games.
  16. nicewolf64

    What did you predict that actually came true?

    i thought for sure randy mcmichael would be big this year
  17. nicewolf64

    BREAKOUT Running Back for 2008

    I'm going with DeAngelo #1. I think DeAngelo #2 will suck tho.
  18. nicewolf64

    fire childress now

    the past doesnt help a team today. you go with the hot hand. personally, I think AP is greatly overrated. Look what Chester did while AP was hurt. Most of AP's yardage was loooong runs where he ran thru holes my grandma couldnt run thru.
  19. nicewolf64

    fire childress now

    9 carries for 77 yds vs 7 carries for 25. hmmm, which RB should a HC use more????????????
  20. nicewolf64

    deshaun foster

    bodes well for next year. he's the only explosive RB they have, so I hope during the off season that fox leaves or gets a brain.
  21. nicewolf64

    Kevin Curtis Fumble Recovery TD

    amazing that this play happened in back to back weeks to the same player
  22. nicewolf64

    deshaun foster

    Coach Fox is an idiot and if he doesnt get fired, I'm dumping DeAngelo
  23. nicewolf64

    The Houston Cougar Cheerleaders

    couple of the cougar "dolls" are actually cute.
  24. nicewolf64

    Mike Martz to be fired

    The 9ers are embarrassed by the whole Alex Smith fiasco so instead of cutting him, they are going to bring in Martz to get him killed.