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Everything posted by Cantaloupe

  1. Cantaloupe

    For Fandaddy

    Ignorant Democrates Gave Away Future
  2. Cantaloupe

    Oregon suspends HS graduation requirements..

    So what's the purpose of them going to school if not to learn how to read, write and count? Oh to learn that white man is bad.
  3. Well they do seem to be targeting kids. Next we will have bi Buggs Bunny. Trannymana Devil. Elmer Fudgepacker. On and on
  4. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    Tommy and The Accused. Jodie Foster shows a deaf, dumb and blind kid other uses for a pinball machine.
  5. Cantaloupe

    Would you watch this ?

    I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't done it already
  6. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    Apollo 13 and Ghostbusters (2016). Melissa MaCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones encounter problems on their way to the moon and NASA says, "Oh well."
  7. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    You beat me to the Crying Game. I was just about to post The Crying Game and There's Something About Mary. Ben Stiller finds out that there's more to Mary than he thought.
  8. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    Weekend at Bernie's and Psycho. Norman takes Mother to the beach.
  9. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    Pulp Fiction and High School Musical. "Sing again. I dare you."
  10. Then it would be a cosmic Kardashian. Athletes, cows...Anyone can jump them.
  11. What's next? Lois Lane becomes Lewis Lane?
  12. Cantaloupe

    Combine Two Movies To Make A Better One

    Pretty Woman and Monster. I rich business man hires Aileen Wuomos to be his girl friend during a business trip that goes not as he planned.
  13. Cantaloupe

    Obscure Facts you know about Fellow Geeks.

    No one cares about your man boobs.
  14. It took the universe 3 generations of stars to create the elements that are needed to create life.
  15. That's not a very high bar you are setting.
  16. Cantaloupe

    Could you?

  17. Cantaloupe

    Do we live in a simulation?

    Back up. Kill Timmy. See what happens then.
  18. Cantaloupe

    Do we live in a simulation?

    If we do live in a simulation then would that make whoever created the simulation God the creator? Also let's say if something goes wrong, can they just back up and start it over from the point of the the problem. Say Kennedy wasn't killed, but that led to a nuclear war. Back up the simulation, kill Kennedy and Bobby gets elected. Nuclear war. Back up kill Bobby and see what happens then.
  19. Cantaloupe

    For Utilt's obsession
