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Posts posted by Cantaloupe

  1. 14 minutes ago, peenie said:

    Explain why everyone is feeling so righteous about this kid's right to shoot and kill people and carry a weapon illegally and yet not a word about Philando Castile's right to own and carry a gun (with a permit btw) and the police officer that shot and killed him when he went to reach for his wallet AFTER being asked to show his identification. Do you not see that you all just jump around and defend only certain people's rights? So upset over Aarron Rodger's lies but not really upset over the uproar over whatever that other guy's name is. No one cares about all the poor people of color's rights to own weapons when they get shot by the police, like that kid in Walmart who was carrying a toy gun that was in the Walmart in a right to carry state. Not a word from you all. 

    Tamir Rice shot no one, but dead for having a toy gun. 




  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-cern/cern-scientists-eye-parallel-universe-breakthrough-idUSTRE69J35X20101020



    OCTOBER 20, 2010

    CERN scientists eye parallel universe breakthrough

    By Robert Evans

    4 MIN READ

    GENEVA (Reuters) - Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts long dear to science-fiction writers such as hidden worlds and extra dimensions.

    And as their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva moves into high gear, they are talking increasingly of the “New Physics” on the horizon that could totally change current views of the universe and how it works.

    “Parallel universes, unknown forms of matter, extra dimensions... These are not the stuff of cheap science fiction but very concrete physics theories that scientists are trying to confirm with the LHC and other experiments.”


    This was how the “ideas” men and women in the international research center’s Theory Group, which mulls over what could be out there beyond the reach of any telescope, put it in CERN’s staff-targeted Bulletin this month.

    As particles are collided in the vast underground LHC complex at increasingly high energies, what the Bulletin article referred to informally as the “universe’s extra bits” -- if they do exist as predicted -- should be brought into computerized, if ephemeral, view, the theorists say.

    Optimism among the hundreds of scientists working at CERN -- in the foothills of the Jura mountains along the border of France and Switzerland -- has grown as the initially troubled $10 billion experiment hit its targets this year.


    By mid-October, Director-General Rolf Heuer told staff last weekend, protons were being collided along the 27-km (16.8 mile) subterranean ring at the rate of 5 million a second -- two weeks earlier than the target date for that total.

    By next year, collisions will be occurring -- if all continues to go well -- at a rate producing what physicists call one “inverse femtobarn,” best described as a colossal amount, of information for analysts to ponder.

    The head-on collisions, at all but the speed of light, recreate what happened a tiny fraction of a second after the primeval “Big Bang” 13.7 billion years ago which brought the known universe and everything in it into being.

    Despite centuries of increasingly sophisticated observation from planet Earth, only 4 per cent of that universe is known -- because the rest is made up of what have been called, because they are invisible, dark matter and dark energy

    Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at four CERN detectors -- and then in collaborating laboratories around the globe -- to establish when and how they come together and what shapes they take.

    The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably into them -- and then back into the classical four.

    Parallel universes could also be hidden within these dimensions, the thinking goes, but only in a so-called gravitational variety in which light cannot be propagated -- a fact which would make it nearly impossible to explore them.


    Mandela Effect 

    In this case, the phenomenon occurred on the internet in 2010, in which many people expressed their belief that Nelson Mandela had died in prison during his incarceration in the 1980s, despite the fact Mandela was actually freed in 1990 and went on to become the president of South Africa

  3. 7 minutes ago, peenie said:

    ADOS should get reparations and deserve reparations. Americans, even ADOS themselves, are ignorant about how their 400 years of unpaid labor and contributions helped the growth of the  Americas and enriched Europe and thus it seems like lunacy to demand it. 

    Didn't they already get 40 acres and a mule?

  4. 5 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Sure, but Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity showed interdependencies between speed, space, time, and mass.  So perhaps they are inextricably linked, and moving through time has the effect of solving the space problem.

    I should get a Nobel prize for this, it’s better than what Obama did for his.  :thumbsup: 

    This is true. You did. The way around this would be to go back in a space ship so it wouldn't matter if you missed the mark. 
