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The Pope

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Everything posted by The Pope

  1. The Pope

    Why Should Men Wash Hands After Draining One?

    Wash your hands you nasty fockers. Cleanliness is next to Favreness.
  2. The Pope

    Top Ten Non-Tough Athletes

    Masterbating is not a sport. It's a sin!
  3. The Pope

    I am Pope Ron Paul

    NAMBLA endorsed!
  4. The Pope

    This whole Aqua Dots thing...

    Chinese elfs rule!
  5. The Pope


    Looks like someone REEEEEEEEEEEELY wants to spend eternity as EDjr's butt plug. Father Garcia? I thought you transfered to Tampa Bay?
  6. The Pope


  7. The Pope

    ...In other news, children are starving...

    Let Toro feed the hungry.
  8. The Pope

    Holy crap!

    Midget > Star Jones.
  9. The Pope

    Dessert Recipes

  10. The Pope

    Hey, Rusty

    It's the shoes Easy Rider.
  11. The Pope

    Holy crap!

    Wait. But then who is the Doctor?
  12. The Pope

    Hey, Rusty

    Like you did in Seattle? I couldn't resist.
  13. The Pope

    What's the worst date you ever had?

    Stop whining. You know you wanted it.
  14. The Pope

    How do I cook 2 NY Strip steaks?

  15. It varies Sunday to Sunday.
  16. The Pope

    If there was an instant Geek Meet

    Your close enough to a woman to count.
  17. The Pope

    How do I cook 2 NY Strip steaks?

    You guys aren't fooling me one bit. I know this thread is about masterbation!
  18. The Pope

    Talk about a recent memorable poop

    Holy Sh!t. Did I ever misread the title of this thread.