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Everything posted by dolfan06

  1. I hate jerryskids because he's hung like a walrus and lost five years of his youth to hookers and cocaine.
  2. dolfan06

    Question on movie 'Traffic'

    I enjoyed the efficiency of this thread and also how well it ended.
  3. Did randandy and nobody resolve their differences? Sometimes what we hate in other people is the way in which they reflect our true selves back to us.
  4. dolfan06

    Have you ever watched someone die?

    My wife watched a murder-suicide while it was happening in the parking lot of an apartment complex we lived in a few years ago. She said it was kind of creepy.
  5. dolfan06

    How do you and your wife/husband share money?

    Everything into one shared pot that you can both draw from for whatever you need. Don't make it complicated and don't make it possible for you to hide things from one another. For personal stuff, set a predetermined amount (say $100) where you agree to let the other know in advance of what you're doing.
  6. dolfan06

    Gotta love Georgia

    It's good that odd traditions don't happen in other parts of the country like they do in Georgia.
  7. dolfan06

    2 things this place needs..

    Sure they are!
  8. dolfan06

    2 things this place needs..

    Hey suxbnme, I agree that those things you're asking for would make this message board a much more interesting and lively place to post messages. I don't know how the internet runs or anything, but I like how it's kind of like one big community of people who are making the rules as they go along, kind of like a huge virtual commune almost. Your opinions are just as valuable as anyone else's.
  9. dolfan06

    Loud people next to you

    Hey rallo, yeah I know what you mean. It can be frustrating when other people are being so loud and distracting that they aren't allowing you to focus on what you need to be focusing on. When that happens to me I often question why they're being so inconsiderate.
  10. dolfan06

    How is everyone spending this Holiday Weekend

    Hi Brown Eyed Girl! How have you been? I'm probably going to spend some quiet time this weekend with my wife and children. I don't know exactly what we'll be doing because, as much as I like to think of myself as the head of the household, my wife is the one who really runs the show! She just likes to let me THINK I'm in charge when really it's her!
  11. dolfan06

    ***Official 30FBT 4/6/07 update***

    I think that you should do whatever Recidivist is asking you to do, because it would be a funny prank!
  12. dolfan06

    Greeting from Jekyll Island, GA

    Hey kilroy69! How are you today? I've been to Jekyll Island many times. Are you staying at the Jekyll Island Club? It's a nice place to go for a quiet getaway.
  13. dolfan06

    ***Official 30FBT 4/6/07 update***

    The unoffocial updates are better because they're less restricted by the bounds of traditional journalistic ethics.
  14. dolfan06

    What Up, Larry!

    Well? What up?
  15. dolfan06

    What Up, Larry!

    No that was fricker. I'm the one who almost got divorced because he couldn't understand why his wife would want him to give up hookers and cocaine.
  16. dolfan06

    What Up, Larry!

    I'm on a bunch of medications to deal with a sex addiction that's proving much tougher to beat than I would have thought. Otherwise I'm good. So does CMT still post here? I swear that guy was an overbearing pr1ck.
  17. dolfan06

    What Up, Larry!

    I figured as much. I was hoping to garner some attention but I take rejection well. So, how've you been?
  18. dolfan06

    What Up, Larry!

    No, it's a reference to a renamed message board at the Sanctuary.
  19. dolfan06

    Per TNG's request

    I guess you're implying that Paris Hilton is pretty dumb, if you're comparing her to sand?
  20. dolfan06

    Per TNG's request

    Yeah, like pen1ses! That's right I went there. She likes to put pen1ses in her mouth.
  21. dolfan06

    Per TNG's request

    I hope that you're all able to resolve your differences.
  22. dolfan06

    Family Issues

    hey trf. just let your love flow, like a mountain stream.
  23. dolfan06

    ATTN: FFToday Mike

    the dancing snoopy should be about the same size as TheNewGirl's brother's pen1s.
  24. So you didn't take baths with your brother in high school?
  25. aren't we all just one gay voodoo tango wango dance away from becoming terrorists ourselves?