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Posts posted by T-Bird1

  1. I know this may be 'out of the Ark' but our league works in whole numbers only !!


    Can the compiler be set not to work in decimals ??


    I know we are not talking major differences in rankings etc but it's a minor annoyance really !!



  2. Good Morning All,


    I need help finding a site where I can have a Fantasy Football League with two divisions PLUS the ability for each division to have the same players.


    A little background: I work in an office that continues to grow. A couple of years ago, our league had about 6 guys, last year we had 10, and this year we're going to have about 20 guys. I want to be able to keep even the "casual" player interested, and if I run a draft with 20 guys, its not going to happen. What I want is to have an East and West Division, and the ability for a team in the East division to have, for example, Tom Brady, and someone in the West Division have him, too. Then I would like to have the winner of the East and West Divisions play each other in the playoffs.


    I came here because I don't know where to turn. Is there anyone who might have an idea of where I can run this type of a league?


    Thanks for any and all help!


    I'll bang the WWW.RTSPORTS.COM drum again. :huh:


    They will allow 2 x 'conferences' where Tom Brady can be in both conferences.


    Have a look at the site, very good customer service, where your feedback helps shape future upgrades.


    RTSports = :mad:

  3. Howdy!

    How long does it usually take from the time you pay for it until you can download the compiler/buddy?


    Just curious, I have heard great things about it and I can't wait to play! :D




    Pretty much instant from my experience :P :banana: (I used paypal, how have you paid??)

  4. Can't see that this has been brought up already but apologies if I missed it...


    On both 1.0 & 1.1 versions of the buddy, the 'Summary' page is NOT picking up traded picks, ie in my league picks 1 & 2 have changed hands, but they still show the original owners.


    However where it lists MY next pick, and next next pick this is showing the correct positions (I too have swapped some picks.)


    Any ideas Guys ??

  5. I'm in a dynasty/franchise league I set up the Compiler to have 35 keepers (we're keeping all our players, only need to drop players to draft rookies in following years). When I ran the compiler it had Reggie Bush in the mid-late 3rd round. I don't think there's any chance of him lasting past the middle 2nd round. Any reasons why this could be occuring? Is it just because the compiler is using really early projections?


    Are you still including the keepers ?? This would move him down the order I believe.

  6. So, what do you guys want? What can we do to serve you better? Although sales are low you're still quieter than expected, and its freaking me out a bit :banana:



    Obviously all too busy loading our leagues :wub:


    Any news on 'Projection Pal' :unsure:

  7. When a guy gets red carded his team should have to play the rest of the game shorthanded not with a replacement.



    They Do :thumbsdown:


    (Play 'short-handed' that is)


    I think it's sweet. I read a bit in SI a few weeks ago about soccer celebrations. One player was rumored to have a drug problem and opposing fans let him hear about it all game. When he scored a goal, he got on his knees and gave the impression he was snorting the goal line.


    Certainly did, Robbie Fowler of Liverpool, many years back. - Got fined by the League as well !!!

  8. After I set up the compiler for the respective league, then click compile, the WRs come with a "#REF!" for the #1 WR, and "###" for the tier numbers for every WR. Also, on the WRs page, the top 3 are Steve Smith, Torry Holt, and Larry Fitzgerald, but on the compiled page the #1 WR is "#REF!", Steve Smith is listed #2, and Fitzgerald is #3. There is no Torry Holt at all?


    Any ideas?!?



    Checked mine - no probs.


    Have you got the 'original' download or the new one ?? - just a thought !!

  9. Ok, I've tried downloading again and......


    .........everything is A-OK. :first:


    Guess I was just having a 'senior moment' last night :doh: :wall:



    Only thing I've now spotted is that on the CC. on the projection pages in the column TD Distance, some players have their names, others have, 'Good', 'Average' etc. Not a problem for me as our league doesn't 'reward' the length of the TD, but may impact others.


    Overall a great product, and thanks for all the effort and assistance that goes with it.


    :lol: :ninja:

  10. Hi T-Bird,


    What time did you download the new file? Did you download the .exe file or the .zip file? You might have just missed the new file we uploaded this afternoon and didn't get the updated version. We just went through and tesed the keeper problem and everything is working fine. I hate to say this, but maybe try and re-download :thumbsdown: and let us know if you are still having the keeper issue.




    I'm guessing that I'm doing something wrong my end. I've just tried to redonload again and seem to have gone backwards!! :blink: eg, now the draft listing breaksdown half way thru the 2nd round and isn't picking up the names from the setup page at all. and the keeper issue is still as before.


    Also, when redownloading, should I be losing all data previously entered ??


    And I am getting the run error 9 as mentioned in another thread when I try to update the league from last years compiler.


    It's 22.06 here (England) and I'm calling it a night for today !! will log in tomorrow to try and resolve.


    Thanks for your efforts thus far.

  11. I believe this is fixed so I just uploaded a fixed version of the Compiler/Buddy right over top of the old one in the member access area of the website. For you early, early birds who were having trouble with keepers, please download again and try it out. Let me know if there are any more issues. My apologies again for these mistakes. It has become near impossible to test out all different league scenarios. I'm still going to keep doing more indepth trial runs after I catch some ZZZs...


    just redownloaded and the keepers are still on the 'lists'.


    Also, on the draft input screen, the header is changed to list by team but the owners still show in the 'original' draft order column. The teams do show in the amended column. any ideas - not seen this one covered in the forums yet (I may have missed it though !!)


