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Posts posted by mdubz

  1. The chances of them getting -4 are very slim (unless you use some other point system than a normal league). But like Herm said; you play to win the game, so I would sit them and take the W. That way there is a ZERO percent chance that you lose.

  2. I don't believe he said anywhere that the Bears' WR corps was better. He was merely pointing out a flaw in your statement. I had the same thought, especially regarding Royal. Maybe he will be a very solid WR, but maybe he will be then next Michael Clayton. One season does not make on a "proven" player.


    I know this is a thread about the Bears but Royal looked pretty good last night with Orton. Seems like that offense is perfect for him...take a short pass and try to make it into a big play; that's him. Look for him to have a big year especially if Marshall keeps being a baby.

  3. This is my first year in an auction/keeper league and I know that one of the keys is to find those diamonds in the rough at the end of the draft (important in a redraft but especially important in a keeper). Who are some guys that you think may surprise some people and make an impact in 2009 and be a valuable commodity going into 2010? Everybody knows about Ray Rice and Donald Brown but who are some guys you can get for $1 or $2 that are actually worth something? Thanks.

  4. whatever, how many people had owens, or whitten, or romo who would probably have scored more points... ######, did anyone have akers? I think people should quit crying.


    yes I had westbrook in two leagues, and no I am not crying...

    its called tough luck. Maybe if gates didn't drop me .8 I wouldn't have lost by 5...




    comparing the westbrook play to a drop or a bad game is no comparison IMO. drops and bad games happen to everyone every once in a while. that play was one in a million. he had a 100% of scoring if he "wanted" and didn't. that's just my opinion though.

  5. ^ yes...yes...


    Atleast this week you should have played match ups. I did and it's worked.






    depending on your scoring system, he is anywhere from the 2nd to 4th or 5th ranked back this year. why would you ever bench a guy like that? just because he's not having the same year as last year? doesn't make sense.


    and this game is far from over....he just had a 40 yard run.

  6. Why would you sell low?


    Marvin really has no value, you'd be better off holding onto him and crossing your fingers at this point. I traded for him 2 weeks ago, hoping for the playoff run.



    I agree....he has absolutely no value (or at least not even close to what Marvin Harrison usually is) so you might as well hang on to him and when he gets healthy in a few weeks, he could be a welcome addition to a playoff roster.

  7. i side with the 6 team playoff in a 12 team league. I think having 2/3s of the league make the playoffs is a little silly. 6 is perfect. It has the right mix of teams having to perform at least at a +.500 (or 6-7 at least) to make it but at the same time keeps MOST of the teams in it for most of the season. If you are worried about owners tanking games at the end of the season then it just isn't a competitive league.

  8. Any updates on SJax and the length of time he will actually be out. i've been offered him and it depends if he's going to be out just one more week or a month or more. i've heard so many conflicting stories.
