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Everything posted by heavy-set

  1. heavy-set


    turkey on whole wheat with a pickle and some rice cakes
  2. heavy-set

    Will my degree be worth anything?

    you answered your question in the subtitle....... a bacherlors in criminal justice? Its the equivalent of a GED
  3. you can start molesting well before 2nd grade
  4. heavy-set

    Think Jeff Bagwell was on the Juice?

    I clearly posted more than your summary says i did. which means you took what i said out of context. haha loser yea but he still has the same batting stance, yet for some reason, he cant hit anymore. and if being ripped didnt help him, why did he bother lifting all those weights in the first place?
  5. heavy-set

    Think Jeff Bagwell was on the Juice?

    you quoted part of my statement and asked a question, when I clearly answered it with the other part of my post. arthritis from what? he is a world class athelet that is what 36 years old? whats next dimientia at 40? bonds put cream on the knee, so did shef.
  6. heavy-set

    Think Jeff Bagwell was on the Juice?

    holy cow you like to take things out of context. he cant put a steriod cream on it anymore to keep it 100%, or inject hiimself with steriods, which quickens his reocver time and adds strength
  7. heavy-set

    Think Jeff Bagwell was on the Juice?

    why is it hurt? no juice or cream to keep him 100% roids lead to injuries, just ask canseco and mcgwire
  8. heavy-set

    Think Jeff Bagwell was on the Juice?

    it was an injury casue he couldnt put any cream on it why the weight loss? atkins? why does he suck now? and for the past few years? hmmmmmmm
  9. heavy-set

    Shoulder hurt from working out

    its for girls only, or if you pack fudge
  10. heavy-set

    Guy at work just had a seizure

    was it before lunch? if so, did anyone claim his ham sandwhich?
  11. heavy-set

    Before and after picture.

    the driver was a she, and here she is http://www.ogrish.com/archives/2006/march/...com-indian4.jpg
  12. heavy-set

    Libby: Bush declassified info before release

    exactly plus, why didnt Bush just say he declassified it when it became an issue? we didnt need a special prosecutor to waste taxpayer money to figure this out.
  13. heavy-set

    James Woods

    diggstown and that flick with Michael J fox
  14. heavy-set

    Traitors at NBC News.......What's next?

    i wish i had exclusive vidoe tape of me bending campbell brown over the hood of my car
  15. heavy-set

    Surgery Number 6

    as opposed to unsalted balls?
  16. heavy-set

    Pocket Kings

    i have the same problem with 7-2 offsuit. no matter what i do, i cant win, so i just muck em
  17. heavy-set

    Fit for duty

    He is playing the "i want to Iraq" card. Big effing deal. What are we supposed to do, bypass all rules and regulations and let purple hearters come back to a liveable wage? please, stay over there till the war is over or till ur dead, which ever comes first until then, zip it
  18. you gotta luv culpeppers lawyer. "he didnt get a lap dance, but if he did, its not illegal"
  19. heavy-set

    Worst fart, evah

    agreed. my wife can outstink me any day of the week.
  20. heavy-set

    Little Caesar's is making a comeback, baby!

    little ceasars is like drive through italian food