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Posts posted by Were-Gopher

  1. Pretty easy, you have Gordon, start him! Clevland is gonna be throwing lots with numbnuts manziel running around like an idiot. Cleveland's Defence will only be able to hold the bengals off for so long, so there going to be down.

    As for the Bills, I wouldnt start any running back on that team if you paid me! Orton will be playing behind it that whole game.

    Hill for sure, followed up by Murray. I'm no oakland fan but I cant help but praise there play these last several weeks, there playing exaclty like they have nothing to lose, and they dont.

  2. Now that Heyward-Bey, Indies WR has pulled a hammy and is questionable for Sunday vs the Texans, do I start TE Fleener for Indy or the next up WR for Indy, Brazil?


    Leave a link will answer yours

  3. standard scoring format( WR's in our league get half point per reception) , Need to start 2, options are:


    WR Cecil Shorts VS Indy


    RB Jason Snelling VS Patriots


    RB Arian Foster VS Seahawks



    I did like Shorts but now that Gabbert is back as QB, not so much anymore.


    leave a link, will answer yours, thanks.

  4. Standard scoring format, WR's in our league get half a point per reception.


    WR Cecil Shorts VS Indy





    RB Jason Snelling VS Indy



    leave a link, will answer yours, thanks.

  5. Hi there, standard scoring format. I'm probably just over analyzing this but need to start one of the 3: RB James Starks VS Bengals or TE Heath Miller VS Bears, WR Marlon Brown VS Texans? Not crazy about either this week but my options are pretty limited.
