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Everything posted by avandradejr

  1. avandradejr

    To all my fellow 4th pick holders!

    Those numbers do impress me, and I bet a few others as well, but for those years....If you take those out of the equation, and go by "upside" ( I know thats a curse word around here ) then people might be better off with Sjax or RBrown this year, also considering the division and schedules of each player as well. Yep, it sure is fun being the proud owner of pick number 4
  2. avandradejr

    To all my fellow 4th pick holders!

    It's a 10 team league. When I take Sjax in the first, and Ronnie Brown is still there at 2.7, I'd be estatic....but I dont think that will happen unless WR, and a few QB's fly off the board early.
  3. avandradejr

    To all my fellow 4th pick holders!

    Super, this is what I needed ( errr, wanted to hear ) I have no more conviction, SJax it is!!!! Unless some one screws up in the first 3 picks of course.
  4. avandradejr

    To all my fellow 4th pick holders!

    Thats funny you say that. I am one of those that shy's away from Tiki as well. But thats been every year for me, he's just one of those guys thats never found his way onto my roster. I'll put that in the thought process. Thanks for your advice!!!
  5. avandradejr

    What IF?

    On a serious note, I would be more worried about all of the people in attendance of said game...players, fans, janitors, concession people...etc....that would not be cool. Families could be wiped out. It just pisses me off even more when I think about those dirka dirka bastards. Not the nice ones, just the extremists, who kill for God, and hate freedom. Pieces of shite!!!! On the less serious note, I would be extremely pissed off if their jihad came in between me and my football. I mean, I wait almost a full pregnancy term, just to draft my fantasy team and cheer on my Rams and Huskers. The off-season is no fun. Especially this off season, because my Braves suck now.... I am a very relaxed guy, but when someone or something interrupts me and my game, I can get as irritable as a bad period having woman. I want peace and quiet ( except for me, I can do what I want during the games ) . Here's to hoping no bullshite like this happens this season, or at all...good job to our UK and Palestanian friends for catching the focktards!!!! Go Rams, Go Huskers, and go my fantasy team, Dixie Normus!!! Good luck everyone else!!!
  6. avandradejr

    Fantasy Players Question

    I have DC, MB and TG, I have been offered IB, DS, and CD. Should I do it? Freaking initials and abbrevitions!!!!!