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Lord of the flies

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Everything posted by Lord of the flies

  1. Lord of the flies

    Lombardi & Landry Leagues READ!!!

    Sorry about that. I had family come down and totally forgot about the timer. I will start it Saturday morning.
  2. Lord of the flies

    So i guess...

    Sorry about the delay guys. I sent an offer to chasers and then went to bed. Got up this morning and went to the hospital (women's clinic) -- we had an appointment to find out the sex of our first child. We are having a girl. Drinks all around.
  3. Lord of the flies

    Rizzo Crackers?

    I'm on it. Will call him thrusday.
  4. Lord of the flies

    Ok, i made my pick! and i have something to say!

    Great movie.... and whoever the hell is up now better pick soon or I'm gonna get pis... What? I'm up? :eek: Uhhh, hold on a few minutes, I gotta try and work some deals. Should only take a day or three...
  5. Lord of the flies


    I countered...
  6. Lord of the flies

    With the #1 pick overall Bigtuna selects.......

    I want everyone to calm down. As Tuna said, the draft wasn't supposed to start this early so he can take as long as he likes (until I turn the timer on). If we just give the guy some time to unwind and get his ff stuff together I believe he will draft soon. Now I understand we are all anxious to draft but calling each other out and telling everyone to f-off isn't helpful. [ 07-29-2003: Message edited by: Lord of the flies ]
  7. Lord of the flies

    Lombardi & Landry Leagues READ!!!

    Yes, you should get an email but I would check in with the site
  8. Lord of the flies

    Lombardi & Landry Leagues READ!!!

    Yes, you should get an email but I would check in with the site
  9. Everyone, We still need a replacement owner in FSA-Dynasty (Lombardi) League. This is a 12 team dynasty league. The cost is $50. The league website is below and the available team is Mr. Anonymous. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2003/home/84155
  10. Everyone, We still need a replacement owner in FSA-Dynasty (Lombardi) League. This is a 12 team dynasty league. The cost is $50. The league website is below and the available team is Mr. Anonymous. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2003/home/84155
  11. Lord of the flies

    And we are off...

    Everyone, We now have all the keepers, so let's start drafting. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2003/home/75507 The timer will remain off until August 7th.
  12. Lord of the flies

    Lombardi Draft Date

    Everyone, The draft is scheduled to start 01Aug03. Since we are only drafting 4 rounds, the time limit will be 1 hour.
  13. Lord of the flies

    Still need some owners keepers

    Got them all.
  14. Lord of the flies

    Still need some owners keepers

    I still need to get the keeper list from the following owners: S&S Express [ 07-27-2003: Message edited by: Lord of the flies ] [ 07-27-2003: Message edited by: Lord of the flies ] [ 07-28-2003: Message edited by: Lord of the flies ] [ 07-28-2003: Message edited by: Lord of the flies ]
  15. Lord of the flies

    Keeper Declaration

    What are you talking about? You can post your keepers here (like you did above) or you can email me or you can have me call you.
  16. Lord of the flies


    I would but I am not on my aim computer. I always leave that one on and logged in (that is probably why I am logged in on aim but not responding). If you want, I can give you a call.
  17. Lord of the flies

    Still need some owners keepers

    I would but I am not on my aim computer. I always leave that one on and logged in (that is probably why I am logged in on aim but not responding). If you want, I can give you a call.
  18. Lord of the flies

    Request to be replaced

    I sent him an email. Waiting to hear back from him.
  19. Lord of the flies

    Draft Date

    Everyone, The draft is scheduled to start 15Aug03. The time limit will be 1 hour.
  20. Lord of the flies

    We need another new owner in Landry

    Everyone, Jack Kelly (Frankford Yellowjackets) informed me that he will not be returning this year. So, we need an owner. The cost is $50 and below are url's for the website and roster. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2002/home/38072 http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2002/op...072&F=0008&O=07 Let me know if you are interested. Bill
  21. Lord of the flies

    New league software site

    Everyone, We have upgraded to the new (2003) software site. The url is below. Let me know if you have any questions. later. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2003/home/75507
  22. Lord of the flies

    Landry league -- NEW Software site

    Everyone, We have upgraded to the new (2003) software site. The url is below. Let me know if you have any questions. later. http://fflnet9.myfantasyleague.com/2002/home/38072
  23. Lord of the flies

    We need another new owner in Landry

    Chad, The team is yours (and I got your payment). I am upgrading to the new site and you will have access shortly. later.
  24. Lord of the flies

    We need another new owner in Landry

    Yep, and the worst part is they wait till now to tell me.
  25. Lord of the flies

    Michael Bennett is for sale

    Everyone, Make an offer for RB Michael Bennett. bill.