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Lord of the flies

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Posts posted by Lord of the flies

  1. Have the pat's won a playoff game since they got busted for cheating?


    What ever happened to 'you don't beat belicheat two times in one year'?


    I will always and forever believe that their cheating helped them. If not, why do it. esp after the league sent them (and everyone else -- but they got three league letters) league mandates regarding taping (new england speak for file study).

  2. The worst part, Sharp and all the other copier companies sell the software (add-on) to delete the stored documents for about $500.


    Well, it costs them about $3 to do it. All it is, is a software change that allows the user to government wipe the drive. That's it, about 30 lines of code. -- for $500 - these companies allow your data to be stolen and then blame you for it.



  3. Guys,


    I am heading out to AZ for the Steelers - Cards game at the end of Sep and need some advice.


    I am looking for a decent hotel close to the Univ of Phoneix stadium, so I can drink all I want and not have to worry about driving. Something within walking distance would be great.


    Also, a place near bars and restaraunts would be nice.



  4. does anyone want to play our week now? I mean like whomever I play week 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc we could play now (if that is alright with the rules).


    cause i'm bored. and my only other xbox peeps are on lockdown w/ wives or not around.




    COME ON, SOMEONE PLAY ME. I AM THE #1 PLAYER IN THIS TOURNEY (until someone else plays a game and goes 1-0 and ties me, lol). I'M BORRRREEDDDD!!!

  5. Great game with BostonLager. Class, class, class, not something you get on xbox. Very good and close game.




    Should we start a thread for each week or just post results here. Also, does anyone care about the box score or what?


    Also, how many rounds (teams do we each get)? I thought it was 4 rounds of 6?


    Box Score
    					Pittsburgh (LOTF)											  Denver (BL)
    Score						  29																  25
    Comp/Att					7/11  (Big Ben)												6/16 (Jay Cutler)
    Comp %					 63%																37%
    Pass YDS					174																  140
    Pass TD's					1																	  1
    INT's						   0																	  0
    Rush YDS					 143 (Willie Parker)											 48 (Tatum Bell)
    Rush TDS					 3																	  0
    Rush							20																	8
    Rec YDS					   174 (Heath Miller)											  46 (Javon Walker)
    Rec TDS					   1																	 0
    REC							 7																	 2
    Total							332																  164
      Pass							158																  48
      Rush							174																  116
    TOP							  13:18															   6:46
    TO								-1																	+1

  6. Yea, I went last year (to Detroit). Your seats sound great. I was up in the nosebleed section in the seahawk endzone. Tickets where ok, but I was just happy to get a seat inside the building!!


    It was amazing. They did a great job cleaning up the city and moving all the homeless out to the suburbs (put a lot of them up in shelters and hotels).


    Anyway, I had a great time (esp since my Steelers won), but it was pricey. Paid a ton for the tickets, hotel, car, food, etc..


    Couple of things, on Saturday - goto the NFL Experience, it is great. Tons of things to see and do. And they will have all kinds of autographed stuff (and probably some players on hand - but not from the Bears or Colts).


    Saturday night is some of the big parties (maxim, diddy, jenna jameson). I tried to get into the diddy and jameson party - nope. Went up to the doorguys and acted like I was on the list. Told them I was jameson's stepbrother - guy checked the list, nope, I said we have different dads, to look again for my name, nope. Told him to have someone tell her I was out here. NOPE!! Tried the same gimmick at diddy's party except that I was his lawyers son. NOPE.


    Sunday, get over to the stadium early. I didn't want to miss anything, so we got in as soon as they let us. Then we just wandered around and check everything out. Ford Field is a beautiful stadium. Haven't been to Joe Robbie/whatever they call in now in about a decade so I got no help for you there.

  7. I went last year. It was amazing, so what you want about Detroit, but they did a great job. Really cleaned the city up (and got all the criminals out of town for the weekend).


    The tickets where really pricey ($2400 each) but I figured when else would I get a chance to see my team in the SuperBowl. I got mine through an online dealer. Just do a search for ticket agencies. And then do a search on that agency (to make sure they are legit).


    Anyway, good luck, doesn't look like I will be going this year. My Steelers are sucking a$$ right now.

  8. Shoot me an email while you are down here and we can get together for drinks.


    When are you going to busch gardens or the water park? My family (wife and daughter and I) plan to go sometime in the next few weeks.




    wfairley @ tampabay.rr.com

  9. Here is the best way to handle hangovers.


    As you drink your first beer take a 'Chasers Plus' pill (you can get them at your local pharmacy). These thinks work great.



    When I really drink (20+ beers) and I take these pills before hand, I never have a hangover or anything.

  10. I did this one a couple years ago. Got my parents really good.


    My dad and I are huge football fans. Most pro football programs have an assitant coaching position called 'Quality Control Coach'. Which is really just a glorified gopher, except on some teams his most important duty is to transfer all vcr tape to digital format and use commercial software to annotate all plays so players can watch them on there laptops. Using the software the player can pull up every play an opposing team has run in any situation (on there on 30, down by 3, 1minute to go). Well, the main requirement for this job is computer and video skills.


    So, around January, I told my dad I had an interview with the company that designs the software. Talked to them a couple weeks later, told him it went great.


    Waited another couple weeks and told him I had a second interview, and that the position was on-site at the customers location and that it would be a position with the customer (I would be working for the customer).


    After the interview, I told my dad that it went great again and that the customer was the Tampa Bay Bucs (I live down here).


    He is all excited thinking I might work for a NFL team.


    Waited another couple weeks, told him I had to have an interview with the Bucs front office. Told him it went real good, that it was between me and another guy.


    Day before april 1st. I called and said I had an interview with Jon Grudden and some other coaches (final interview) for the next day.


    On the 1st, I waited all day, my dad called the house and my cell about 5 times to find out what happened. I called them that night, and told him 'I guess we need to start rooting for the Bucs, I got the job'.


    He went nuts. We finished talking about it and then hung up. I waited until the weekend to call him and tell him 'april fools'. In the meantime, he told everyone at work.


    He was soo pissed. LOL.


    Now, my parents don't even talk to me on the 1st.
