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Posts posted by zac3434

  1. I think I may have misspoke. I dont expect someone to have interest to dissect all that info on our league Just assume its the first 4 rounds of players in todays ADP minus the rookies of course. 12 teams in league so that would be top 48 players . then I have picks adp of 59, 70, 81,92

    I hope I explained it to your liking.


    yeah Dez is kept.

    and its not a full PPR but .25 per rec

    4pts pass TD and 6 the rest


    omg, who woulda thought you didn't explain in first place.

  2. Not saying I'm for it or anything, but it would be a league-wide option. So, if it was enabled for a league, all teams would be able to do it.


    However, this looks like a big money-grab by ESPN. $0.99 for 1 player, $3.99 for an entire team (per game, but you have to buy the option BEFORE any games start).

    by ESPN? this looks like someone didn't bother to read article.

  3. Meh...rotoworld put this out:


    Doug Martin (hamstring) did not practice Monday.

    Martin is expected to return this week, but it is slightly concerning he is being held out coming off the bye. Still, there will not be reason for serious worry unless he sits out Wednesday's session as well. Martin will be a locked-in RB1 if he suits up against the 49ers. Oct 17 - 10:42


    Me personally im not keeping track of when every team practices or has a day off. I had no idea they had two days off...christ..like TB doesnt need the work.

    Their coach also quoted that the Monday practice was an extra practice and that any players on the fringe due to returning from injuries were held out.

  4. There is video of him running routes/drills from June. Didn't look too bad taking jump cuts both directions in one drill. So I don't think his health will be a concern at all. Just hope they utilize him like they did last year.

  5. All that your changed font section says is that the qb+highest projected wr tends to put up large numbers twice as often as the qb+second highest projected wr on the same team. So we've shown a clear difference between an NFL teams wr1 and wr2. Still true, as that is exactly what you said.


    You aren't coming here with anything new. The highest projected wr tends to score more points than other wr's on a team. A teams rb does better when the qb is scoring. When an oppossing team's qb is scoring points they tend to need to throw more often.


    The only thing any of this is about is what situation gives you the best odds when setting up your DFS stacks as it only looks at possible stacks on a per game basis.

  6. This doesn't make sense, because the top rated backups are going to be drafted much higher than just the random backup for whatever rb you happen to have drafted earlier. I doubt you would ever just pencil in, must draft a backup rb 10th round no matter who it is.

  7. I agree. I looked into a Yahoo DFS, but it all looks and feels exactly like Fanduel. It almost looks like it's run by FD and Yahoo just pays them as a client. That might not be the case, but if it is then it's all the same.


    Without transparency, I won't play. Pure, plain and simple.

    You do realize Yahoo has been running the weekly salary leagues for like 15-20 years right, The only thing they are doing now that they didn't then was letting you bet on it.

  8. Those big highlight plays are worth a lot of money come contract time. Him scoring doesn't hurt their chances of winning.

    Him going for endzone there gives the Rams a slight chance of a loss, if he gets popped by defender in front of him and loses the ball.


    Him going down gives the Rams no chance of losing that game.

  9. In our standard league scoring (non-ppr) I currently have the #1, #2, #3 scoring RB's and the #1 WR in Fantasy football and I'm 1-2. I also have the most points scored against me in the league. I should never lose another game.


    2 QB league



    E. Manning

    D. Freeman

    A. Peterson


    C.J. Anderson





    S. Johnson



    Cards D

    All of your 1.2.3 rb's just obtained 2/3's of their total points or more on the season last week, and yet you are surprised that you have only won that 1 game? What awareness.

  10. What a shitpost. You're trying to brag about how great your team is doing because your league is terrible? And then you are bragging on your leagues fantasy football abilities because it is full of engineers? If you had some foresight to go with all your engineering prowess, you'd know how terrible this post was going to go.


    He only played one lineup and it won 3 times. That's not the same as 3 separate pulls. He submitted the perfect lineup. That's what it will take to win the big jackpot.


    The guy who wins that big jackpot every week will have picked the cheapest and best guy at every position. That's why it's not fun. It's completely random. It's not about looking at matchups and making predictions, it's about flipping 8 coins in the air and having them all land on their edges. There's no skill there.


    This post is akin to looking at who won the lotto the day before and saying "Wait a second. What are the odds that he picked all 7 numbers correctly? Pretty low, I'm gonna write the gaming commission."

    The 3 slot machines he is talking about are the 3 players he chose I believe. But what he doesn't bother to notice is that if that is the casethat tons of people end up hitting 1 slot machine. It's just the one that hits multiple slot machines along with the high paid players performing adequately that always win.

    • Like 1

  12. I just recently started playing and I tend to put 1 lineup together I really like and enter it into a few contests. So it isn't surprising to see him win in multiples if his lineup is stellar that week. And for the 3 players that not many people took, you do realize that DFS are blowing up atm, so the sample size is getting ridiculous as to the number of random players people will be taking, so there will always be a crazy lineup putting up tons of points. Fanduel is raking tons in off the top of every game they run, I seriously doubt they would bother to risk the money that is pouring in lately, by trying to cheat.
