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Everything posted by ERZER

  1. ERZER

    Witten is the unnamed source!

    Good for him! As to your and all the sporting shows and news programs, the Cowboys are not America's team, that team doesn't exist until such a time as American style football becomes an Olympic sport.
  2. ERZER

    I am going to boycott ESPN!

    As stated before.......they love the Cowboys and love their controversies too. I'll add the love them some Romo and they hate TO. Stop your whiiiiiiining
  3. ERZER

    Man builds and live with woman/robot.

    I saw a story some time ago how the Japanese were perfecting a robot. Put this technology together with those real life sex dolls I saw on HBO once before and we will soon see robot sex slaves with warranties rather than divorce lawyers. ...either that or we are one step closer to terminator or irobot
  4. ERZER

    Forte hurt!

    After last weeks disastrous 1st round, why not cap off my season with an injury to my potential rookie keeper.
  5. ERZER

    Opening 1 Christmas presents early......

    Turning it into the 12 days of Christmas are you? That might be a neat idea. Personally we have always allowed one present on the eve and the rest the day of.
  6. ERZER


    If she played it like the role she did in Doctor Detroit maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As Nanny with that laugh, no way.
  7. ERZER


    Could you imagine the filibuster speech with that voice She would win every time. Senator Nanny
  8. ERZER

    If Fantasy Football was in a recession,

    Of those who are potential keepers on my team, I have to say Colston - he has been just to inconsistent since his return.
  9. ERZER

    Britney or Xtina

    Christina is infinately > Britney
  10. Because the governor pays them....that vote is some focking important stuff and isn't just given away.
  11. ERZER

    Hot or Not?

  12. ERZER

    Illinois Gov. BUSTED

    This is just all over the airwaves here in St. Louis...at least it takes their minds off the Rams.
  13. ERZER

    Tampa Bay at Carolina

    If I would have started him, I'd have 23 more points right now and still would have missed the 2nd round thanks to Romo (6), Jennings (7), Colston (2), Hightower (9), Forte (9) and Jacobs (5); not what any of them should have scored.
  14. ERZER

    Where were these teachers when I was growing up?

    I can't remember what the law was when I lived in Utah when it changed, but they did raise the age. When they did so they made it a point to identify persons in positions of trust could not partake; teachers were in that group. While I would have loved having a teacher like that "educate" me, doesn't mean it was right. I think these teachers need to get a grip, these are students period and you don't do students as a high school teacher. If you accept them doing this, what's next, grade school?
  15. ERZER

    Official Dallas vs Pittsburgh Thread!

    Damn those refs and their remote controlled ball; couldn't they have stopped with just one interception? Three was uncalled for.
  16. ERZER

    Was gonna start Seneca Wallace!

    I was actually thinking of picking him up and starting rather than Romo Figured he would do just as bad so why bother. LOL
  17. ERZER

    Official Dallas vs Pittsburgh Thread!

    You must be a politician, making predictions you can't support and then implying you were saying the opposite of what you really felt. Just so you don't forget... Dallas Empire game prediction: DALLAS 28, Steelers 12 Today the Steroid Curtain will be destroyed.
  18. ERZER

    Official Dallas vs Pittsburgh Thread!

    Great freaking start to that score DE.....
  19. ERZER


    Had some pretty good hopes they would be able to do much better against the Lions than this.
  20. ERZER


    Here I was most worried about how Romo would do and in the third QTR I have a total of 17 points with Forte, Jacobs, Jennings, and Colston. No way in he|| I'm even going to go to the next round.
  21. ERZER

    Romo Owners

    Correct and if Edwards was healthy, I'd consider starting him over Romo. Here it is the first playoff game and right now the only wavier pickups I can get are Losman against MIA or Wallace against NE; man this sucks.
  22. ERZER

    Admit to liking a show your kids watch

    So you're stuck with the little ones or you secretly like watching little girls on the TUBE. My kids are old enough and they enjoy watching Criminal Intent, The Unit, Fringe, CSI's
  23. ERZER

    ***Official Beer Thread***

    I don't drink very often lately but here is how I break down the beer. Reserved for me but will share with close family Newcastle Sam Adams Boston Lager Sam Adams Oktoberfest When friends and family are both over Michelob Amber Amberbock Party Budweiser/Busch Miller
  24. ERZER

    I need help loving my beagle.

    This is what dogs do, especially females as they try to cover all traces of the pack young..... Plus they do really stupid things. You just have to make sure the diapers are put in the trash where the dog can't get to it.