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Posts posted by ERZER

  1. When Torain got hurt this weekend, I went out and grabbed James Davis off waivers. I own Torain and someone else already had Williams.


    Is Davis worth holding onto just in case? You never know about Shanny's RBs. On the other hand, Tashard Choice and Deji Karim are sitting on Waivers. Would I be better off just picking up one of those guys? My RBs now are AP, Benson, Hillis, Beanie, Torain, and Scott (Benson handcuff), so it's not like I'd have to play any of them. But who's worth the roster stash?


    Leave a link and I'll answer yours. Thanks!



    While Jones is once again injured, Choice may be worth it, but only if the boys are going to have enough of a passing game going forward that they don't focus on him should Jones go out.

    Karim is potentially good for keeping an eye on depending on the injury to Jones-Drew.


    If you have the room, then perhaps Karim as from what I saw, Jones' injury may not be that bad.






    Please see mine

  2. I would be giving the Giants D for S. Johnson, I like the Giants D more than I like the Patriots D who I would have to start the rest of the way but I think S. Johnson is a huge upgrade to my wr corps. He may want to make it S.Johnson and Moeaki for Giants D and Z.Miller in which I give up a good te but since he is banged up and may not play next week I dont mind so much. Also, I am sitting in 1st place overall right now so Im hesitant to make any changes, any help appreciated and I will answer yours.



    D's are fairly close with Giants getting more sacks, both teams have about the same number of points against them. Johnson is better stats wise than all but Jennings which they are about even.

    Fitzpatrick has been pretty good at QB, but not as good as the QB's for the others. Ohnocinco usually does pick up in the later part of season and with that in mind I don't know that Johnson is that huge of an upgrade at WR. If anything, since you like the Giants, see if he'll take the Pats D and sell the fact they are a slightly better team and see if he'll bite just on that. Otherwise, you seem pretty content with your team and like I said, compared to the others, I don't know that it is a huge upgrade other than compared to Moore.


    Please see mine if you can

  3. We've got a guy in our league who has M. Turner, S. Jackson, B. Green-Ellis and a few other lessor players with C. Palmer as his only other viable player.

    His season is over at 1-7 and he doesn't stand a chance of even making the play-offs.

    He is willing to give up any of his players for draft picks next year, but won't propose anything; I guess he thinks people will give the world and he'll be happy.


    14 team league (currently 3 keeper any position moving towards 2 keepers next year and maybe less after)


    What round would you be willing to sacrifice to pick up any of these guys. Keep in mind he will keep two of them baring injury.




    M. Turner

    S. Jax

  4. I have no issues with the Martz hire.... none. People must be forgetting how he made Kurt Warner, Marc Bulger, Jon Kitna look great and these were all QBs that were nothing without Martz. With Tice and Martz in the fold, the Bears are making the right moves. :overhead: <_<



    Correction. Issac Bruce, Torry Holt, and Marshall Faulk and a strong O-line all rounded out the team that made Martz look like an offensive genious...which he wasn't. He was lucky the team under Vermeil as head coach jelled at the right moment. He is a damn good coordinator, I'll give him that but I don't think the team will be an instant success until they correct that offensive line and a better QB.

  5. That really sucks man.. I wish you the best of luck with the whole thing. Maybe you can at least get them to take you out to a few nice lunches & you can conveniently leave your wallet in the car. :doh:



    First, never get involved again with a dirt bag in any league in the future.

    Second, just take what is due to you w/o splitting unless you already committed; it just isn't worth looking like a crybaby considering the level of management playing in this league.

    Third, only get involved with money leagues at work after everyone has had a taste of what they are doing.

  6. going to the ship game with both harrison and jennings on my team and don't know whos going to get the carries. it seems like mangini is switching rbs every game but how can he deny harrison getting the start after his performance last week. any of your guys have any info on whos the man for this weekend? cle has a soft matchup against OAK and im definitely rolling with one of these guys for my flex but dont know which one. TIA!!


    Good luck figuring that out. With what Jennings did prior to this past weekend, one would have been pretty safe with saying he would have had all the carries. At this time it appears as if Shangini is trying to figure out what these RB's can do. He may actually use both of them this week to see if they can have similar results that MIA had.

  7. Chris Henry, Rest in Peace.

    P.S. All those simple minded jokers in this thread must understand that this was a man who had turned himself around from the train wreck that he was and you got no call for the idiot proclamations in your posts. Bsfore you tell me to go screw myself, understand you already screwed your own self into mental oblivion and I couldn't care less about what you got to say to me. :dunno:



    People will do what they do when it comes to humor...just ignore it if you don't like it.



    As to the "...this was a man who had turned himself around..." This just burns my azz when I read and hear people say this. Why is it you or others feel this way, because nothing has been reported??? While he behaved on the field and/or at practice, it doesn't mean he wasn't beating his girl. Like someone mentioned, I can't wait to hear her story. I'll won't be the least bit surprised to find he has been abusive to her and that she finally had enough.



    Sad ending to what could have been a promising career and life - f-ing absolutely

    But we shouldn't let our desire to believe he turned around cloud our vision to what may have really been happening.

  8. Well my first thought was ...what the he|| is there to dissect. The Rams can't win at home (0-6) and the team canceled practice due to the dreaded Mexican Pig Flu or H1N1 for you PC people; it was going to be called the Mexican Flu, then was the Swine Flu until all the PC crap.


    But then they got smart and got rid of Incognito, though he is sure to behave now that he is gone and get this news flash - Rams Practice


    Could it be they are better... :dunno:


    No, but you may have had a better chance with the second string the way they are playing. I'm actually going to the game Sunday, no I didn't lose a bet. I figured I'd go see just how bad they are and see what the Texans can do to them...besides, I'm sitting close enough to watch true entertainment...the cheerleaders.

  9. If you can handle another one...Yes you were wrong


    The idea is to play the game and to play to win at the time of the game.


    In my situation, where my team failed this year and should I continue to lose, I could end up with the number one draft in a keeper league next year. So going into this final regular season weekend and following your logic, it would be perfectly fine for me to lose. However doing so would have disrupted the playoff chances for a number of teams tied and trying for a position.


    Would you consider that acceptable?


    What if you were one of those teams that lost your chance for the playoffs because of my action?



    You asked the question, so you must see where there was something wrong in what you did. Can you "atone" for your action? IMO - only if you admit it to the league and live by their decision.

  10. I'd say there may be collusion but unlikely as nobody would make these moves and not know that someone would say it.


    I'd say he's an idiot and should not be invited back as he is just disrupting the league.

    Or the possibility could be he is simply getting off by disrupting the league he is in. Either one, I'd not invite him back if I were the commish as he is meeting the spirit of the game.



    BTW - I don't have a blog, don't want want, and don't normally read peoples personal blogs. To me they are really open diaries to people who think other people really give a rats asss about their lives.

  11. Hey I was right, Forsett did end up as a top 5 RB today! :wall:


    And I agree, what else does he have to do to earn the starting role?



    He's strung together a good few games here. Double digits against ARI and MIN are the two more important ones. I think it will be interesting to see what he does the rest of the year and what SEA does in the draft next year. To early to say, but he may just be edging towards a 3rd RB keeper especially in bigger leagues.

  12. How does Aaron Rogers have 343 yards passing mid way through 4th Q and Jennings with a TOTAL of 48??




    Watching the game yesterday, it was very obvious he wasn't even looking his way. On that long pass that Driver managed to pull in, Jennings was more open and close enough for a first down. Rogers looked to his left and then quickly looked right and then went down field. Maybe there is an issue between Jennings and Rogers... :shocking:

  13. does it really matter :shocking:


    if SJAX goes down your not gonna want to play Gado or who ever is his backup anyway. I have SJAX and he is the only one i dont have handcuffed cause no need. If he goes down im screwed and who ever replaces him will not be worth starting. SJAX is the Rams entire offense. He is the only Ram anyone should start unless your in a 16 team league :(



    The best handcuff is a RB from another team at this point.

  14. With good enough players you can get by on a bye week. If you had Favre, Peterson, Rice, Longwell, and MIN D, then I'd say you have a pretty good team giving their rankings. However, if you were to lose a key element in any situation, like a QB, you could be screwed due the dependence between the running and passing game.


    I personally wouldn't recommend more than three players as your starters and then the others depending on schedules.

  15. I enjoyed that show (for what it was) and probably in large part because it was the closest I have come to getting my wife to watch football.



    LOL - mine still try's to watch games once in a great while. She even bought tickets to go see Houston beat up on the Lambs next month..


    But I agree with you, it was a good show...too bad the NFL thought it too real.

  16. Not trying to shoot the messenger, but why would a team which is essentially out of the playoffs rush back a guy with bruised lung/ribs who, frankly, isn't clearly better than the one replacing him? This just doesn't pass the sniff test to me. I'm going to have to monitor this.



    My thoughts exactly. There is no benefit at this point other than to rule that JJ isn't the future of the team. With him still recovering, it would be stupid to take a chance in his condition. This almost sounding like that failed ESPN Playmakers TV series.

  17. He's not a bust. I start him every week and am OK with him.



    Just because you start a player every week doesn't mean he isn't a bust. Sadly, he has turned in to a bust for most of the season. Could he have a better remainder of the season? Sure, but it doesn't look promising at this point.

  18. On the bright side, There may be legal action Bowe can take against his dealer for falsely advertising his product as "performance enhancing".



    Now that is funny :lol:




    I'd say the sentence is just to little. They need to suspend his azz for the remainder of the season with a major fine. That would send a meaningful message.

  19. CAR homers: Still think Dwill will get the usual workload? I have J Stewart and Addai on tmy bench...



    That is always going to be the question when a team holds out its information like this. I'm still using Stewart as a flex player; beyond that, it is a crapshoot for your situation.
