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Bad Dude

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Posts posted by Bad Dude

  1. If I was a betting man, I would take ****cloners today. Sure, he is down some 46 points right now, but with 8 players left to score points I like his chances. Oh, it also helps that Smackdown did not add to his roster. You would have thought that after last weeks episode he could have posted a roster of more than 2 players. Ah the love must be great........

  2. WOW!!! Another week of turmoil. Will the commish grease the Buda two weeks in a row? Or does he award the guy who will play in only one more game to Jerry, since he did make the post? Did Jerry beg to change the bidding time just to scroo Chandler Bing? Does Martin enjoy being in the middle of such fun activities? I am anxious to find out. Nice WR TNT. Much appreciated....

  3. Twenty Eight years ago Nanc gave birth to this scrawny ass runt and named him Henry Ryan. Knowing that "henry" was not Pure, the afforementioned changed the name forever and called himself, among other things, Hank. The name stuck for 14 years. It was then, at a fine private institution, that he lost that name and acquired many others. TP, if I leave any out please add to my list. The names were; George, Road-Kill, L.A. Looks, RMK, Poetter, Fire Crotch Lover, Cradle Robber, Incest Boy and I am sure others. Please wish Hank love and a happy 28 and pray for his squad to overcome last Sunday' whoopin............
