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Alimony Tony

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Everything posted by Alimony Tony

  1. The activity around here is killing my ability to get any work done.
  2. Alimony Tony

    2002 Draft Order

  3. Alimony Tony

    Use this link for the web site

  4. http://www.geocities.com/zman2516/lost0117...7_Standings.htm
  5. Alimony Tony

    Scorpion the champion reminds you....

    I thought you were gonna say "Don't drink and drive."
  6. Alimony Tony


    AT sends James Jackson RB Cle to Ryan for Marty Booker WR Chi
  7. Alimony Tony

    Final Standings!

    Focking Kordell did me in. A 1st round BUST. I have learned nothing after all these years. Congrats EMoney you Auburn sum*****.
  8. Alimony Tony

    Fred Taylor

    Anyone interested?
  9. Alimony Tony

    Fred Taylor

    Doesn't seem like anyone is looking at this board.
  10. Alimony Tony

    Fred Taylor

    Don't see any on your roster worth him.
  11. Alimony Tony

    Fred Taylor

    Let'em rip.
  12. Alimony Tony


    AH someone else remembered this board.
  13. Alimony Tony


    How many friggin name you gonna have Call Me...Asswipe?
  14. Alimony Tony

    Trent Green

    Will vindicate himself next year and carry me to the title that I was robbed of this year.
  15. Alimony Tony

    Finals are set

    Your Worst Nightmare vs Scorpion's Sting Semi-final scores Leiderhosen 83 Scorpion's Sting 91 Wookies 48 Your Worst Nightmare 74
  16. Alimony Tony

    Scorp / Jwood

    What happened to you guys? I don't have a lineup from either of you.
  17. Alimony Tony

    Go Scorpions Sting! :)

    I never visioned you with pom poms. :eek:
  18. Alimony Tony

    Site is updated

  19. Alimony Tony

    Site is updated

    as of this exact moment.
  20. Alimony Tony

    One more week to go

    One more regular season game to go. There is a log jam of 4 teams at 6-6. 7-6 may not get in for some teams. There are too many scenarios to go over. Don't you love parity? I'm sure I'll be going to tiebreakers. Good Jwood can clinch the division with a win over TJ. FB, Skinschick and TJ are all at 6-6 and still in the hunt. A win is probably needed for each of them. One of them may be able to take the division crown from Jwookie on a tiebreaker if he loses. Bad Scorpion can clinch the Bad division, number 2 seed and a first round bye with a win over Alimony Tony. AT can clinch a playoff berth with a win and possible division crown. Ryan has slim hopes if he wins. RK is playing for his LOST nutsack. Ugly Ping Pong has the number one seed and a first round bye. He has won the Ugly division. It must have been the leiderhosen. Smitty is in the playoff hunt but may need to win. Ditka needs to win and have alot of help. CMT won again but is playing for 2006. Good luck all. AT
  21. Alimony Tony


    to draft Trent Green as my starting qb???
  22. 1 CMT 0-9 547 pts (Close but no cigar. Loses to 1 seed 100-97) Eliminated from playoff contention. 2 RK 1-8 520 pts Probably eliminated from playoff contention as well. Another loss definetely eliminates him. 3 Ditka 4-5 607 pts 4 Ryan 4-5 709 pts 5 Smitty 5-4 596 pts 6 Skinschick 5-4 651 pts 7 AT 5-4 681 pts 8 FB 5-4 727 pts 9 TJ 6-3 630 pts 10 Scorpion 6-3 758 pts 11 Jwood 6-3 780 pts (Don't let him retake the number 1 seed) 12 Pingpong 7-2 759 pts (And a man wearing Leiderhosen shall lead them!)
  23. Alimony Tony


    I coached your team to win over my own.
  24. Alimony Tony


    How bout dem DBacks?