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Everything posted by pt_mck

  1. pt_mck

    How do you know you're gay?

    I watch HGTV and the food network
  2. Putting green, golf simulator
  3. pt_mck

    Catholic Geeks

    Everything comes from the Vatican. Either a Papal directive or theological Roman Curias or "commissions" does scholarly research and makes a recommendation. The pope is all powerful basically. They have score of priests and scholars constantly doing research. It is a very rigourous process from a scholarly point of view to get something on church doctrine published by the Holy See.
  4. pt_mck

    Powdering your balls after a shower

    Definitely Keeps the boys cool and dry all day long
  5. pt_mck

    If these women get their way, Viagra users screwed

    w/out viagra? softly
  6. pt_mck

    Rank in order your favorite sports

    2 football pools i'm in, easy $
  7. pt_mck

    Rank in order your favorite sports

    NHL PGA F1 Boxing/mma curling football
  8. pt_mck

    Favorite Instrumental Song

  9. pt_mck

    Go buy my game!

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/121297/fleet Good reviews on BGG
  10. pt_mck

    UFC 144

    Congrats you got every fight wrong, hope you didn't bet any $$ on it
  11. If you are less flabby and have more muscle tone, self confidence would surely improve Also helps improve sex drive and performance. It would only make an already egotistical person even more so.
  12. pt_mck

    Porn in the USA

    There are people that actually pay for pron?
  13. pt_mck

    26 things the movies taught you

    Every woman is just 2 glasses of wine away from willing to go Lesbo
  14. pt_mck

    It's my 39th birthday today......

    T&P man I went through the same thing 3 weeks ago. I had to put down one of my cats. I rescued her from a terrible fate. Found her in a garbage can 11 years ago. (whoever would do that to an animal should be shot) She was a few weeks old. Sweetest thing in the world wouldn't hurt a fly. She liked to play fetch, liked to have her tummy rubbed and liked to lie in the sun. I hate my other cat. He's a pig. (notreally)
  15. pt_mck

    Where else do you talk online?

    hfboards.com, biggest hockey board on the innerweb boardgamegeek and chess.com occasionally some android forums for info when i need it
  16. pt_mck

    Marijuana Doesn't Harm Lung Function

    I may know some one
  17. "Do you want your salad tossed?"
  18. pt_mck

    UFC 141

    And Lesnar has never touched 'em ever! Not 'roids Horse meat Overeem was tested extensively before the fight
  19. pt_mck

    Post your post count

  20. More like the Matt millen of hockey he was a horrible GM with two of the worst trades in hockey history
  21. pt_mck

    UFO over Russia
