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Everything posted by 72dolfan

  1. 72dolfan

    Santonio Holmes

    This is a 12 tem league, and each tem can only keep (Franchise) one player fromt he year before. So there will be a large pool of players available. I will be drafting in the 5th spot so Partis will be available at that spot, and probably further down.
  2. 72dolfan

    Santonio Holmes

    Nobody worth franchising. I had LJ, but he was franchised last year, so I cannot Franchise him this year. I had Portis, but based on our rules, I'd have to franchise him in the 1st round. Too high, IMO.
  3. 72dolfan

    Gates or Clark

    go further int he playoffs and score more fantasy points?
  4. It looks like Dunn will get all the work. Roy has been MIA for awhile. Which one would you start? Leave a link and I'll return the favor. Thanks!!!!
  5. I like Jacobs the best. R Williams has disappeared (don't know why) but he's one of four WRs on that team that tends to split targets. I saw a report that Losman will be the starter the rest of the way if he plays well (won't lose the job just because Edwards gets healhty). Anyway, I think I would package RW and either Galloway or Jennings. Good luck!
  6. 72dolfan

    LJ Owner here :(

    The three that appear to be the best (not saying much) that are available on the WW are K Smith, R Dayne, & W Dunn. Which one of these do you like for this week and the rest of the season? Leave a link, and I'll help. Thanks, Bill
  7. 72dolfan

    Better RB for trade

    Jacobs all the way. He's surrounded by a better team (especially the offense). Please help with mine? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=300770
  8. 72dolfan

    Lee Evans for Donald Driver?

    Absolutely not. Evans always seems to break out in November & December. Keep him and start him!
  9. 72dolfan

    Have to drop one of 3 WRs

    Which one of these WRs would you drop if you had to? I have R Williams and S Holmes as my other two. I need to drop one to make room for W Dunn. Thanks!!! Leave a link and I will help you.
  10. 72dolfan

    Clemens to start Week 9

    He's right, though.
  11. 72dolfan

    Trade opinion

    I get the feeling, you're pretty good about judging the size of men's balls. As for you not allowing that trade to go through, I'd be willing to bet your league won't last too long. Do them a favor and step down before you run the league into the ground.
  12. 72dolfan

    Traded for FWP

    I gave up L Jordan & Kenny Watson for W Parker and S McDonald. My RBs & WRs; L Johnson W Parker C Portis L Betts R Williams S Holmes J Cotchery K Curtis S McDonlad Was that a good move on my part? Just trying to get others opinions. Thanks! Leave a link, and I'll answer yours.
  13. 72dolfan

    Start 2 of these 3 LT/SJax/Jacobs

    I would definitely go with Jacobs vs Miami (horrible D). Jackson struggled before he was hurt because the -line has taken a beating. Thoughts on mine? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298143
  14. 72dolfan

    Westbrook Trade

    I like the trade. It gives you two legit starters. I don't expect Chatman to put up R Brown type numbers and the Cowboy RBs are just too inconsistant. Help with mine? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298143
  15. I need to start two of the following three RBs. L Jordan vs KC C Potis vs Ariz K Watson vs Jets This is aPPR league. Thanks
  16. 72dolfan

    Which two RBs would you start?

    Bump for more input? ;-)
  17. 72dolfan

    pick a WR

    I'd go with Marshall....
  18. 72dolfan

    Lopsided Trade....what would you do?

    Agreed. If the league is in an uproar over this, they don't sound too knowledgable?
  19. 72dolfan

    Need some ideas with a trade here

    I would try to get two for one. Plax is a stud this year. Maybe Addai for Plax and T Jones? If he wants two, throw in your worst WR.
  20. 72dolfan

    LJ for Gore?

    after holding onto him throughout the tough part of his schedule? I've been offered Gore for LJ staright up. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!!!
  21. 72dolfan

    Help on a Trade Proposal

    Hi All, I've been offered Bret Favre, Rudi Johnson, & Chris Chambers for John Kitna, Larry Johnson & J Cotchery. My other WRs are Roy Williams, K Curtis, & S Holmes. My other RBs are L Jordan, D Rhodes, C Portis, L Betts. My other QB is D Culpepper. Would you pull the trigger on this trade? Kitna is on bye this week. Thanks, Leave a link and I'll help you.
  22. 72dolfan

    Help on a Trade Proposal

    Bump.... Help...
  23. 72dolfan

    D. Foster vs TB or R. Dayne @ ATL?

    I'd have to go with Dayne.
  24. 72dolfan

    K. Jones or R. Dayne?

    K Jones would be the best bet over the course of the year.
  25. 72dolfan

    Which RB to Start?

    L Johnson @ SD or Kenny Watson home vs NE?