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Everything posted by bunnerjk

  1. bunnerjk

    Owen Daniels - playing?

    He practiced 2 days in a row and is probable this week, start him!!!!!!
  2. bunnerjk

    Vikings or Colts D/ST in week 9?

    Come on man, go with the Vikings!!!!!!
  3. bunnerjk

    Need 2 K. Curtis, R. Williams or Driver

    Roy and Curtis!!!
  4. bunnerjk

    dynasty trades....rb's involved...

    I like the first one. MJD will be a better back than White!!!!!!
  5. bunnerjk

    Who starts at WR this week?

    I agree, Mason has a tougher match-up this week and Moss has a decent one!!!!
  6. bunnerjk

    S. Smith or A. Boldin?

    Which WR would you start this week??? (1pt/10yds, 6pt TD's, NO PPR) S. Smith @ Tennessee OR A. Boldin @ Tamps Bay Is this a stupid question, I only start 2 WR's the other being R.Moss!!!!!
  7. bunnerjk

    Got Braylon Edwards!

    You've made an absolutly tremendous trade, congradulations!!!!!!!!
  8. bunnerjk

    Jamal Lewis or Travis Henry

    If both are starting I'd go with Henry. I don't really like his match-up but I still like him over Jamal, I wouldn't expect the world out of either. It doesn't matter much if Selvin starts, he will put up similar #'s to Henry!!!!!!!
  9. bunnerjk

    which Defense should i start in week 8 ?

    With Grey starting at QB, I'd go with Tampa this week!!!!!!
  10. bunnerjk

    Lee Evans

    Evans did have 98 yards against Baltimore last week and is getting a better feel for the new QB. Don't sit ROY but Evans may be a good start over Driver going against the Denver secondary.
  11. bunnerjk

    T.J. Housh.. and Chad Johnson

    If you've got both of these guys they're gonna start for you EVERY week reguardless of match-up, play your studs!!!!!!
  12. bunnerjk


    I would rather have Portis, IMO. New England throws the ball around like nobody's business and plays a RBBC scheme. NE RB's are garbage!!!
  13. bunnerjk

    Stokley or Watson?

    Stokley for sure, Watson may get you in the negative!!!!!
  14. bunnerjk

    Marshall vs K Walter

    I would play Marshall, nice line-up!!!!!!
  15. bunnerjk


    Evan for sure, he's past due and starting to click with the QB!!!!!!
  16. bunnerjk

    Choose 2 of 3 RB's

    Dude, you should at least attempt a trade. I guess Jordan over the other two!!!!!
  17. bunnerjk

    Should I pick up Selvin?

    To me you have a bunch of wildcards at RB, hit or miss types. Young would just be adding another, but if ends up a starter he might be big. I don't see a problem dropping White for Selvin, good luck!!!!
  18. bunnerjk

    I Need Trade Help

    Yeah, do it. I hate SA!!!!!!!!!!
  19. bunnerjk

    WR dilemma with Harrison out helpppppppppppppp

    I'd have to go with Bennett as well!!!! Thanks for mine!!!!!
  20. Who should I start as my #3 this week? (1pt/10yds, 6pt TD's, .5 PPR) C. Chambers VS. Houston S. McDonald @ Chicago M. Muhammed VS. Detroit I'am not sure about Chambers in his first game as a Charger so I'am leaning towards Moose. Thanks, I will see yours!!!!!
  21. bunnerjk

    Chambers, McDonald, or Moose?

    Anyone else? I'am leaning towards Moose due to match-up against Detroit!!!!!! Is that the right choice?
  22. bunnerjk

    Favre/Eli and choose 2: KJ/SJax/Calvin/MJD

    Eli KJ, Sjax!!!!!
  23. bunnerjk

    Which 2 WR would you start of these 3?

    Galloway and CJ!!!!!!!
  24. bunnerjk

    Edwards for Marion Barber and friends

    You need to make this trade, you're terrible at RB. Edwards is looking good but you have plenty of stud WR's, good luck!!!!!