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Everything posted by akaoni

  1. Even though the AFC North is a tough division and they have a tough schedule, I think that Cleveland steps it up as a team, and that even with Frye at QB they improve. They made some nice moves on the O-Line, including adding stud center LeCharles Bentley, and their D should be improved as well. I myself like Reuben to have similar yardage to last year with about 8 TDs, and that's Steppin' Up in my book...
  2. akaoni

    2006 Sleeper RBs

    I love it when people make predicitons like this. Taylor has never carried the load by himself in the pros, his work ethic this off season raises some big question marks, and Moore and Faison have talent, and could steal carries. I think that it's more of the same at RB for Minny this year (RBBC)...much to the chagrin of many fantasy footballers. As to Dillon and K. Jones. I think that we haven't seen the best of Kevin yet. Detroit had nothing in the passing game last year, and that allowed teams to load up the box and beat up on K.J. He fought through injuries, and his numbers dropped. That won't be the case this year. With Martz coordinating the offense, defensive units will have to respect the pass or get burned (yes even with Kitna or McCown), and for that reason, I think that K.J. will put up respectible. #2 RB type numbers. As to Corey, I think that as the season progresses they will give Corey fewer carries to keep him healthy and productive. I think he still gets the goal line carries however, which equals decent fantasy production.
  3. akaoni

    Why is Joe Horn ranked so low

    I think that I'm going to pass on Horn this year, unless he falls deep in the draft. There are just too many things going against him. Age and recent injuries are likely to slow Horn. Horn has been an over-acheiver who has worked magic with only average physical gifts in the past. Eventually, his age will catch up with him, and when it does, I think that his numbers will drop off precipitously. Add the fact that Brees' already weak arm will likely be hampered by injury, and you have many reasons to avoid Joe. The only thing that helps his stock is the fact that New Orleans will be consistently playing from behind this year. Still, I don't think that this fact will boost Horn's stats significantly. Instead, I'll take a solid guy like Housh (I'm in a PPR league), who appears to be going at a similar ADP, or wait for an upside guy like Evans or Clayton.
  4. akaoni

    What is reasonable?

    Can you trade for a player? I'd think that just about anyone would be willing to part with a top WR for LT, or do you already have a top WR as well? If not I'd think that someone would be willing to part with a First round pick (and maybe a later one as well). The bottom line is that to get one of the top three backs in fantasy football in a keeper league would be a priority for anyone. Don't let em lowball you!
  5. akaoni

    Is Baltimore's defense overrated?

    I definitely think that the addition of Ngata was a great addition that fits their scheme well, and since they performed poorly last year they may be undervalued this year. That said, I agree that a lot hinges on the offense. If McNair and J. Lewis can keep some sustained drives going and keep the D off the feild more than last year, they could be much better this year.
  6. akaoni

    If you draft Tatum Bell,

    Shhhhhhh...I think the less said about Cobbs the better.
  7. akaoni

    STILL no love for Shaun Alexander

    My sentements exactly. They are all great backs. Are there questions about each? Of course. In this case my gut says Alexander, and that's who I'll pick with the number one choice if I get it. But I'd be happy with any of the top three picks...very happy.
  8. akaoni

    ronnie brown vs steven jackson

    I'd say Jackson as well, my only concern is the terrible St. Louis D, which might have them playing from behind, and passing a lot. But overall, I'd expect him to get his carries, especially against some of the poor opposition they face, thus Jackson is the pick
  9. What's up with all the folks misspelling "board" as "bored"? Is this some kind of FFToday Forum jargon, or are people just horribly poor spellers? Sorry for this silly question, I'm new to this "bored" (but not new to fantasy football).
  10. akaoni

    Bored or Board: What's the deal?

    Gotcha, thanks.
  11. akaoni

    Picking the sleeper D

    First, this depends on scoring. In my primary league, since we score- 1 pt. per point allowed, scoring defense is the first priority, then takaways and TDs, but in a standard scoring system, turn overs are king. Cinci is an a unit that was a bit weak vs. the run last year, but they were opportunistic, and forced 34! turnovers. Although their numbers will probably drop some, that's still good production. I also like Minnesota's D. They play in the offensively challenged NFC North, and if their offense improves this year (how could it not?) their D should be better. A couple of super sleepers: Cleveland has been steadily improving unit. I used their D a couple of times last year because of good matchups and they served me well, I think they only get better with additions including Willie McGinest. They'll surprise some people. I also think that Detroit could be a good late addition. Again they play in the North, and the Bills, Jets, and 49ers are some of the offensive juggernaughts that Detroit will face this year. Finally, as to the AZ, STL question, I would pick the former and avoid the latter.
  12. akaoni

    andre johnson

    Buzz...thank you for playing. I think that more like 70 rec for 900-1000 yards and 5-6 tds will be closer to the mark. Better, but he's not going to put up Tory Holt numbers. Houston just doesn't got the engine...
  13. akaoni

    Thinking of not drafting an RB in the first 5 rounds

    Just take the best player available every round, no big deal. If they're RBs, then they might have more consistency, but that's about it. I think that it's the scarcity at positions that makes drafting and seasons fun. If you can just plug any old player into the lineup, I think it takes a lot of the strategy of drafts, trades, and FA acquisitons. I'd pass on this league as well.
  14. akaoni

    why take tiki or portis over edge...

    For a long time I was thinking that only the top 3 picks in this draft had "superstar" value, but the more I look at the situation the more convinced I am that I'd be happy with any pick in the top 5 this year. I think that any of those backs are (barring injury) can't miss selections. With Edge however, I think there's clearly a drop off. As noted above, the Cards' O line has been terrible, and Edge isn't as elusive as he once was. Clinton and Tiki (especially in a ppr league) could both have monster years and rival, if not overtake the top three. I don't think there's any way that Edge, LaMont, or Rudi will do that. I think that S. Jax and R. Brown have more potential, and I'd probably take one of them over Edge as well.
  15. -1 point per point allowed by D/ST (TD-6 pts, Int/Fumb-2 pts, Sack-1 pt) I like this rule because, like PPR leagues (we're one), it adds a lot of value to a position that is generally undervalued in drafts. With our scoring system, the point swing on D/ST can make or break you. With point swings of 30 or more, our system makes playing the right D each week much more important. I think that this rule makes our league interesting for a number of reasons. 1) Drafts are more interesting and fun because more positions have value. This makes for more varied drafting styles and adds some interesting deliemas in the middle rounds. (For instance: After a D/ST run in the 7th round, do I take the QB I've had my eye on, or grab the last "sure thing" defense on the board?) 2) D/ST is probably just as important now as WR or QB, and a good D/ST unit can really improve a team. Last year, one of the worst teams had the Bears D/ST, which won some contests almost by itself, adding more parity to the league. 3) Because people often use more than one roster spot on D/ST, it makes the waiver wire more interesting, forcing people drop players with some value/potential. It also makes roster management that much more important. 4) There are more interesting trade options. Because D/ST units have more value, they can be used as trade bait. A player with one or two poor defenses, might be tempted to trade a RB or WR for a Defense if the their situation merited it. I'm frankly surprised that more people haven't tried this system. I think that it's fun and quite challenging, and adds a whole new dimension to the standard FF league.
  16. I think that I'd take both as well, although I don't expect both to put the same numbers up this year with Edge in the mix. But that said, I think that their combined numbers would be very pleasing as a 1-2 WR combo. As to bye week, I'd prefer that all my top players had the same bye week. Not that it's all that realistic a situation (there are so many factors that take presidence (sp?) over byes), but it would be nice to get all the #1s with the same bye, give up one game (maybe) then have your team full strength for the rest of the schedule...
  17. akaoni

    Top Defensive Teams in '06

    I play in one league where we score -1 pt. per point allowed, so D is pretty important. I started the Cleveland D in a couple of games because of favorable matchups and was pleased with them. I think that Cleveland improves on both sides of the ball this year and surprises some people...
  18. akaoni

    Marc Bulger - Steppin Up or Steppin Down?

    I say stepping down. I just don't trust that shoulder. Hasn't he injured it two years in a row now? Admittedly, if they run more he should be hit less, but I think his shoulder's toast. Add that to the new system and I think I'm passing on Bulger.
  19. akaoni

    Top 5 bounceback players in 2006 !

    I think that Mason's numbers climb up from last years, and his TDs definately improve with McNair throwing to him.
  20. akaoni

    Lamont Jordan-Really a top 10 pick?

    I think there's a point where you can over think this. For me the bottom line is this: Lamont was 7th amongst RBs in my league's scoring system (standard with .5 PPR). I expect him to be slightly better than last year. Therefore, top 10 RB, and one who could slip, because he's not that sexy a pick. If I'm picking from a late position, then I'm hoping he slides to me.
  21. So to all of those of you who say definately RB, RB, WR, RB, or perhaps, RB, WR, RB, RB...what if Manning drops to the mid to late 2nd, or even 3rd!? It's going to be tough not picking him. First, from a defensive position, do you want one of the guys with L.J. or S.A. picking up the top QB as well, then flipping for a solid WR, or RB? It's a tough choice. Second, as Manning drops (as it looks he's increasingly doing as people freak out about the drop off in RB after 1st and 2nd rounds), his value grows. So when do you pull the trigger, and abandon your plan? I guess the point I'm making is it seems a bit shortsited, to make a plan like: I'm going to take RB, RB, WR, RB no matter what. Is it good to think about these patterns? Yes. Should they be set in stone, of course not.
  22. akaoni

    Reggie Wayne Scenario

    I think that most folks monitering this board at this time of the year already know that Wayne's a bottom #1-top#2 WR, with the potental to leapfrog Harrison this year. I don't think that we're giving away any secrets here. And anyway if a Rook's looking at the boards now, more power to them, give them a little info. Good competition is more fun anyhow. That said, I think that Harrison's seen his best years as a WR, and at 34 his numbers are more likely to dwindle than Wayne's. Add wrist and elbow surgery in the past year, and I'm higher on Wayne than Harrison. I'm not saying that Marvin's done, just that I think that this is the year that we start to see his body break down a bit, and his numbers begin to slip...
  23. akaoni

    Who's on your DO NOT DRAFT list?

    I don't really believe in a Do Not Draft list, but that said, I'm avoiding any players from Green Bay. Their team just looks old and broken down. I might look to draft Driver if he falls, but that's about it.
  24. akaoni

    Pick a deep sleeper...

    Cedric Cobbs RB Den
  25. akaoni

    Chester Taylor

    He's interesting, but he's never been the number #1, and that means we don't know what to expect of him. Does he wear out or break down? Does he loose touches to Minny's other two backs? I just haven't seen enough of him to trust him as a number two. That said, I think the improved Vikes' O line and his good pass catching skills make him attractive as a number 3 with potential break out value, and naturally even more value in a PPR league...