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Freak Jones

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Everything posted by Freak Jones

  1. I think it's an awful big stretch to think of him as a #1 receiver on any team. If any WR has value in Atlanta this year, it's Roddy. It'll take time for Vick to have any chemistry with Lelie. Think Peerless Price.
  2. So basically, Lelie's value is now even lower than when he was in Denver.
  3. Freak Jones

    Fred Taylor named starter

    Jones will get the goal-line carries regardless of when Fred gets beat up.
  4. Freak Jones

    Rate Me...

    Not sure why he would have to hope Gore, Addai or Bell could keep him close at the RB position. LT gives him a better base at RB than all but 2 other teams. All he needs is for one of those 3 or Benson to start and be average and his RBs will be stronger than all but a couple teams. Gore and Bell appear to have already won starting jobs at this point. At the TE position he pushes his edge up a little more with Gates dominating the competition. So really, you're only talking about Bryant's stats vs other teams #3 receiver. What do you really think the point differential will be there? What RB would you have taken? All the guys he discussed are not much safer than what he did.
  5. Freak Jones

    Rate Me...

    Dude, you're going to roll! Top 3 RB, Top TE, Top 5 WR! You are set baby! I'm guessing you might be a Chargers fan?
  6. Freak Jones

    Jets get their running back

    You might want to reread the whole "breaking news" segment.
  7. Freak Jones

    Aaron Brooks not even drafted

    Have you been in a cave the last couple weeks? If Brooks doesn't pull his head out soon, he'll be doing this after the week 3 bye. wtf does this have to do with whether Brooks should be drafted?
  8. Freak Jones

    Aaron Brooks not even drafted

    Before watching him the last couple weeks I would have said definitely. Now.....I think he may be about done. He needs somebody to light a fire under him. He doesn't seem to give a spit.
  9. Freak Jones

    For those that auction.......

    I hear ya. It's always a gamble. I'm with you on the quantity thing. Running backs in my auction/keeper league after the draft last year: Priest - ok, but split time with LJ and then got hurt McAllister - worthless piece of crap and then got hurt Jordan - much better than anticipated, but I didn't start him until Deuce went down. Son of a _ _ _ _ _! LJ - nothing bad to say here. He's my $11 keeper this year baby! Benson - piece of crap and then got hurt Needless to say I had Bruce and a bunch of scrubs at WR last year. Ouch! So I'm definitely about a hybrid of stars/quality at all positions this year. Good luck! I'd say if you could get Eli or Bulger in a trade from the guy for one of your cheap RBs, do it! I doubt he'll give up Palmer.
  10. Freak Jones

    For those that auction.......

    I'm in 3 leagues this year and only one is auction. I agree, auction is the way to go. I have limited interest in the serpentines because luck of draft order plays in too much. I'm always completely amped about the auction though. If you could have had 1 of the big 3 for only $10 more than Rudi Johnson, I think that's where you missed out. You have no true stars on your team. Rudy is steady and Gates is a fantastic TE, but when thrown in the WR pool, he's probably only a top 15 WR/TE. It's fun too have sleepers, but if you have to wait too long for them to break out, you pay for it in the win/loss column. Jamal looked really good in his limited time thus far so hopefully he'll be back from the injury and ready to go for the opener. I do like Matt Jones and Driver alot this year! If your sleepers pan out, I think you'll be competitive.
  11. Freak Jones

    Who to take at number one

    Have you seen Shaun try to catch a football the last couple of years. Yeah, not so much will his receiving totals be improving significantly any time soon.
  12. Freak Jones

    why take a rb early?

    Good luck getting Mike Bell a little later than the 5th-8th round. Not so much at this point. Your strategy is interesting, if you don't care about losing money.
  13. Freak Jones

    Houston -vs- Blaylock

    Ah yes, that's right. Ernie McCracken the famous bowler. "Sometimes when I wake up in the morning Mr. McCracken's already there"
  14. Freak Jones

    Houston -vs- Blaylock

    Yeah! Who's Atlanta McCrearins?
  15. Unless Oakland's starting offense looks amazingly improved tomorrow, Ronnie Brown no question.
  16. Freak Jones

    Owner Threatens To Quit The League

    Here's more info from the original poster nicewolf. Next time read a little further. If you can show me any way LT and Shaun can be kept, feel free to straighten me out. Considering they've both been 1st and 2nd round picks in FF for years, that is highly unlikely.
  17. Freak Jones

    Fantasy history lesson

    15 more years and he'll be #1.
  18. Freak Jones

    Owner Threatens To Quit The League

    Dude, read the frickin info.
  19. Freak Jones

    Owner Threatens To Quit The League

    Hey Ray T. Instead of having people rehash crap, why don't you just read the information already provided? 2 keepers and the guy had the #1 pick. Which would be? LT or SA
  20. Freak Jones

    Has anyone heard the details of this?

    Heart....lets see. How about when he left the Redskins game because he was "concussed"? Sure not a lot of details about the "concussion" that week in the paper/media about how bad it was. It pretty much got swept under the rug. I guess it's because they won. Lucky for him. Um...I believe the selfish part is pretty dead on as well. Remember when the Seahawks made the playoffs 2 years ago? I'm not sure Shaun does. He was to busy about how he was "stabbed in the back". Hey Shaun! You guys won the game and got into the playoffs. How about being happy about it. Having said this, is he still in the top 3? No question.
  21. Freak Jones


    Are you a complete moron, or do you just come across that way? Explain to me why it will take 2 weeks to get used to having LT in a game situation? They've been running the crap out of the ball so far in preseason. It's not like he doesn't know how to hand it off. Honestly, its almost like an added benefit come the regular season for Rivers. If he can handle life without LT in the preseason, he'll have an extra reliable receiving option once the real games begin. Get over it and move on.
  22. Freak Jones

    Owner Threatens To Quit The League

    I agree with Joefry completely here. Obviously this won't be your solution, but come on! Who in their right mind wouldn't be completely hacked off with this if it happened to them. It can be awful hard not to go off when you're being completely ripped off. Honestly it seems like the real deal is 1/2 the owners are using this trading issue as a frickin excuse to redraft because they're jealous of how well he set up his team. Lets recap. This guy never wins. So then last year he makes some great keeper picks and ends up with the opportunity to have this as his top 3 players. 1. LJ 2. Fitz 3. 1st pick in the first round = LT/SA Gee! What a load of _ _ _ _! What do you mean you offered him that. So instead of 2 of the top 3 picks he get #1 and #24? So, not only would he only get 1 of the big 3, he probably wouldn't even end up with Fitz either. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound. 2 of the big 3 and Fitz + who care what draft picks isn't the best team on paper? Get real. Seriously, be thankful if this guy doesn't go postal on your a$$e$. Cause he really got the shaft in this one.
  23. Freak Jones

    Ok now you can start pressing the panic button

    Yeah, I thought the real Ryan Leaf was playing ff or something. He must have taken a sedative after the initial outburst though.
  24. Last week or last year? How the hell would Ronnie Brown still be on the board at #22? I thanked my lucky stars last weekend when he was still there at #12, but #22? These guys may be FF vets, but not the sharpest tools in the shed. Then Smitty at #27? They must really you if they're willing to give their money away no questions asked. Next year, see if you can just have them pay you the buy-in and not worry about the formality of a draft. BTW, if this was the result of getting everyone else liquored up prior to the draft, Kudos.
  25. Freak Jones

    What's the worst fantasy advise you've ever gotten?

    Like Ras says, "go with your gut". Thats the fun in playing ff. Worst advice I remember hearing was "Quentin Griffin has moves like Barry Sanders". Glad to say I pretty much ignored those comments, although I was a little concerned when he torched KC in week 1 of 2004.