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De Novo

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Everything posted by De Novo

  1. De Novo

    Reasons Republicans Win

    You can see what you want in his plan, but Bush has isolated the muslim world by destroying a nation which was only tenuously linked to terrorism and then declaring that it's OK to ###### up someone else's country because we're keeping ourselves safer. Yeah, Bush is really uniting everyone. You may want to punch John Kerry in the face at dinner but a majority of diplomats want to punch Bush in the face. I care more about our political capital than some hack's opinion. Kerry knows more about guerrila warfare than Bush, since HE ACTUALLY FOUGHT IN VIETNAM!! You're a blind Bush supporter, and nothing I say will change that. I just think you've got your blinders on and like Bush because he looks like a cute, clueless monkey while Kerry looks like Lurch.
  2. De Novo

    Congratulate me fockers......

  3. De Novo

    Reasons Republicans Win

    The least educated and poorest states in the union all voted Republican. He doesn't jest. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kansas, etc. etc. Wealthiest and smartest states... Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, etc. etc. all voted Dem. You're in denial.
  4. De Novo

    Anyone know anything about ICFAI

    I just checked my network on LinkedIn and there are a number of senior execs who either went to school there or taught there. Seems reputable to me. What industry are you in?
  5. De Novo

    ***Official WWIII Thread***

    You're fine. You think something that targets the Pentagon is gonna blow something 3 miles away up? Not unless it's a nuke, in which case, you're equally screwed if you're 3 or 300 miles away.
  6. De Novo

    Life Insurance

  7. De Novo

    on the NoVA housing market

    It's called supply and demand.
  8. De Novo

    Reds send Lopez, Kearns Ryan Wagner to Nats for...

    Bowden has to feel pretty bad about bending them over like this
  9. De Novo

    Life Insurance

    I don't have any depends. I think I have a 250k policy that costs like $3 a month.
  10. De Novo

    Gayest article of clothing you own?

    Let's Poker hat
  11. De Novo

    Free Gas Offer Leads to arrests, accidents

    A 2 mile line to save 30 bucks. How much gas did they burn waiting in line?
  12. De Novo


    13 here also. The King Kong Godzilla one blew my mind.
  13. De Novo

    10 cent bet = $21,000

    You are required to claim taxes either way. How ignorant are people?
  14. De Novo


    I pay 1/3... my portion is about $120 a month
  15. De Novo

    Best tequila?

    Patron Anejo is the best I've had, and I still thought it sucked... the least sucky of them all.
  16. De Novo

    Did you know that Bill Maher and

    You know she's a FREAK in bed. I hate her guts, but I'd "date" her.
  17. De Novo

    why do men suck?

    Because he just wants to ###### you, and knows you'll put up with him treating you like ######, because you like the ######.
  18. De Novo

    Strange But True

    fastfish voted for Al Gore
  19. De Novo

    Excel question

    No quote manipulation necessary here
  20. De Novo

    You, Me and Dupree

    Dad's name is Woodrow right?
  21. De Novo

    Do they track your websites at work?

    I can't comment
  22. Two words. Jack Abramoff.
  23. Yes, but it doesnt win votes from right-wing nutjob religious zealots.
  24. Native American casino lobbyists.