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Fantasy Noob

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Posts posted by Fantasy Noob

  1. Mixing it up is the key like everyone has said. I generally prefer for someone else to nominate a player I want. You want to have the bones of your squad fleshed out by round 3 thats 36 players in and almost always the best 36 players. So you need to make some hay and get your targets out of those guys. One key exception if you have one of the first two nominations of the draft this is actually a pretty good time to get some value this is one instance where I will throw out a high ranked player I want.


    If you dont have 3/4 studs by the start of round 4 in most drafts you need to get active. Don't sit on your money trying to go nuts for value, these teams almost always end up mediocre. The problem is the other owners have the meat of their rosters set and if they have an upside guy in this range they really want they typically have enough cash left to make it painful for you. Which is why I argue against saving too much budget for late.


    This year I like to throw out QB's in auctions to bleed other players cash, the position "feels" is very deep this year. I just think the QB rankings at the end of the year will be much closer in total points scored making the QB a little less critical...barring your league settings/scoring rules.

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  2. I think it all comes down to John Kuhns role on the team. Kuhn seems to be a fan favorite and he got a lot more goal line touches than I think his talent deserves.


    If those touches go to Lacy and he gets 70% of the total RB touches thats pretty valuable.

  3. It's a win if they fix the color, the dark color makes it hard to read.


    The real issue is why change it now? At the start of august would have been perfect. Given them time for some feedback and to modify it, but now when everyone is drafting? This is risky if it didn't work or started screwing up peoples drafts you could jeopardize your cash cow. They seem to have thoroughly beta tested it since it works and I have heard no complaints but wow what a risk. Just not very smart.

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  4. I expect Seattle to run him into the ground this season. He is actually the player I would most want to handcuff due to the talent behind him, the only problem is both backups are great. Turbin and "the girl" are really good so who do you choose? Just a hunch but, I am predicting he breaks in late Oct/early Nov and "the girl" takes over and is a star making him expendable next year.


    Also his upside is somewhat limited, he will get you top 10 RB numbers probably but he won't give you top 5 potential. Most of us love players with high floors and infinite ceilings this time of the year thats why there are so many RB "busts" each year. He is a solid and unspectacular mid to late first round pick but its a safe pick.

  5. I fell for the Graham love last year, I will never again take a TE before round 5 (and probably not even then) it just isn't worth it. Everything has to break perfectly for it to work out.


    Brees I adore but I just think there is a ton of value at QB this year so I would rather load up on RB's or a top 5ishWR early. I dont have him on any of my squads yet he just seems to cost too much.


    It was only preseason but their defense looks much improved, not sure that is actually beneficial for FF with a team with so many good RB's.

  6. Depends on the size of the league really. In ten teamers or smaller definitely want as many elite players as possible and the waiver wire should offer a ton of options.


    12 teams and larger it gets tricky.


    I like to blow 75% of my budget on "my guys" then just sit tight till the end of the draft. While you wait make sure to throw out players in whatever position is deepest or that anyone on autobid will buy at too high a price I am thinking the 1st2nd tier QB's (I really like the QB options late this year with Eli/Vick/Cutler/RG3/Luck frequently lasting till late in auction) and any TE. By the end of the draft you will probably have more money than most with an elite core of 4 guys and load up on a ton of quality.

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  7. Middle of the road, need some things to break your way to make the playoffs.


    In a 12 teamer would like to see a backup QB with some potential, your starter goes down your not finding a viable option short of trade.

  8. Pretty great team, love the RB situation.


    With luck you should be able to lock up a playoff spot early and then trade one of your #3/4RB's for an upgrade at the #3WR spot or QB spot if your QB situation falters.

  9. I disagree your going to get creamed in a ten teamer.


    I don't think you have a top 5WR or RB on your roster. You do have some upside at RB with Ingrahm and Mathews which seems like your best hope. I really hate your top 3 WR's.


    In a 10 teamer or smaller I would expect to see a top 3 QB or WR on your roster and I don't see any of those players on your team.


    I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am, good luck.

  10. I agree your WR's aren't optimal for ppr but it could work out Bowe and Djax are the only options in both teams passing games they should do well no matter what.


    My first instinct was take that trade in a heartbeat but I am reconsidering.


    I think you take the clear number one passing option in Denver over Kansas City.


    Romo with Cutler's upside should give you top 5 QB play this year where as the RG3/Cutler combo has questions to be answered. Will RG3 run as much or the passing game improve? Will Cutler perform in a contract year, with an offensively friendly system?


    I think the WR upgrade is too much to pass up, I make that trade.

  11. I would do the trade, it's always easier to find WR's on the waiver wire for your third slot than elite RB's. Also you have some upside with Jeffrey on your roster already.


    Yes Gio could be special but its preseason a lot of RB's have looked special in the preseason. Your trading his hype, buildup and potential for a legit first round RB.


    Losing Smith hurts since he would be an outstanding #3WR but it helps solidify your RB corp.

  12. I like lineup #1 for a ppr league myself.


    White or Cobb should be money in ppr as they seem to be the favored targets of damn good QB's and so far both are more reliable week to week than Dez (that said Dez is going to most likely have a monster year it will just come down to injuries with him). So the falloff at WR isn't that great.


    It really comes down to the pass catching capability of your #2RB and Morris loses you a lot of points here but it is awfully close. Any chance you could get Bush or Sproles at RB? One of them in combo with Spiller would be just dominating in ppr.


    EDIT: I am an idiot if #1 is Trent Richardson it is clearly better thats who your implying it is right? He is going to catch a ton of passes and give similar numbers to Morris on the ground. There is no way he would be available in the 2nd round though right?

  13. Yep absolutely loaded at WR but you need someone to emerge at RB behind Sproles. I think thats what your season will come down to. Does one of those RB's emerge as a top15 ppr back and if they don't can you play the matchup game well enough to get above average play out of your #2RB spot.

  14. I agree you need more RB depth. If the league is full ppr you should be ok starting a WR at flex, but personally I almost always prefer a RB in the flex spot. If it is ppr someone like Woodhead might be available cheap and be a pretty good flex play.


    I would also like to see an upside QB behind Newton. Myself I think Rivers is done and won't bounce back.


    All that said your starters at RB/WR/TE are outstanding you should make the playoffs if no injuries occur.

  15. I was going to disagree but I find your avatar oddly intimidating. What is on your forehead?


    I will compromise:


    Yes QB's are deep.

    No RB's are not deep. When you start looking at the RB position you start to find tiny little flaws that could be signs of a big problem and doom your fantasy season. After the first 4-5 RB's there are some severe questions.

    You do raise a good point about the WR issue though. Everyone is saying it is deep but it is not really deep for sure things, it is deep on potential. There are a couple of dozen WR's with the potential to have outstanding seasons, pick the right couple and you will have a monster squad.


    I think most of us are just playing the odds it is usually easier to find decent/good/great WR's later in drafts, waiver wire and through trade. You might only get one shot at the darling waiver wire RB and not have priority/budget etc so you usually have to draft your RB corps. And the best usually are found in the top half of the draft in competitive leagues.

  16. The bubble WR screen almost always gets destroyed at the NFL level the players are just too fast.


    Maybe the zone read can slow down the defense enough for it too work but I wouldn't hold my breath.


    I do love to see more zone read stuff, it will last until someones QB gets killed and then everyone will suddenly remember why having the QB run the ball in the NFL is a bad idea. Not that I don't think its a great strategy and wont work but you cant afford to have a $15million dollar player at the most critical position sitting on the bench.

  17. Tough decision:



    Pros: Its your team and you will get to see your guy a ton (always fun), will be a top 10RB for several years, better O-line

    Cons: Kelly's offense is an unknown (but we all think it favors the run), extremely talented backup, more mileage (keepers)



    Pros: Younger and electric, could be a top 3RB for years, he will get a ton of touches they just dont have anyone else

    Cons: Buffalo QB situation sucks, he had one great season (small sample size), its Buffalo they aren't going to be on TV much its not as much fun if you can't "see" your guys, he is going to see a ton of stacked boxes


    I say McCoy because you will get to see him all the time being an Eagles fan and it will kill you everytime he has a good game for another team.

  18. Small dynasty league looking for input on my keepers. The prices listed are this years cost with a total budget of $200.


    Adrian Peterson $48

    Doug Martin $24

    Chris Johnson $60

    Frank Gore $10

    Benjarvis Green Ellis $5

    Andrew Luck $10

    Julio Jones $32

    Percy Harvin $20

    Hakem Nicks $2

    Antonio Gates $7

    Greg Zuerlein $2

    Miami $4


    Right now looking at ADP, Martin, Gore, Luck, Jones, Nicks and Harvin for a grand total of $146 bucks. This only gives me $54 bucks for the auction but with only a hole at TE and WR.

    The dumpee's would be Cj2k, BJGE, Gates, Zuerlein and Miami.


    Harvin is the one I was kinda of tempted to drop and hope I could get him cheaper in the auction because of the injury. But $20 this year, $23 next, $26ish the following seem really cheap for a potential top 10 WR going forward.


    Also I was thinking of blowing my entire budget on whatever elite WR gets thrown back into the pool but not totally in love with a RB core of Peterson/Martin/Gore going forward. Peterson will have to be dropped due to cost next year and Gore is just so cheap but getting old quick.


    Thoughts? Recommendations?



  19. I would also consider the NFC West defenses he will face for 6 games out of the year. Seattle's secondary is elite, San Francisco is pretty good, and Arizona isn't exactly a slouch either (on defense, god help carson palmer behind that O-line).


    I also don't think of big offense numbers for WR's when I think of any of Fishers old Titans teams, I view the RB as the focal point of his offenses. He's a rookie, a WR and a small rookie WR :shocking: . I just don't see him lighting up the league this year. It may just be me but I don't think Bradford is all that good either, I think his WR's where a convient excuse, he's starting to remind me of Alex Smith.
