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My Negro!

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Everything posted by My Negro!

  1. My Negro!

    Witten is the unnamed source!

    Roy Williams? Roy has not been there long enough or done anything good on the field to run his mouth!
  2. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    Just browsed over there and I guess Footballguys have dropped down in members as of late. From what the thread said it is over moderation that is killing the board.
  3. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    There is no rhyme or reason to the bannings over there. I posted over there when the board was down. Guys would talk about all the chicks they are nailing and getting drunk, then another guy makes a legit statement a mod does not agree with and bam they are banned. Then they have the "clones" that butt kiss and act like they are offended mimicking the mods.
  4. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    The problem at FBGs is that you have some guys who just trolls all day, others that talk about all the chicks they are banging, and then a guys calls someone stupid and they are banned. Then you have the clones who kiss butt..they themselves think they are the mod police. They do have a very strange way of moderating.
  5. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    They have already locked the thread about losing members over there. Squelch the opposition.
  6. My Negro!

    Brees or Big Ben

    I think it is pretty much a wash. When all is said and done they should be pretty close. I agree Brees may put up a few monster games, but Big Ben will be there week in and week out, plus get you a few rushing TDs.
  7. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    It may be the self righteous..holier than thou attitude of some people in charge there that bothers some.
  8. My Negro!

    FootballGuys losing ground..

    They do have some tools over there.
  9. My Negro!

    Senator Kennedy

    About half the people here would be banned from this thread at FootballGuys! God Love FFToday!! To make a good natured joke or a little humor is what life is all about.
  10. My Negro!

    Marvin Harrison involved in shooting

    This is a sad story because Marvin has always been a credit to his race. One of the good ones. I hope this is all a mistake or someone else was involved.
  11. A "healthy" Jake could be a steal next year. Pencil in Smith for 12-15 TDs, Moose and Hacket for a combined 10. And 6-7 more spread around.
  12. My Negro!

    Leftwhich Left Out

    I was a big Lefty guy when he was coming into the league. Now I would only want him as a backup, he is just not that good, that big windup release is way too slow for the NFL.
  13. My Negro!

    Vince Young's own lineman questions VY's intelligence

    Bradshaw could always throw the ball though.
  14. My Negro!

    Pat's Faulk busted for the herb!

    Us black folk like the bud.
  15. My Negro!

    Show your support for Kevin Everett

    Looks like sone good news. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0KmjqabDUU
  16. My Negro!

    Shaun King Trashes Alex Smith on ESPN 2

    Who does King play for now?
  17. My Negro!

    Chad Johnson

    Lets hope he is out for awhile!!
  18. My Negro!

    Chad Johnson

    I hope he is not hurt that bad, but a slight crack in his neck would really help my team.
  19. My Negro!

    Chad Johnson

    I loved it!! Plus I stashed Henry 3 weeks ago!!
  20. My Negro!

    Driver or Jennings?

    All Jennings does is score touchdowns.
  21. My Negro!

    Brandon Jacobs OUT!

    That is why I drafted Droughns..I knew the big guy was brittle!!
  22. My Negro!

    Housh Hurt?

  23. My Negro!

    Ahman Green; Thoughts?

    Heard Kubiak gushing about Green the other day. Green looked pretty good last year. I picked him up in two leagues as my 3 RB..thinking he may be a #2 soon.