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Everything posted by 2GQ

  1. 2GQ

    Draft Strategy?

    Hey Wildman. Keepers were just declared for my league (12 teams) and those that did not declare the maximum of 3 keepers get draft picks instead. Here is a list of keepers and blank spaces represent a pick. The list also shows draft order. This follows a snake format starting round 1. The player in (parenthesis) just shows a mandatory keeper that each team had to declare and represents no round. (Brady)- (Tiki)-Lamont, CJ (McGahee)-Caddy, Fitz (SJax)-Lewis, PManning (Gates)- (Steve Smith)- (Edge)- (Ronnie Brown)- Chester Taylor, Westy (LT2)-Boldin (Foster)-Portis, (LJ)-Rudi, (Shaun A)-Droughns, Holt Now begins Round 3 when all teams draft! So my question: I am Team #2 (Tiki, Lamont, and CJ as my keepers). Therefore I have the #2 pick (3.2) and #23 pick (4.10)...... once everyone starts drafting. In analyzing this, most folks will take RB, which may leave me Addai at the best. So, is it best to consider a quality WR at 3.2 and sacrifice a RB as my flex or go RB? Also, when (what round) can I hope to get Palmer to pair with Johnson? Generally, what would be a good strategy to consider with the following factors? My league's details: start QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, RB/WR, TE, K, DST. PPR and points for every offensive category (2pts = each rush yard, 1 pt=each passing yard, 2 pt=each rec yard ). Thank a lot!!
  2. 2GQ

    RB and/or WR who return kicks?

    No IDP in my league. We do a team DST and any yardage for PR and KR does not factor in at all. Good luck to you this season.
  3. Who are RB or WR that return kicks that may be solid picks? My league awards 2 points for each rushing yard and it does not matter whether it's done on special teams or not. This makes Steve Smith a very solid pick, but no name players like Wes Welker (Dolphins) had some sweet games last year because of his return game. Any names come to mind?
  4. 2GQ

    Trade Help

    I would not do it. Only having to start 2 RB gives you two decent starters. Ronnie is set for a breakout year and serves the role of a quality #1RB while Taylor has a monster line to run behind. DDavis has been held out with potential knee issues, but I truly think with Kubiak in control and the fact that Bush was not drafted by Teaxns, he is poised for a great year when healthy. When it comes down to it, DDavis and Westy are proven with health risks and can provide in a PPR format. Although Gore is now the definite starter w/ Barlow's trade, he does not have the team around him that Taylor does. Gore has upside, but with you having Addai, you've got a back with tremendous upside as well. Plus, Barlow will now definitely start, which offers depth. When DDAvis comes back, which I believe is at the start of the season, you're in good shape!
  5. I'm in a 12 team keeper league where each team can keep up to 3. I will keep Tiki, Jordan, and Chad J. I have Carson Palmer, but cannot keep him. Should I look to trade him for 1 or 2 picks? If so, what round picks are fair? All teams start drafting in the 3rd round because one keeper is mandatory and if a team keeps 2 more, their 1st and 2nd round pick is already used. I have the 2nd pick in round 3 and we go in a snake format. Or should I try to draft Palmer back? I think Manning will be the only QB kept.
  6. I play in a 12-team league where there are points awarded for everything (even 1 point for each passing yard and 2 points for each rushing AND receiving yard). All solid RB are definitely kept and if a team does not keep 3, they may draft before teams that do keep 3. So, essentially, all teams draft in snake format starting Round 4. I am looking to keep Tiki, Lamont J, and Chad Johnson. I also have Carson Palmer. Would it be crazy to package CJ and Carson in an attempt to get Rudi J or Caddy and an extra draft pick in the opening round? If a trade for Rudi happened, I would get the 2nd and 11th pick of the opening round. If I got Caddy, I'd get the 2nd and 3rd pick of the opening round. So, with 3 strong RB, early picks could be spent on quality WR and I would probably look to secure a QB (where McNabb, Hasselbeck, Eli could be available). Thoughts?
  7. 2GQ

    Parker & F. Taylor for Steve Smith?

    IMO, taking Smith would leave you with a slew of RB who may not even start or play. It seems that you may start 2 RB, so considering your RB corp, TJ and Bush would be starters. Betts may not play if Portis is ready for the start of the season and Williams is banking on the fact that Foster gets hurt. With Parker, you know you're getting a starter in a run-oriented offense (although he may or may not lose goal line carries). However, him starting is a certainty. I don't think I would make the trade b/c there is no guarantee that Smith reaches expectations with Keyshawn in the mix. He would need to pick up the slack for your thinness at RB. I would pick up the WR and probably try to get Greg Jones to handcuff to Taylor. This RB depth may help a trade for a WR later in the season, but the WRs (even if you got Smith) probably wouldn't allow a trade for a quality RB in the future.
  8. I am in agreement with you trying to deal a QB for a solid WR. I would see who has the #1 WR for the teams your QBs belong to (Bengals, Dolphins, Cards) and work out a potential trade with them. You can sell the trade proposal by pointing out that a QB and WR on the same team have the potential to score major points. IMO you can get the most out of Palmer in a trade b/c of last year's stats and the ahead of schedule rehab to his knee. I would look to deal him above the others if you do not have a keeper league.
  9. 2GQ

    would you trade....

    Do you start 2 or 3 RB? I would make the trade regardless of whether you start 2 or 3 backs. Jackson is preferred over Dunn or Droughns as a starter or a fill in. In fact, if you start 2 RB, I would much rather choose between Jackson, Brown, and Portis based on matchups. Jackson may be a better bet to start over Ronnie because STL has the quality WRs so that defenses won't stack the box and they do not use a TE like Miami does, which may offer Jackson some more touches. Miami does not have the WR that STL does, so this may allow defenses to plan more for the run. Plus, Culpepper is more inclined to rush than Bulger, even despite his knee, which may take a minimal amount of touches from Brown. Benson should serve well as a servicible bye week fill in, but would be your only backup if you start 3. It seems that you start 2 RBs though.
  10. 2GQ

    Bigger keeper: Ronnie Brown or Steve Smith

    I think keeping Brown is a no-brainer. To put any scoring aside, if your league members can just keep 2 players max, there are going to be quality RBs available when keepers are declared and all draft in the serpentine format. If you lose Smith, he may be available when you draft at #10. I would analyze which RBs will be left and see how this compares to draft positioning. Most owners would take a RB in the 1st round, so a quality #1 WR (Smith or others) should be there at pick #10. In this case I would much rather have a 3rd round pick as opposed to an 8th round pick.
  11. 2GQ

    Rate this trade

    Team B gets the better of this deal IMO. Edge and McGahee seem to equal each other out with the recent injuries on the 'Zona offensive line. I also think McGahee will receive more touches. Edge (no pun intended) very slightly to McGahee in a standard format. I don't really buy all the worry with Roaf's retirement related to LJ's production. If we were talking Gonzo, that's where the worry with production should be focused. Edge here goes to LJ over Portis, but both make great keepers. I definitely like Chambers over Wayne. With Culpepper, I like Chambers' big play ability and feel that Wayne's big play ability is a bit limited with Harrison around. The #1 pick makes this trade because the above players can easily serve as future keepers and you can invest that pick in proven talent. I would look to Marvin or TO over the others on your list. With picks #20 and #21, there will be a quality WR or TE that can produce solid numbers and a rookie RB that may very well be a starter by mid-season.
  12. I'm in a 12 team keeper league where up to 3 players can be kept. I have Tiki, Jordan, and Chad Johnson as my keepers and the 2nd pick in a serpentine draft. Scoring awards for PPR. What RB is worth trading Chad Johnson for? I am considering offering Johnson for a RB so that I am OK in the RB department and can focus on WR when drafting starts. Each team starts 10 players: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, RB/WR, TE, DST, K. Thoughts?
  13. 2GQ

    Keeper league deal....

    I think this trade comes down to Tiki v. Ronnie and winning now v. winning later. It maybe looks a bit better to keep Gates and Tiki. Tiki will get his touches, but not as many as last year. He will also lose goal line carries. However, he's proven. Gates will drop off a bit b/c of losing Brees, but he has performed like a WR in the past, so is that so bad? I think both of these players would be good to stick with if you expect to contend in your league this year. IMO both of these players may be keeper candidates again next year. Gates definitely, but TiKi has mentioned retirement. I feel that Tiki will retire if the Giants do well this year. It may be possible that the Giants do well for the next couple of years with their offensive skill players and their improved defense. With Tiki being competitive, he may want to stick around for this as the team gels. Furthermore, if you keep Tiki and Gates, there may be a solid rookie RB available when you pick. This player can probably fill your keeper needs if Tiki does not stick around. It is very possible that the Addais, DeAngelo Williams', and the Maroney's of the world could be starters next season. With Ronnie, he has a lot to prove. He will receive a lion's share of the carries, but has never really carried the load. In terms of next year, I am not sure if Ricky Williams is in the plans which could create a RBBC situation again. I am not sold on Plaxico b/c of his lack of consistency, but he is a WR1...which should produce the #s that Gates does. So, it is Ronnie v. Tiki. Keep in mind that Miami sees a lot easier run defenses this season and SD sees weaker pass defenses than NYG considering last year's defense stats. Also, just want to clarify, you lose a draft pick in the round you chose your keepers in?
  14. 2GQ

    Am I overthinking this?

    I am in a similar position. I am planning to keep Tiki, Lamont, and Chad Johnson while having the #2 pick overall ina 12 team league. That #2 pick is big because by the time you pick again, many good players are gone. I would tend to pick Marvin in this case. However, you may be able to deal Chad for a decent RB, especially if Carson will play at the beginning of the season. Or can you propose a trade for Chad and your #2 pick for a RB and a pick in the later spots in a round (#10-12 considering its a 12-team league)? This would give 3 decent RB and the potential to pick up decent WRs in the later draft spots. I would think if you traded into the #11 spot, you can pick a Driver, DJax, R. Williams and possibly Gates (who plays like receiver).
  15. 2GQ

    Need some trade help.....

    I was offered the same trade and I took Tiki. I would highly recommend that you post these type questions to the "Wildman Wednesday Session" at the top of this message board. He responds quickly with great, fact-driven advice. Here is what he said that sold me on accepting the trade: I'd much rather have Tiki Barber. I know it's a keeper league, but I think you're taking a very long term approach. This is a fallacy of many dynasty/keeper league owners. Making transactions with an eye towards the long term is okay, but don't get too enamored with building a team that you hope will be great every year for years to come because the problem can be taking too many players that are unproven while giving up players that seem to get it done every year. Barber should be nearly as good this year as he was last. I look at this straight up trade as a trade down for you. If you offer Barber he should still command more than just a 2nd year back with great potential in return. Keep in mind that there was confusion and he thought I was wanting to trade Tiki for Ronnie, which is why it is worded critically at the end. However, you get the point as to why trading for Tiki could be a benefit. Also, it's important to note that I am in a point per reception league and have Lamont Jordan as my 2nd back. Therefore, even if Tiki retires or loses steam next year, I can build on Lamont.
  16. 2GQ

    Barber for Brown?

    Just offered Tiki for Ronnie Brown. The league is a 12-team keeper league where all teams can keep up to 3 players. Scoring: Scoring for Offensive Categories FG - Field Goals 30 points Plus 10 points for a FG of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 20 points for a FG of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 40 points for a FG of 50+ Yds FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -45 points IKRTD - Individual Kick Return TD 60 points IKRYd - Individual Kick Return Yards 1+ IKRYd = 1 point for every 1 IKRYd IPRTD - Individual Punt Return TD 60 points IPRYd - Individual Punt Return Yards 1+ IPRYd = 2 points for every 1 IPRYd MFG - Missed Field Goal Plus -30 points for a MFG of 1 to 29 Yds Plus -15 points for a MFG of 30 to 39 Yds MXP - Missed Extra Point -10 points Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 10 points PaInt - Passing Interception -20 points PaTD - Passing TD 30 points PaYd - Passing Yards 1+ PaYd = 1 point for every 1 PaYd Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 20 points ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points ReYd - Receiving Yards 1+ ReYd = 2 points for every 1 ReYd Recpt - Reception 2 points Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points RuYd - Rushing Yards 1+ RuYd = 2 points for every 1 RuYd XP - Extra Points 10 points Thoughts? My concern is Tiki's age and goal line production, but points per reception are awarded.
  17. 2GQ

    Wildman's Wednesday Sessions

    Poor wording, Wildman. I have been offered Tiki Barber for Ronnie Brown. Currently, the major players on the team wanting to trade Tiki looks like this: D Bledsoe M Vick B Westbrook T Barber T Bell T.J. Houshmandzadeh K Johnson A Crumpler D Ravens Major players on my team: C Palmer L Jordan R Brown C Johnson A Johnson J Witten L Tynes D Steelers Each team can keep three players and I have the 2nd overall pick. I was also considering proposing a trade to get LT. I wanted to offer Ronnie Brown and my 2nd pick for LT and the #9 pick because the team that has LT picks 9th overall. Does this offer have no chance? I feel if it was accepted, I'd have Jordan, LT, and Chad Johnson and could hopefully get an adequate RB or WR1 with the 9 pick and snake around 6 picks later and get the RB or WR1.
  18. 2GQ

    Wildman's Wednesday Sessions

    Just offered Tiki Barber for Ronnie Brown. My league is 12-team keeper league and all can keep up to 3 players. Scoring: FG - Field Goals 30 points Plus 10 points for a FG of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 20 points for a FG of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 40 points for a FG of 50+ Yds FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -45 points IKRTD - Individual Kick Return TD 60 points IKRYd - Individual Kick Return Yards 1+ IKRYd = 1 point for every 1 IKRYd IPRTD - Individual Punt Return TD 60 points IPRYd - Individual Punt Return Yards 1+ IPRYd = 2 points for every 1 IPRYd MFG - Missed Field Goal Plus -30 points for a MFG of 1 to 29 Yds Plus -15 points for a MFG of 30 to 39 Yds MXP - Missed Extra Point -10 points Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 10 points PaInt - Passing Interception -20 points PaTD - Passing TD 30 points PaYd - Passing Yards 1+ PaYd = 1 point for every 1 PaYd Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 20 points ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points ReYd - Receiving Yards 1+ ReYd = 2 points for every 1 ReYd Recpt - Reception 2 points Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points RuYd - Rushing Yards 1+ RuYd = 2 points for every 1 RuYd XP - Extra Points 10 points Thoughts?
  19. Would you trade Ronnie Brown or Lamont Jordan and Chad Johnson for Tomlinson IF there was a solid WR1 to draft with your first pick? That would leave me with LT2, Brown or Jordan and a WR1 (I think Harrison or R. Moss or Joe Horn may be out there) as opposed to Chad Johnson, RBrown and Jordan.
  20. 2GQ

    Wildman's Wednesday Sessions

    My league starts 10 players a week (QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, WR/RB, TE. DST, K). Scoring is as follows: Scoring for Offensive Categories FG - Field Goals 30 points Plus 10 points for a FG of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 20 points for a FG of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 40 points for a FG of 50+ Yds FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -45 points IKRTD - Individual Kick Return TD 60 points IKRYd - Individual Kick Return Yards 1+ IKRYd = 1 point for every 1 IKRYd IPRTD - Individual Punt Return TD 60 points IPRYd - Individual Punt Return Yards 1+ IPRYd = 2 points for every 1 IPRYd MFG - Missed Field Goal Plus -30 points for a MFG of 1 to 29 Yds Plus -15 points for a MFG of 30 to 39 Yds MXP - Missed Extra Point -10 points Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 10 points PaInt - Passing Interception -20 points PaTD - Passing TD 30 points PaYd - Passing Yards 1+ PaYd = 1 point for every 1 PaYd Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 20 points ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points ReYd - Receiving Yards 1+ ReYd = 2 points for every 1 ReYd Recpt - Reception 2 points Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points RuYd - Rushing Yards 1+ RuYd = 2 points for every 1 RuYd XP - Extra Points 10 points Would you trade Ronnie Brown or Lamont Jordan and Chad Johnson for LT2? I think a solid WR1 (R. Moss, Harrison, Horn) will be available with my first pick. This would leave me with LT2, Brown or Jordan (probably Jordan), and a solid WR1 as opposed to Brown, Jordan and Chad Johnson in a keeper league. My concern with Chad is Palmer's health. My concern with LT2 is his wear and tear in relation to Brown or Jordan in a keeper league. However, I have finished 8th in a 12 team league the past 2 years (my first experience with fantasy FB) and want to make the playoffs (top 6 teams).
  21. 2GQ

    LT2 trade help

    If he is giving up LT2, he definitely expects a RB...so Rudi is the only choice you have to give him to fill his RB need. Otherwise, if folks can only protect 3 players they will most likely protect RB leaving quality WR and QB in the pool for the draft. So, I would offer Rudi, Moss and possibly Brady or Bledsoe for LT2. There would be a chance to obtain quality WR and QB and would give you LT2 and Harrison as a great foundation. Despite his age, I think Harrison will have a big year because of the departure of Edge.
  22. 2GQ

    Wildman's Wednesday Sessions

    Here is the current roster for all teams in my league. Scoring seems to favor RB and WR...so I was wondering who you think will be kept amongst all teams as a way to start to prepare for my draft? Teams must start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, I TE, 1 DST, 1 K, 1 WR/RB All teams can keep up to 3 players or if they do not keep 3, they start the draft in a snake order format before players that keep the maximum amount. All teams draft when each team has 3 players. I pick #2, #23, #26, etc. once all teams start drafting. I am team #12. TEAM 1 J Sorgi P Manning C Taylor J Lewis N Goings T Henry S Jackson D Mason G Lewis A Randle El T Glenn E Parker I Bruce E Wilford T Gonzalez M Pollard N Kaeding S Graham D Bengals D Eagles TEAM 2 B Leftwich J Martin M Bulger C Dillon D Foster C Portis L Betts P Pass S Smith R Moss M Harrison D Bennett C Rogers J Smith B Troupe B Franks S Janikowski J Wilkins D Jaguars D Cowboys TEAM 3 M Brunell T Green T.J. Duckett S Alexander L Suggs K Jones M Morris S Bryson R Droughns M Clayton A Chatman D Hall T Holt D' Stallworth E Moulds J Shockey H Miller R Longwell D Rams D Colts TEAM 4 S McNair D McNabb T Dilfer L Johnson R Johnson B.J. Sams W Dunn M Moore C Chambers W Welker M Booker P Burress T Dwight J Putzier C Cooley E Kinney M Bryant R Lindell D Jets D Buccaneers TEAM 5 C Simms K Collins E James T Thompson D Rhodes A Pearman J Jones T Fisher F Taylor J Jurevicius D Jackson E Drummond P Crayton H Ward B Lloyd D Jolley R McMichael A Vinatieri D Dolphins D Titans TEAM 6 D Bledsoe M Vick B Westbrook M Anderson J.J. Arrington L Gordon T Barber T Bell R Swinton J Gage T.J. Houshmandzadeh R Parrish D Givens K Johnson A Crumpler B Scaife J Nedney J Brown D Vikings D Ravens TEAM 7 M McMahon K Warner B Roethlisberger P Holmes S Davis A Peterson M Barber S Gado G Jones H Evans C Perry J Horn M Jenkins R Brown D Branch S Moss M Muhammad A Gates J Reed D Broncos TEAM 8 M Hasselbeck J Delhomme V Morency D Sproles M Turner C Houston L Tomlinson J Wells D Davis J Mathis A Boldin J McCareins K Curtis R Williams L Evans B Watson N Rackers T Peterson D Panthers TEAM 9 E Manning A Brooks M Faulk M Bennett W McGahee W Parker C Williams A Toomer D Driver J Porter L Fitzgerald K McCardell A Lelie N Burleson D Clark M Stover J Kasay D Bears TEAM 10 T Brady D Brees T Jones M Shipp F Gore M Pittman M Alstott K Barlow C Benson T Owens R Wayne J Galloway C Roby R White C Horn J Stevens L.J. Smith J Elam D Falcons D Lions TEAM 11 B Favre C Martin J Bettis R Williams M Hicks C Brown D McAllister D Staley E Kennison B Engram B Edwards R Ferguson M Jones A-Zahir Hakim B Finneran K Robinson T Heap M Vanderjagt J Feely D Giants TEAM 12 J Plummer C Palmer C Morton L Jordan R Brown Z Crockett A Stecker A Smith R Smith L Coles A Bryant C Johnson A Johnson S Heiden J Witten L Tynes J Scobee D Steelers D Patriots D Cardinals
  23. 2GQ

    Who'll be left?

    Here is the current roster for all teams in my league. Scoring seems to favor RB and WR...so I was wondering who you think will be kept amongst all teams as a way to start to prepare for my draft? Teams must start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, I TE, 1 DST, 1 K, 1 WR/RB All teams can keep up to 3 players or if they do not keep 3, they start the draft in a snake order format before players that keep the maximum amount. All teams draft when each team has 3 players. I pick #2, #23, #26, etc. once all teams start drafting. I am team #12. TEAM 1 J Sorgi P Manning C Taylor J Lewis N Goings T Henry S Jackson D Mason G Lewis A Randle El T Glenn E Parker I Bruce E Wilford T Gonzalez M Pollard N Kaeding S Graham D Bengals D Eagles TEAM 2 B Leftwich J Martin M Bulger C Dillon D Foster C Portis L Betts P Pass S Smith R Moss M Harrison D Bennett C Rogers J Smith B Troupe B Franks S Janikowski J Wilkins D Jaguars D Cowboys TEAM 3 M Brunell T Green T.J. Duckett S Alexander L Suggs K Jones M Morris S Bryson R Droughns M Clayton A Chatman D Hall T Holt D' Stallworth E Moulds J Shockey H Miller R Longwell D Rams D Colts TEAM 4 S McNair D McNabb T Dilfer L Johnson R Johnson B.J. Sams W Dunn M Moore C Chambers W Welker M Booker P Burress T Dwight J Putzier C Cooley E Kinney M Bryant R Lindell D Jets D Buccaneers TEAM 5 C Simms K Collins E James T Thompson D Rhodes A Pearman J Jones T Fisher F Taylor J Jurevicius D Jackson E Drummond P Crayton H Ward B Lloyd D Jolley R McMichael A Vinatieri D Dolphins D Titans TEAM 6 D Bledsoe M Vick B Westbrook M Anderson J.J. Arrington L Gordon T Barber T Bell R Swinton J Gage T.J. Houshmandzadeh R Parrish D Givens K Johnson A Crumpler B Scaife J Nedney J Brown D Vikings D Ravens TEAM 7 M McMahon K Warner B Roethlisberger P Holmes S Davis A Peterson M Barber S Gado G Jones H Evans C Perry J Horn M Jenkins R Brown D Branch S Moss M Muhammad A Gates J Reed D Broncos TEAM 8 M Hasselbeck J Delhomme V Morency D Sproles M Turner C Houston L Tomlinson J Wells D Davis J Mathis A Boldin J McCareins K Curtis R Williams L Evans B Watson N Rackers T Peterson D Panthers TEAM 9 E Manning A Brooks M Faulk M Bennett W McGahee W Parker C Williams A Toomer D Driver J Porter L Fitzgerald K McCardell A Lelie N Burleson D Clark M Stover J Kasay D Bears TEAM 10 T Brady D Brees T Jones M Shipp F Gore M Pittman M Alstott K Barlow C Benson T Owens R Wayne J Galloway C Roby R White C Horn J Stevens L.J. Smith J Elam D Falcons D Lions TEAM 11 B Favre C Martin J Bettis R Williams M Hicks C Brown D McAllister D Staley E Kennison B Engram B Edwards R Ferguson M Jones A-Zahir Hakim B Finneran K Robinson T Heap M Vanderjagt J Feely D Giants TEAM 12 J Plummer C Palmer C Morton L Jordan R Brown Z Crockett A Stecker A Smith R Smith L Coles A Bryant C Johnson A Johnson S Heiden J Witten L Tynes J Scobee D Steelers D Patriots D Cardinals
  24. 2GQ

    Wildman's Wednesday Sessions

    My league scoring (a 12 team keeper league, each team can keep up to 3 players and there are 20 rounds in our draft): Scoring for Offensive Categories FG - Field Goals 30 points Plus 10 points for a FG of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 20 points for a FG of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 40 points for a FG of 50+ Yds FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -45 points IKRTD - Individual Kick Return TD 60 points IKRYd - Individual Kick Return Yards 1+ IKRYd = 1 point for every 1 IKRYd IPRTD - Individual Punt Return TD 60 points IPRYd - Individual Punt Return Yards 1+ IPRYd = 2 points for every 1 IPRYd MFG - Missed Field Goal Plus -30 points for a MFG of 1 to 29 Yds Plus -15 points for a MFG of 30 to 39 Yds MXP - Missed Extra Point -10 points Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 10 points PaInt - Passing Interception -20 points PaTD - Passing TD 30 points PaYd - Passing Yards 1+ PaYd = 1 point for every 1 PaYd Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 20 points ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points ReYd - Receiving Yards 1+ ReYd = 2 points for every 1 ReYd Recpt - Reception 2 points Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points RuYd - Rushing Yards 1+ RuYd = 2 points for every 1 RuYd XP - Extra Points 10 points Each team must keep a player and the draft is in a snake format. So if I kept one player (which is mandatory), I would get to pick in the first round and second round. If I kept 3 players, I would not get to choose until the 3rd round. The whole league starts drafting in the 3rd round, but those drafting in the 1st or 2nd round depends on how many keepers they select. I will keep Lamont Jordan and Ronnie Brown, but I also have Chad Johnson and Carson Palmer. Obviously, many top tier players will be kept. I have the 2nd pick in the draft. My question(s): --Should I keep Chad Johnson as my 3rd keeper and hope to get Carson Plamer in the draft? --Should I attempt to package Palmer and CJ for a solid RB that folks may part with (Westbrook, Droughns, Julius Jones, Chester Taylor) and invest my first picks in the draft to WRs? --Should I look to trade CJ and maybe my #2 pick for a RB and a lower pick in the first round (#8-12)