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Everything posted by hotdogcollarsdotcom

  1. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Plaxico Burress or Donald Driver

    the only reason GBs defense will be better is b/c you cant fall off the floor. Last year was a fluke offensive year for NY and everyone on that team put up big #s. Not that i think they'll suck this year, but i dont see a repeat of that display. If i remember correctly, the gi-aints stunk it up at the end of last year (could be wrng on that, but i'm sure someone will look me up). Finally, Driver has been a consistent FF WR for years now. Go driver, you'll get what you need from a #2
  2. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    A quick update about Greg Zolan...

    i have a friend who is a cop in Montgomery County. Dunno if its close, but let me know if it is and i'll get in touch with him
  3. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    The top 3 aren't the top 3.

    all good points (except maybe the marshall f reference, age & injuries hurt him as much as anything), but the real question is who has B^^LLS big enough to take tiki or clinton in one of those top 3 spots?
  4. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Is Fantasy Football dorky?

    i made the mistake of getting my gf into watching football, now all i do on sundays is answer questions like "why do the refs wear stripes? And..."why do they have to hit each other so hard"? And those are only the ones that i was sober enough to remember. NO WAY i am getting her into FF
  5. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    FWP ADP...what gives?

    I see the ADP for Willie Parker is generally agreed to be an early 3rd rd draft pick. Thats based on some of the more popular FF websites. BUT, in EVERY mock i've done, he's gone late 4th or even 5th. So, where is everyone seeing him going in their mock or real drafts? And mayeb the better question is, why isnt this guy going in round 2? You can see all the other posts for reasons why, but i'd say the majority of FF'ballers think he has a slightly better year than last.
  6. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    FWP ADP...what gives?

    i was just doin some of those freebies on ESPN...guess i need to move to another site. Glad i learned that now instead of at my draft. thanks
  7. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    rate my team

    lots o risk in that team. I agree that this is an obvious newbie league, so you might be able to pull off some trades in your favor. hard to say how well you did compared to everyone else since we cant see the rest, but my guess is you'll have a few dominant weeks and a bunch of lackluster ones in between.
  8. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Tight End projections

    i'd take a risk on winslow before the other 2 right now. Why... Davis is in a HORRIBLE offense (at least CLE showed some sparks last year), plus he's a rookie JAX has never used their TE. That, and remember that stat about JAX not scoring 30 or more points in something like 40 games? They may be better than that now, but its still a defensive minded team that likes to run and use their TEs to block. plus...rookie granted being a rookie TE is not as big as say Qb, but i think it still factors in. i'm not big on TEs in FF, but your best bet is to pick up Heath Miller or Chris Cooley in a mid/late round.
  9. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Lets get some discussion on....

    deion branch...if he ever gets his arse into camp
  10. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Draft Order

    be nice, some must aspire to geekdom. to asnwer your question daboy, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. with only 1 keeper, it muddies the waters even more. If you had 3 or even 2 keepers, then the standard is fine. With only 1, i wouldnt want to go to the normal draft.
  11. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Chris Cooley flying under radar?

    um, at least in my league, top 5 TE's = middle of the pack WRs. And saying he's top 5 TE is generous.
  12. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Interesting tidbit about Fitz/Boldin upcoming year.

    well, considering thr fact that no team has EVER had two 100 catch guys on it in the same year (maybe with the execption of some run n shoot teams), i wouldnt expect again regardless of whats happening on the rest of the team.
  13. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    WR Jason Avant

    jeremy bloom.
  14. hotdogcollarsdotcom


    one more reason to get high def...or maybe not to get it.
  15. hotdogcollarsdotcom


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Terrible Owens Survival Society EDIT: Sorry, this is what Andrea Kramer said McNabb & Gaycia say they're a part of
  16. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    i am not only the president of...

    the over-reacters anonymous club, i'm also a member. EAGLES TO THE SUPER BOWL!
  17. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Westbrook worth a 1st rnd pick now? 3000totyds?

    i think u can pencil him in for 3000. Plus, mcnabb wont throw an incompletion all year
  18. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Trade up for Peyton?

    League is 12 team redraft, PPR, 6 pt for TD Pass, flex player, TE required. They also just added bonus pts for 300 yd games and td passes over 20 yds. SO, from what i can tell, the qb is mucho importante now in this league. I have the #2 pick and then 2.11 and 3.02 in the snake. Do i package those 2 picks (2.11 and 3.02) for something in the late 1st round+a pick in 5 or 6 to get Peyton? My logic here is that I'll have LT, SA, or LJ at #2, there will be plenty of decent WRs remaining in rds 4-8, plus lots o' risks at RB (meaning if i get enough of them, 1 or 2 will "hit), plus i'll plan to reach a bit for one of the premier TE's to offset an average WR group. AND last year, 5 of the top 15 FF players in this league were QBs (7 out of 10 in 2004!) and they have ADDED importance to the position this year. any thoughts?
  19. OK, we all know the FF value in looking evaluating players in the pre-season, but how much of a letdown is it for the fan in you? I HATE baseball, so even the mere scent of the NFL season gets to me. And then....every year....after about 20 minutes of watching pre-season football, i slump back down into my lazy-boy and realize that there's still a month until the nfl actually starts.
  20. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    10 to draft & 10 to avoid....

    um, kitna and a mike martz system. Granted they are not montana & bill walsh, but Williams is a monster and i'll take kitna over Joey Knuckles any day.
  21. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    mike vick wants to be like....vince young?

    So, i m sure you all saw that story on sportscenter today about how the Falcons coaches went down to U of Texas to learn about their offense. Basically, they're trying to turn Vick into an NFL version of Vince Young (the NCAA version). Am I the only one who remembers how poorly NCAA offenses work (or dont work) in the NFL? I dunno, i think this is a last ditch, panicked kamikaze mission by the falcons to show vick can be a consistent winner in the NFL.
  22. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    ROAF retiring effects .....

    losing tony rich affects the running game too.
  23. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    10 to draft & 10 to avoid....

    great stuff, and congrats on your dynasty, but... I HAVE to disagree with the LT warning. He is 27, in his 5th year and typically dominates late in the year. He had some injury issues at the end of last year, but I dont see it as a pattern yet. In '04 and '03, he had monster Decembers...remember that 250 yd game against the radiers in week 17(?) of ''03. Top all that off with the KC questions and the super bowl hangover, and LT is just as viable a #1 as LJ or SA. My .02
  24. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Palmer or Mcnabb

    well, if your posting now, this must be an important Q Hopefully you're draft isnt until labor day so you can see how Palmer looks towards the end of preseason. I dont care what anyone says, this guy destroyed his knee 7 months ago. NO ONE comes back the next year from that kind of injury and performs up to their previous #s. Look it up. And right now, from what i've seen of Bengals camp, he looks about as mobile and fleixble as my 90 year old grandfather. McNabb may not have the upside that Palmer has, but I dont think he has the risk either. my .02
  25. hotdogcollarsdotcom

    Trade up for Peyton?

    thanks. as far as someone pulling the trigger on it, i dunno. Even with the importance of a QB int his league, people are still enamored with the RB-RB-RB theory. The guy who picked up Peyton in each of the last 3 years has finished in the money and he still doesnt go until late first or early second.