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Posts posted by KingofBeer

  1. If you can't change the scoring rules on EPSN to reflect your old rules, which I don't think you can, then you definitely shouldn't change any scores. Counting defensive TD's became your leagues scoring by default once you switched to ESPN.

  2. What a pathetic group of losers. I suppose if Forte doesn't do anything great against the Seahags, you all will still say it is only week 3 or have some other excuse.


    I made the best prediction this website has ever had posted. You should all bow to my greatness. Unlike you losers, I was smart enough to avoid Forte, Eddie Royal, Tom Brady, and a slew of others you all were touting on this website as "great" or as a "steal". How do you spell loser? Easy, look at the above usernames, excluding my own and maybe two others (guess who).


    Another funny thing is this; Half of you people that have ripped on me were the SAME "guys" that emailed me in July wanting my picture and to know more about me. Go ahead and pretend it wasn't you, but we both know it was. In the hour my post was up, there were over 35 people from this site trying to kiss my arse and be my "friend". LOL Awwwww...... Maybe I should post those names and emails at some point. Some of you "geniuses" would lose a little of your so called site-cred with the other "men".


    In case you are wondering, I love it when you all go off on me. Why? Well, I have MANY different personas on this site. One of them has been here for about 5 years now and is very well "respected" here. One of them is this one. Another one only comes out once each year to give advice on who the best sleepers are. I love to post pure BS and screw up as many fantasy teams as I can. Go ahead and think it can't be done........ Some of you have emailed one of my personas MANY times for advice on sleepers and who you should start.


    I think it is hilarious that you hate this persona, hate me, yet absolutely hang off the words of some of my other personas. I'm not the only one here screwing with all you little morons. I'm in this thread more than once. LOL


    Good luck ladies. From the emails you sent me, most of you are anything but men. : )


    F*aggots. Ha.



    Hopefully your life will progress to the point where you have even more personas on fantasy football sites. :lol:

  3. No way the Pats would want to sign Cassell to a long term contract at market rates or franchise him and pay him 14.5mil when they have Brady and a system that they feel would work well with many average qbs. So instead of letting him go for nothing what do they do? They take a the risk of franchising him and hope another team is willing to take the risk of paying him top dollar AND ALSO give some compensation. They found the Chefs. Now the Chefs are most likely going to pay Matt freaking Cassell the same as, or more than, guys like Ryan, Brees, Rivers etc. So not only are the CHefs taking a HUGE risk, but they gave something to the Pats in order to do it. UNreal. Well done Pats.

  4. the thread title reminds me of a joke i recently heard:


    Subject: Be Strong Honey !



    A man breaks into a house to look for money and guns. Inside, he finds a

    young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a

    chair. While tying the homeowner's wife to the bed the convict gets on

    top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.


    While he's in there, the husband whispers over to his wife: 'Listen, this

    guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably spent a lot

    of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years.


    I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't

    complain..do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how he

    nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry,

    he'll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!'


    His wife responds: 'He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my

    ear. He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, and asked if we had

    any Vaseline.


    I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I Love you, too.'

  5. Eagles 2008- Eliminated in the NFC Championship game.


    Cowboys 2008- Failed to make playoffs because of a 44-6 ass-whooping by the Philadelphia Eagles.


    'nuff said.


    It's funny how many of the same people who criticized you for ranking the Eagles too high in your power rankings are the same people saying the Eagles choked because they didn't make it to the Superbowl.

  6. He's apparently never been to an eagles game.


    I went to three Eagles games this year. Two of those times I went with at least one friend wearing an opponents jersey. I didn't have or see any problems at all, even at the Pitt game that had Steelers jerseys all over teh place.


    How many Eagles games did you go to this year? Even though you seem to know so much I'm going to guess zero.

  7. maybe i'll move to some shithole piece of land and then when i'm hungry i'll ask the people around the world for money. when they say "hey, why don't you move to better land or learn new a new skill", i'll respond with "no, send A LOT more money because even though i'm living in this shithole having a hard time surviving i'm having lots of unprotected sex". maybe the people around the world could set up some sort of fund to support my shithole community and cause even more problems in the future.


    that's my plan, and i think it's a good one

  8. So as I understand it, the Eagles can get the 6 seed if they win and dallas gets the 6 seed if they win. So it is a winner take all with both teams essentially playing a playoff game today. High stakes with two teams who hate each other.


    that means the winner plays the Vikings, right? very winnable for whoever wins

  9. While this may be true, Romo actually has an even worse reputation for choking.


    Somebody has to win.

    I guess it might come down to Brad Johnson and/or Kevin Kolb. :pointstosky:


    and to think that people were practically giving tickets away a few weeks ago...i should be there right now :bench:
