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Hairy Larry

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Everything posted by Hairy Larry

  1. yeah..i dont argue when i don't have anything worthwhile too say either.
  2. Hairy Larry

    Poll of troops in Iraq

  3. Hairy Larry

    Pointless Panhandling Anecdote

    i didin't realize..so many of you geeks were loser druggies!
  4. Hairy Larry


  5. Hairy Larry

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

    this is true..little known fact: atheists are immortal.
  6. Hairy Larry

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

    yeah..fear breeds ignorance.
  7. Hairy Larry

    Liquid Bombing Plot-Not Feasible

    i'm just looking out for me and mine..i don't want every freak with a pepsi can on my plane..who knows what they'd be capable of? or worse yet, some wacked out chick with a tube of mascara or bottle of lipstick..just a disaster waitign to happen..and thomas c. greene (whoever that is) is crazy if he thinks i believe that these people aren't dangerous criminals..it's a privilege and an honor to fly the friendly skys..so stfu and check your bags!
  8. Hairy Larry

    Liquid Bombing Plot-Not Feasible

    check your bag;s!
  9. Hairy Larry

    Don Vito

  10. Hairy Larry

    Liquid Bombing Plot-Not Feasible

    itisatip checkyourbags!
  11. Hairy Larry

    Liquid Bombing Plot-Not Feasible

    yeah..and you can buy all your toiletries at your destination..or better yet..check your bags! i sohouldn't have to feel unsafe because you selfish bastages want a dew..nor should my wife have to worry about some applejuice (but is it really?) swilling toddler blowing us up either..check your bags!
  12. Hairy Larry

    Liquid Bombing Plot-Not Feasible

    phagoots..just check you're bags..stop whining..
  13. Hairy Larry

    Anybody still having lingering effects...

    focking alias..
  14. Hairy Larry

    Birth control

    a low sperm count..will let you do thta..i'm so potent..i can get a woman pregnant with a look.
  15. Hairy Larry

    anyone see Snakes on a plane?

    it was pretty good..could of used more snakes..that balck guy was annoying..less of him and more action would have been good.
  16. Hairy Larry

    Anybody still having lingering effects...

    you should quit maan..it'll kill ya for sure..maybe not today..mabe not tomorrow..butt hte smorkes will do you in eventually.
  17. Hairy Larry

    Anybody still having lingering effects...

    not really.
  18. Hairy Larry

    Bush broke the law

    damn straight..your either with George Bush..or your with the terrorists.
  19. Hairy Larry

    More frothing at the mouth stupidity by Bush supporters

    focking psychos..wtf?
  20. Hairy Larry

    Have you ever measured your schlong?

    Hate to say it, but mine is about 3 inches........... all the way down.