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Everything posted by dalie

  1. dalie

    What were the better picks?

    I like team 1 better, it seems to have more solid depth all around. Less big ??
  2. dalie

    round 9, pick 4. Bulger, Culpepper?

    Of the 2 i would go with Bulger to give you a lttle more consistancy w/ having Eli for the high risk/high reward QB. I'm guessing Delhomme is gone, if not I like him for same reason as Bulger but not as injury risk.
  3. dalie

    Rate My FIRST team please!

    For the most part you look o.k., except at RB I think you are weak. Rudi is a good RB1 but after that you are weak unless DD stays healthy - but that doesn't seem too likely at this piont IMO. T Jones is a RBBC back who will lose alot to Benson possibly and Addai is the same with Rhodes in Indy. I would pick up Chester Taylor to cover DD and drop a low WR (Porter or Clayton?), I would also pick up Bulger over Green, with Holt and the other WR's in STL I can't believe he wasn't drafted. What do you start, if you start 2 WR's your money with Smith, Chambers and Driver, I would start them in this order personally.
  4. dalie

    Which QB for QB2?

  5. dalie

    Which QB for QB2?

    Would Brees, Kitna, Rivers or Carr be a better QB2? I have Delhomme if that matters?
  6. dalie

    Help me make my first pick. Pick #4

    In a keeper, esp. a first year, I would not draft Tiki, he is 'old' and coould be done in a year or two. I would build around a young RB stud like Brown or Jackson.
  7. dalie

    Weird Draft So Far

    swirvenirvin.....get yourself and your brother Koren out of the bar so you don't go swirven home again tonight and also put away your can of jackass so you can have a chance at answering posts real AND helpfull replys. I fyou don't like a post don't reply, so as mama used to say "PLAY NICE!" As for the post.... It looks pretty good just make sure to get a WR or a good TE next if you can.
  8. dalie

    Rate This Team

    Your pretty sure it is not a "D" or "F" huh? Well I would give it a "B" to "B-" due to RB depth, you're in trouble if Rudi &/or Caddy gets hurt before Westbrook hurt or Addia gets hot and gets the bulk of the carries, and hope that 'peppers knee holds out.
  9. dalie

    Make your pick

    BUSH all the way in a dynasty, Johnson is better this year but Bush is a must have down the line. Johnson = better shot at this year. Bush = for this year but should help with a finish in years to come.
  10. dalie

    Another trade help

    You could try your counter offer. I like G. Jones more than T. Jones, so if you can get Hasselback and keep "G" would be great for you.
  11. dalie

    Help me pick my keeper

    If you don't lose a pick, some leagues you lose a pick based on where they were drafted last year or where they are projected this year, I would keep Brady, he is the 2nd best rated QB. WR/RB you could do better in the draft (depending on who keeps who and where you draft)
  12. dalie

    Help me pick my keeper

    What pick do you have and how many teams? What pick, if any, do you lose?
  13. dalie

    Help me pick my #1 & #2 receivers!

    A couple others not on the list could be Roy Williams and Donald Driver. I would prob go Williams and Plax/ Ward/ or Driver
  14. dalie

    TE battle: Gonzo, Heap, others

    My order: 1) Heap 2) Cooley 3) Witten
  15. dalie

    My 8th and Final Keeper

    Jax Def.
  16. dalie

    who's the next best WR?

    AAAAh yes! I forgot about Packers (I really DON'T like them as a whole so I tend to blank them out) But yes he could be a good one as well.
  17. dalie

    Lets talk #1 overall...

    My league went: 1) Tomlinson 2) Johnson 3) Alexander (mine) I would have actually liked LT, he can score all 3 ways you can on offense (pass, catch, and run) so with that and Gates defenses can't stack the line too much. The nice thing with #3 was that I didn't have to think on who to take, just take who fell to me. Of SA and LJ i would take SA. SEA has a deeper line and from what I've heard losing Hutch is not as bad as losing Roaf (Richardson)
  18. dalie

    Help with the 7th Spot

    Of Edge and Jordan I would take Jordan. S Jax and Brown is a tough one if they are both around as well, you can't go wrong with either. Good luck
  19. dalie

    who's the next best WR?

    Of the players NOT on your list, like you asked, I would look at D Jackson (I don't know his status) or Burleson for SEA., or maybe Stallworth of N.O., with Brees there he should go up...oh, I forgot about Horn in N.O. (Brees as well) or maybe Branch. Also with K. Robinson's issues Troy Williamson (MN) could be a good sleeper (but you could probably get him in a later round I could imagine.)
  20. dalie

    rate my keepers

    Who are we rating against, who are you NOT keeping? If you are passing on Peyton, SA, LT and LJ I would rate it BAD! If you are passing on Navaare , Faison, K Robinson ( I fhe doesn't play) and Dane Looker I would rate it GOOD!
  21. dalie

    QB question

    I currently have A Brooks at QB (along with Hasselback), should I keep him or get one of the following off waivers? Brees, Brunell or Kitna?
  22. dalie

    Trade help

    Don't trade, drop brook for Jones