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Everything posted by Mark_it_8_Dude

  1. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Curtis or Engram

    I think I would go with Engram as well. With Branch out he is the best receiving option in Seattle and the Rams defense is not so good.
  2. Mark_it_8_Dude

    WRs pick 2

    Just thought I'd bump to see if anyone else would like to voice an opinion.
  3. Mark_it_8_Dude

    WR Help

    Welker for sure.
  4. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Which two Rb's to start?

    If Maroney is definitely out then Faulk might be a good start. If Maroney is back Faulk is probably back to 1 or 2 series with work on third downs. You'll have to monitor the inactives on Sunday to know if Faulk is a good start. For that reason I would consider just going with Jacobs.
  5. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Qucik RB help

    Benson is probably the safer pick, but if you feel like "rolling the bones" Graham may put up decent numbers against the Detroit defense. I don't think Bennett will get a lot of work this week seeing how he has only been with the team a few days.
  6. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Michael Bennett for Brandon Jacobs?

    Sorry I thought the trade was going the other way... I'd do it for the reason stated above.
  7. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Pullign my hair out over these decisions.

    I'd go with Jones and Marshall.
  8. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Trade Help! Will Answer Yours

    I'm not sure that the upgrade at QB is sufficient to justify the trade. Kitna is always playing from behind and slinging the ball all over the place. I think I might hold onto the RBs and use Kitna. IMHO.
  9. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Michael Bennett for Brandon Jacobs?

    I'd say no. Hard to tell what Bennett's role in TB is going to be. Jacobs is the best RB that the Giants have regardless of what people like to refer to as his "softness".
  10. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Will Eli continue to remain a strong play?

    Unlike last year most of Eli's supporting cast is in pretty good shape. Having Toomer out last year really hurt Eli's numbers, with him back Eli has more options. The running game has been decent even though they have been banged up the Giants have managed to get production there and avoid the third and forevers that lead to turnovers last year. Keeping a managable down and distance keeps the defense honest and gives the offense more of a chance to work within the playbook. Plax has been great and Shockey is good as a hot read. I think Eli will be fine down the stretch, but what do I know?
  11. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    Maybe this is why he is getting hurt.
  12. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    Time will tell, it's not like he is deep into his career... or maybe he is... who knows?
  13. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    If I am his dad, you must be his ex-wife... how's that for an analogy.
  14. I dropped him last week and he is so deep on the FA wide receiver list that you have to go two or three pages deep to find him. I may be wrong, but I suspect he will still be there after the bye week.
  15. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    I give up... obviously I am if I expect you to get my point, but I am not here to get drawn into a pissing match. If you think he's possy drop him already, I'm sure someone in your league will want him... while you're at it drop SJax, Maroney, Westbrook, and the mirad of other "possy" running backs unfortunate enough to get themselves injured this year. Lord knows the 12 to 14 games a year that they score 20+ points a game aren't worth the 2-4 weeks that they are out.
  16. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    It's really not an analogy at all, I'm not compairing anything to anthing for the purpose of drawing a conclusion, merely stating a fact. If you subject your body to a pounding you are going to get hurt. I'm not trying to suggest that anyone can just walk onto an NFL team, my emphasis is that the human body can only take so much. dreadlocks said it himself, "if you are among the .000000001 percent of the population who gets the opportunity to play in the NFL that toughness is something that is going to be in your makeup.", hence not possy, but that's just like my opinion man. If you want to say it's all relative, then maybe there is a point to be made that Jacobs has been hurt with more frequency than some of his fellow running backs, and that is fair enough, but to call him a possy... I think not, but like I said that's just like my opinion man.
  17. Mark_it_8_Dude

    NFL fines...

    He buys drinks for all his homies...
  18. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    Whatever... I 'm just trying to point out that these guys are human, as are all of us. I think if you could experience first hand the beating they take you would not call them possy... makes perfect sense to me, but sorry if you missed my point.
  19. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Vincent Jackson! Buy NOW

    Yeah I just hit the wire to get Chambers, he got dumped there last week. I don't know if either of them will be a real solid play, but if one of them starts to step it up, you have got your bases covered.
  20. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs is soft

    You guys who talk about these professional athletes as soft or possy... I'd like to see you carry the ball once in a reall game. Maybe if you experienced first hand the beating these guys take you'd be less inclined to say they're made of vagina. IMHO. If you get hurt you owe it to your teammates to get yourself off the field. After that it is up to the coaches and training staff to decide when you go back in. I am a Jacobs owner too, as well as Steven Jackson, and Laurence Maroney, so I can understand the frustration, however, I realize that these guys are only human, and the human body can only stand so much abuse, no matter how strong and well conditioned you may be. Some guys maybe know how to protect themselves better, and some may just be lucky, but if you continue to expose your body to a beating, eventually you will get hurt. I admire these guys for having the fortitude to try and play through injuries, but there comes a point where it is in your, and the teams best interest, to sit out a play or two or even a game or two. Be patient if you have watched every carry he has had you can see the potential for big games. I think your patience will be rewarded. - Dude
  21. Mark_it_8_Dude

    New nickname born tonight!

    I totally feel your pain dude... I was up by one point with Jacobs and Manning. The guy I was playing had the Giants defense and Derrick Ward... who gets the last TD? Ward of course. Lost by two points, but oh focking well... The Giants kicked the Falcons a$$, and now at 4-2 are only one game back of the Cowboys, to me that is what really matters. It's funny how the ESPN guys were so quick to give up on the Giants, saying that by the end of October the East would be a three team race with the Cowboys, Eagles and Redskins, battling for the division title.
  22. Mark_it_8_Dude

    New nickname born tonight!

    Yeah he's a possy alright... you sit on your couch and call him a poss to the other geeks on the board. Have you ever played football or any other contact sport? This guy has 250+ pound guys trying to take him out on every play. As a Jacobs owner I wish he would play every down, but this is a team game, and guys do get hurt. I think Droughns is probably the least broken down at this point, but Ward and Jacobs are still playing even though they both aren't 100%. I'd say that is tough and not possy at all. IMHO. Call him Broken if you like, averaging 6.6 yards a carry in this game, the 4-2 Giants call him Money. It's not like he is the only running back in the NFL that gets dinged up. Broken Westbrook Broken Jackson Broken Maroney Broken Lewis Broken Green Broken Taylor Broken Taylor II Broken Johnson Broken Pittman Broken Jordan Broken Alexander Just to name a few... seeing any kind of trend here?
  23. Unless you drafted Lee Evans. Don't ever draft Lee Evans!
  24. Mark_it_8_Dude

    NYG and OAK backfield situtations

    There is a reason Jacobs won the starting job in camp, and there is a reason why the Giants picked him to take Tiki's job when he retired, so I think it is more than just an opinion that he has strength to pound the ball and speed to get around the corner. He really has only played two games as the featured back, so time will tell if it holds true. As a Giants fan I think it is great that they have two quality running backs that can move the chains and take pressure of off Eli. If that means Jacobs fantasy stats suffer a little I can live with that. Go G-Men!