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Everything posted by Mark_it_8_Dude

  1. Mark_it_8_Dude

    I Love Seeing TO Fail

    I agree on the 2 point conversion call... should have been a penalty. The play down the sidelines I do not beleive that he would have gotten the second foot in, but that is just like my opinion man. I think that was the right call. The delay of game could have gone either way. He didn't really spike the ball, however, I think the fact that he threw it at least 10 to 15 yards the opposite direction of the official and the official had to go retrieve it was what lead to the delay call. I really hate me some Owens, but he has been much less of a clown this year... maybe he is growing up a little. Let's see him struggle in a game like last night and then lose, in a game of more significance, then maybe will see the TO temper tantrum that we all know he is capable of.
  2. Mark_it_8_Dude

    NYG and OAK backfield situtations

    Go Jacobs! The guy I play this week dropped Jacobs for Ward after Week 1. I snatched him up and now hope to beat him with his own discarded player... sweet justice!
  3. Mark_it_8_Dude

    This Year's Addition to Most Annoying "Sports-isms" is...

    Here is one from hockey... I hate it when Mike Emrick says, "Shovel shot!"... There are no shovels in hockey and thus no shovel shots!
  4. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Lee Evans

    I watched the game last night and it seemed Edwards would look his way, but if he was covered, which he almost always was, Trent would look to dump the ball of to Lynch or Parrish underneath. Much better than taking the sack or tossing an INT, but not good for Evans' production. Trent has only been the starter for a week and he looked pretty good I think. Once he is more comfortable with the offense, and if he can get some time to throw, he will be looking to get the ball deep on occasion and that's when Evans will get his. That said he is back on the bench for me until something changes, but I don't think I'll drop him, hoping that the Bills can get it together.
  5. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Any word on SJax?

    I tend to agree with you... He should be back with a vengence next year though (hoping).
  6. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Ok. I'm going to go ahead and say it...

    I'd agree.
  7. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Any word on SJax?

    I would expect a long recovery time. Groin injuries are tough and just when you think they are getting better, you tweek it again and you're back to square one. With Leonard playing resonably well and their season in the tank, I would expect the Rams to play it safe and not rush him back.
  8. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Anyone else BURNED?

    Yeah, he scored 25 points in our scoring system as well. Dude I was playing picked him up as a bye week filler. No way should a kicker score 25 points in Fantasy Football. Never happens in real football, and it shouldn't happen in fantasy. IMHO.
  9. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Poor Travis...so Marijuana must be addictive...

    "Mind if I do a J?" - Dude "Fockin' Ayyy"
  10. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs...

    FFToday rankings don't even show Jacobs, and Ward is listed as #4 with an injured ankle. What gives? Jacobs says he is ready to go, and Ward is gimpy. I know Ward has been good in relief, but why wouldn't the Giants play their healthy starter over an injured back-up? Seems Jacobs diserves mention in the top 50 backs this week. IMHO
  11. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Brandon Jacobs...

    I wasn't trying to be critical of their rankings... thought maybe they knew something that I didn't; like Jacobs got hit by a bus or got busted burnin' a splif with Travis Henry. I've got the groin brothers SJax and Maroney, Gore against Baltimore... and Brian Leonard, so needless to say my work's web browser has registered a few thousand hits on the injury reports the last couple of weeks... seriously though it would be nice to be able to plug Jacobs into the line-up. Good Luck to all this weekend.
  12. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Joey Harrington?

    I have Delhomme whose status is very up in the air right now. Harrington is the top Free Agent available. Dropped Lienart last week, so the only "healthy" QB I have is Eli. Week 9 (Eli's bye week) Atlanta plays San Francisco at home, which is a decent match-up I guess. Anyone else taking a shot with Joey? I guess I could hold out a little longer to see if Delhomme comes back.
  13. Mark_it_8_Dude

    S. Morris or B. Jacobs

    Being a Jacobs and Maroney owner... I'd say Jacobs, but consider the source.
  14. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Any Terry Glenn news?

    I just added Crayton this week, so you know that Terry's recovery will double it's pace now.
  15. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Welcome to Patriot Love fest...

    Good Lord... First of all the Patriots are very good, so I am not trying to dis them or their fans, but to listen to these commentators slobbing their knobs for four quarters was more than I could take. I had to turn the sound off after Jaws' third "Brady has dreamy eyes" comment. Up next week Jaws and the boys get to have the Tony Romo, "Ain't he just like Bret Favre" Love in... I am afraid I might just puke. That tears it NHL Center Ice package for me bye bye Monday Night Football!
  16. I look at my league stats and there has to be at least 25 Free agents with better stats than Lee Evans he is 125th overall, considering all of the problems in Buffalo should I dump this bum, or hope that my patience will be rewarded as the season winds down. I'm 0-3 so i cannot wait forever on this guy. Evans 19 targets 5 catches 29 yards, 1 point. TERRIBLE!
  17. Mark_it_8_Dude

    When to stand pat and when to cut bait?

    Sorry I guess I could have read the thread on Evans above. Nothing to see here move along... patience running out, but what can you do?
  18. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Stuck on Flex...leave yours

    DJax is dropping way too many balls I'd go with Branch.
  19. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Ronnie Brown, LaMont Jordan, Willis McGahee - need 2!

    Jordan and Brown
  20. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Help at Flex

    RBs Leonard Norwood Jacobs WR Evans
  21. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Need Flex Help..

    I think I would go with Curtis after his monster game last week and the suspect Giant secondary.
  22. Mark_it_8_Dude

    need 2 wr

    Marshall & Welker
  23. Mark_it_8_Dude

    Isaac Bruce guarantees a win over Dallas

    I think he is still feeling the effects of that blow to the head he took on Sunday. It would be nice if he were right, but I'm not buying it. You never know though, you just never know...
  24. Mark_it_8_Dude

    ESPN "Town Meeting" on Vick

    Yeah it's the ganster rap that did it... Let's all blame Snoop Dogg, wait wouldn't that be racist though? Maybe next Saturday on a lazy night in VA we should put Snoop up against Dog the Bounty Hunter, my money's on Dog. Focking ridiculous. Is no one responsible for their actions anymore? I listen to rap music, maybe the only 41 year old white male in Utah that does so, but I teach my kids the difference between right and wrong. I don't beat my wife. I have never shot anyone. I don't kick my dog, and I ceratainly don't make up bullsh*t excuses for my behavior. Gawd! This is getting my blood pressure up. I am outta here. - Dude
  25. Mark_it_8_Dude

    ESPN "Town Meeting" on Vick

    To condone this type of behavior is ridiculous... and to try and bring race into is totally absurd. Listen people there are laws in our society, choose to live by them or pay the price. Black or White it is the same law. Get a focking clue.