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Everything posted by preilly

  1. preilly

    Looking to Trade

    JJ and gates would be a dream for me. I lose nothing in terms of starters and get a big boost at WR. Is that a fair trade though?
  2. preilly

    Best WR play this week?

    I'd go with Robinson. Johnson and him are hooking up and he's lost confidence in Williamson. Horn is also pretty good, his numbers will pick up I think. mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  3. preilly

    Yes, a kicker question....

    Don't worry about the bye. Carney will be better going forward. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  4. preilly

    Week 5 help - which 2 RBs to start?

    Dillon is out in my books. But the other 3 are a close call. I would go will JJ and Jordan. I would worry about Addai getting all the points this week instead of Rhodes. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  5. preilly

    Matt Leinert

    Depends on you lineup. I would do it for Moss' upside. Play to win, not to not lose. But Mason will be more consistent (if not that great) http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  6. preilly

    Help with who to start as #2 RB

    I like Tiki. He should do fine against Wash. mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  7. preilly

    Trade help

    I would do that trade. Only because you're 3-1 and should get a playoff spot. Alexander and Ward will both improve going forward and help you much more in the playoffs. Use Lewis at RB until Alexander gets back. mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  8. preilly

    Warrick Dunn for Edgerrin James

    If you can do Dunn for Edge, do it! I think Edge will do better with Leinart at QB mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  9. preilly

    Real Quick Pick 2

    I agree. FWP and KJ http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240992
  10. preilly

    Commish locked down league and told everyone to F'Off

    That's really how CBS sportsline works?! That's really lame. Why would they give you access to edit the transaction report?
  11. preilly

    Commish locked down league and told everyone to F'Off

    Sounds crappy for you. What site are (were) you using? As a commish in a yahoo league, I can make retroactive changes to anyone's roster (including mine) but it will show up in the transaction list. I wouldn't play in a league with that kind of money unless I knew the commish very well.
  12. preilly

    Chester or Addai in Week 5

    Need to start 2 RBs in PPR league. I have LJ, JJ, Chester, Addai, Jones-Drew and M Bell. It basically comes down to Chester or Addai at RB#2. Chester vs DET, Addai vs Ten. DET has a tough run D but have given up big receiving weeks to A Green and SJax in the last two weeks. Addai should have an easy matchup with Ten in town but who knows if he or Rhodes will get the ball. What do you think?
  13. preilly


    How about this. This monday I was up by 1 and just had Favre to play, opponent was done. Favre went -2 and I lost. The main reason I didn't sit him was just in case there was some kind of stat correction from the other games.
  14. preilly

    Which QB for week 5?

    Manning... make a trade though! mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240621
  15. preilly

    wire help...

    I had the same choice and went with Kitna. I think he's numbers are only going to get better. Kitna has an easy schedule going forward and will get in some shootouts Also consider that Kitna has had tougher matchups so far and easier matchups going forward when compared to Losman. mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240621
  16. preilly

    Fred Taylor or Reggie Bush

    I don't think Bush is the clear cut starter as the other posts suggest. Don't forget that Taylor is getting 3 receptions a game and the Jets D is giving up 2 run TDs per game. Taylor will get 1, maybe 2. Add in a 100 yds and a couple receptions and you're looking at 25 points. I don't think Bush will get that much. mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=240621
  17. preilly

    Addai and Rhodes owners

    Interesting stat. I'm in PPR also, I had pretty much decided to sit Chester (based on the highly ranked DET run D) and go with LJ and Addai before I saw this. An 8 recpetion performance like Green had in week 3 against detroit would be nice. What about the first two weeks? Does the 21st ranking you quote include Alexander's 5 points in week 1 and T Jones 7 points in week 2 against DET?
  18. preilly

    A new approach to picking WR's next year

    I think this is the theory behind going RB-RB in the first two rounds of the draft. Production is a bit more predictable and harder to find on the WW.
  19. preilly

    yahoo loophole?

    If he wasn't using woodson in the game, then he can drop him whenever he wants. I wouldn't consider it a loophole.
  20. preilly

    No Reche Caldwell

    That's lame
  21. preilly

    is this cheating?

    You have no argument here. So in this case, for you, a loss is a loss. There's nothing wrong with the commish making a move for a player in the league with the player's consent and there's nothing wrong with anyone (including the commish) phoning or emailing a player to remind them to set their lineup. The only possible way that you have an argument is if the commish made the change completely on his own without even contacting the other manager. Unless the commish or the other manager admits that's what happened, forget it and move on.
  22. preilly

    is this cheating?

    Now you're starting to sound like a whiner. If the only way you can beat the guy is because he made a mistake and forgot to activate the players that he picked up, then you don't deserve the win anyway, forget it and start looking toward next week.
  23. preilly

    is this cheating?

    As long as the changes were made before the Monday night game started, it's totally legit. The original post is a bit confusing but all that matters he hadn't used anyone at D or K and that he picked up and activated the Phi D and the GB kicker before the game started.
  24. preilly

    Larry Johnson TRADED in my league!

    Dude, think for a second. The auction is just to draft the original teams. After that, the price you paid doesn't matter. You can't pay a million for LJ because you only have $200.
  25. preilly

    Which QB to pickup?

    We are in a similar situation. I had Bledsoe and Warner to start the year and I just dropped Warner and picked up Leinart and Kitna. I'm going with three because I really don't have confidence in any of them. If you have to go with only two QBs, I would take Kitna. But considering the low quality, I think 3 QBs is a good option.