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Everything posted by preilly

  1. preilly

    anyone having problems logging into yahoo?

    for what it's worth, it's working fine for me
  2. preilly

    Swapping players for one week, then trading back

    I'll play a bit of devil's advocate on this one: Did you object to the first trade? Is there any rules in the league specifically making it illegal? Did you object to the first trade because it was unfair? I'm betting that all the answers are no (let me know if I'm wrong). That being said, your best option is to vote with your feet. In the end, if you don't like the way the commish runs the league, and you feel strongly about this, get some other managers to get behind you and tell him that you'll walk and never play in his league again if he lets this stand. Personally, I don't see a big problem with trading back a player if there's no specific rules against it. That being said, I would never do this as the commish because I know that my view on this is in the minority and I'd lose players for next year if I pulled something like this. If your commish cares about keeping his league going (which most guys who commish do), he'll cancel the trade if you and enough other managers put the pressure on him. If I were you, I would avoid arguing about what's "fair" and simply inform him that his league will die unless he cancels the second leg of the tradeback. Next year, put in some explicit rules, it's the best way to avoid controversy.
  3. preilly

    Over/Under on stupid Theismann comments?

    Forget Theisman, I just widh someone would toss Kornwhatever out of the booth. What's the over/under on him telling us that "this is more than just a game" and "you couldn't write a better script". Not do disrespect the situation, but I think they're overdoing it.
  4. You're correct. But these Monday night annoucers are still annoying. I'll be muting it by halftime.
  5. preilly


    There's one. Go #12.
  6. preilly


    I need 20 points. PPR. 1 TD + 8 catches for 60 yards will do it.... Or 2 TDs and 3 catches for 50 yards. What do you think my chances are?
  7. preilly

    NFL Network Commercials

    Does anyone else think the NFL network commercials are going downhill? The first ones I can remember were the "It's good to be Rich" ones which were great. Since then they've had some ok ones ("Where you at 85" comes to mind). Lately, they came up with the NFL Replay commercials... horrible, and the "count down to the greatest super bowl team" spots. Tom Brady's quote: "... we just spiked the ball ... and I'm thinking ... 'this is for the world championship'" makes me want to punch him right in the face, what a useless quote. Whoever is coming up with these new spots needs to be fired.
  8. preilly

    Matt Leinart to start week 4

    Can't find anything other than speculation on this. Green said he wouldn't decide anything until tomorrow.
  9. preilly

    Matt Leinart to start week 4

    Anyone have a link for this? I have Warner and Leinart is available. I think Warner will put up better numbers than Leinart, so even if I pick up Leinart, this is bad news.
  10. preilly

    The "Madden Curse"

    So let me get this straight. If you're on the cover, you will _eventually_ either have an injury, a bad season, or you will retire... or some combination of the three. Wow. Seriously though, nice post, I'd never seen all the info together before.
  11. preilly

    I hate brady, and its not just because im from pittsburgh

    I can't stand him because of the stupid quote he gives on the NFL network commercial... "We just spiked the ball, there's 8 seconds left, and I'm thinking 'this is for the world championship'". Thanks for the inside insight Captain Obvious.... what a loser.
  12. preilly

    Saun Alexander may be out week 4

    Lighten up, he has a broken bone in his foot, not brain damage, he's going to live and he's still going to make millions, so I don't think it's necessary for us to tip toe around the issue or feel sorry for him.
  13. preilly

    Which QB to Pick Up?

    Right now my QBs are Warner and Bledsoe. Both of them have looked bad at times and both have a chance of losing their jobs this if things don’t go well. So I’m looking to pick up a third QB even though we only start one. It’s only a 10 team league and most guys only have 2 QBs, so there’s still some ok choices available: McNair Green Kitna Culpepper B Johnson What guy do you think is the best pick up?
  14. preilly

    Koren Robinson News

    Koren Robinson Promises His Next Drunk-Driving Incident Will Outdo Steve Foley's September 21, 2006 GREEN BAY, WI—Troubled Packers wide receiver/kick returner Koren Robinson reacted to news of San Diego Chargers' linebacker Steve Foley's shooting during a recent DUI arrest by promising fans that his own upcoming alcohol-fueled rampage would eclipse Foley's. "Mark my words, man, Foley's .233 blood-alcohol level don't mean nothin' to a veteran like me," said Robinson, who was recently acquired by the Packers after a drunk-driving arrest prompted his release from the Minnesota Vikings. "Now, getting shot three times is pretty good, but believe me, the way they're gonna have to bring me down? National news a week straight, believe it." Despite his guarantee, Robinson would not comment on whether he had set his sights on surpassing Lawrence Taylor's all-time carousing legacy.
  15. preilly

    Koren Robinson News

    Glad you liked it: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/53087 The reggie bush story is pretty good too: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/53083
  16. preilly

    J. Horn vs M. Colston

    I like the colston logic. I need 20 points from colston tonight (2 scores + 80 yards would do it). Do you think I have a chance?
  17. preilly

    Jennings is a FA in my league

    I agree, Ben is the guy to drop. Jennings should be a good bye week fill in. Who else is available? please have a look at mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=237363
  18. preilly

    Advice Please

    Not sure what to tell you, you've had some bad luck so far. I'm not sure if you outright drop any of those guys. If you want a backup with upside, are any of these available? Turner, Jones-Drew, D Williams, B Jacobs? Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=237363
  19. preilly

    An early Wk. 5 question

    If it's a ten team yahoo league, you're probably pretty safe to drop robinson and pick up a 3rd qb. How many defenses are you holding? Maybe you should drop one? Check out the week 5 matchups now, if you have an active league, other managers are probably already looking at matchups down the road. Brad Johnson has a nice matchup against Detroit that week and is probably available. Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=237363
  20. preilly

    I will never pay for cbssportsline again

    Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll pay the league fee next year.
  21. preilly

    I will never pay for cbssportsline again

    How do you do this? The only option I can see is the "Time players are on waivers" option which only affects how long a player is on waivers after a manager drops them. Ideally, all players would go on waivers from the time that their game starts until sometime during the week, Tuesday or Weds at noon would be good.
  22. preilly

    I will never pay for cbssportsline again

    Really? I looked all over for this in the league that I run and couldn't find anything. Do you know what option this is? Exactly, I hate that guys get rewarded for watching the game with their laptop in front of them.
  23. preilly

    I will never pay for cbssportsline again

    Yahoo lets you use individual defensive players. I assume most sites do.
  24. preilly

    Maurice Jones-Drew!

    Does anyone know if anything happened to Taylor? He dissapeared later in the game.
  25. preilly

    I will never pay for cbssportsline again

    That's too bad, I was considering switching from Yahoo to one of the others next year; mostly because I don't like how you an pick up free agents during the games on Sundays. I like the CBS system where all free agents go on waivers until Tuesday or Wednesday. That's my only serious complaint about Yahoo. It would also be nice if I could supply my own can't cut list and if they supported online auction drafts. In general, I'd say yahoo is intuitive and easy to use, I like it better than espn which is the only other one I've tried for any extended period. What are the pros/cons of your site?