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Everything posted by blagrange

  1. blagrange

    The OFFICIAL I'm starting Tebow over...

    I am going Ryan. I hope we are both happy after this morning. I am a bronco fan and would love to start Tebow. I just have a weird feeling about this game.
  2. blagrange

    The OFFICIAL I'm starting Tebow over...

    I am torn between Tebow and Ryan myself. I like the upside of Tebow but I am scared KC is going to come out ready to play this week after the embarrassing loss at home last week.
  3. blagrange

    Beanie Wells Update

    Yeah beanie screwed me last week with his great performance.
  4. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    Matthews mustn't be100%. Tolbert getting 90% of snaps in second half. Frustrating to say the least
  5. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    nice block Tolbert
  6. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    guess norv does not like 16yards in 2 plays, he put Tolbert back in.
  7. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    why ismatthews limited. he was getting good yardage in the first couple of series. I really don't get it.
  8. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    Matthews has not been on field in last 3 possessions . ###### I knew I should have stayed away from him.
  9. blagrange

    Oakland Raiders @ San Diego

    hmm Mathews hurt again or something?
  10. blagrange


    I am sure the Broncos will be adjusting their game plan weekly as well. But yeah, if Tim cant execute on the changes then it won't take long to shut him down(I hope not). When Vick played with Atlanta it took D's a while to figure him out.
  11. blagrange

    Skins, Shanahan, Torain, Beck...TERRIBLE

    Yeah, I am just going to drop torain so I am not tempted to start him again.
  12. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    You lack reading comprehension, you are obviously just a Tebow hater who is trolling overtime. No reason to discuss this with you any further.
  13. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    For someone who has no skin in the game you sure do take every opportunity to bash Tebow (as witnessed by the other Tebow bash circle jerk thread currently on the first page that you started). No one is apologizing for Tebow, the couple supporters on this board are level headed on the most part and say the same thing, let him play out the season. If he sucks then you will have a crappy record to draft a new QB. If I interpreted your wall of dribble correctly - Yeah you are probably right, we should just scrap him and put in... You see, I do have skin in the game as a life long Bronco fan and I want to see Tim finish the season, if he is as horrible as you believe that leaves our franchise in great position for another QB in the draft. If he improves and pulls out a bunch of wins for the team, then we can witness some fun football for the rest of the year. You see what the non bronco fans who want to bash Tebow do not realize, The Broncos are an aweful team going back to 6 games into the Mcdaniels era, the fans are looki for anything to keep their team exciting right now, it is hard to watch ineptitude for as long as we have and that was with Orton as well. Mcdaniels gutted this team.
  14. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    He has started 5 games so whatever. I want to see him start the rest of the year, if no improvement then time for the broncos to move on, That is the point.
  15. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    Before all the Tebow haters pile in this thread, he did play bad, but as I have stated I am not going to judge a rookie QB in his 5th start. If people want to come to this thread at the end of the year and he has not improved and say I told you so, then fine, by that point I will have given up if he does not improve. The Defense played a horrible game as well, if you expect your QB to overcome 38 points then you have to high of expectations for Tebow, not the Bronco fans. (I say 38 because Of Tebows pick) If you just care about him for fantasy points, he did not kill you this week, but he was not good. The game turned out worse than I expected, the lions D line is extremely good, I wish McCoy would have ran screens and quick passes - I agree with Lynch on the broadcast, the play calling was not designed real well to help Tebow, deep passes and draws with that dine stacking the box was pretty retarded.
  16. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    Yes, they did. Watch again.
  17. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    Then you did not watch Rivers or Matt Ryan last week. good one troll.
  18. blagrange

    Keebler Elf Challenge

    I think Axe Elf was some clever marketing campaign for this Fan duel site. As soon as people started signing up for these games, he vanished.
  19. blagrange

    Keebler Elf Challenge

    I guess I will give it one more shot.
  20. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    And Jacksonville made Matt Ryan look like a rookie last week too (it happens). I actually think Tebow will play better against Detroit since it will be his second start of the year. From the Bronco fan perspective, Tebow is fun to watch right now after suffering through some very boring football the last two years. I hope Tebow can develop and become a good to great QB - I just don't think it is fair to say he can't with the current sample size. From a Fantasy perspective: Again that was one game, look back at the last 3 games of the year last year and check out Tebows stats. Detroits pass rush is insane but their Run D is suspect. I could see some Tebow scrambles for good yardage this week. I would be even more nervous about their line if Orton was starting. Yes, what could have been for 55 minutes turned out to be a good fantasy week. High risk high reward comes to mind with Tebow, but he has yet to turn out a fantasy stinker in 4 starts (knock on wood). (Win or lose I am starting him in both leagues over Ryan-bye and even Phillip Rivers-which is shaky but Rivers has not been tearing it up this year either and KC has been bi-polar).
  21. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    Yes, I did see the Miami game along with all his other starts, I live in Denver and I am a Bronco fan. You did bring up college when you said he has been terrible for years. So my argument was you are basing it on one game, then you go on to say you are not, yet in this post you are dismissing his stats and bringing us back to the Miami game. Huh? My whole point is to give him a chance, not pretend that I am a NFL prognosticator and know he will or will not be successful. I like what I see so far with a new NFL QB. He makes plays, only time will tell if he will be a flash in the pan or if he can win in the NFL. Even if it is his lifetime stats, they look pretty damn good to me. I fully expect for him to struggle against Detroit in his 5th start, fortunately it is not the last game of the season and Tebow has shown great upside.
  22. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    Here are Tebows stats in the 41/2 games he has started. 894 passing yards, 7.5 YPA, 8 TD's/3 INT's, 85.9 passer rating, 329 rushing yards, 7 rushing TD's. His college career? Really? You mean his ridiculously successful college career. Again, what are you basing your negativity on?
  23. blagrange

    Baltimore Ravens at Jacksonville Jaguars

    Maybe Flacco can pull a Tebow tonight, nah I doubt it.
  24. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    I know you feel comfortable with your assessment, because after all, that is what the experts are saying. Unlike you I will reserve my opinion until I get a better sample size - he is 500 so far. If he sucks then the Broncos will draft another QB, but basing that off 4 games is what is idiotic.
  25. blagrange

    Tim Tebow!

    That is the thing you don't realize. The facts are not facts at this point. You are blinded by your need to be right.